[PvE] Why Condi builds dont work !
I see 2 reasons why conditions simply don’t work in PvE and the hard truth is that its not an easy issue to fix. For instance your idea of spreading the “main” condition around for different classes would work in one way but it would be very unbalanced in other ways. For instance 25 stacks of torment > 25 stacks of bleed & 25 stacks of bleed > 25s of Burn so the classes would be unbalanced in general and there would be certain “Best” condition classes.
The true Issue IMO is the actual content itself is pretty easy, PvE promotes glass play. Just do as much DPS as possible and dodge the 2 or 3 instakill boss mechanics and you will live, Kite the trash with range weapons if they give you trouble. Conditions (& tankier builds for that matter) would see a comeback if the content was a bit harder and mechanics actually punished melee for staying in melee range. (it does not now) This is hard though because if you make content too hard people ragequit and PUGs simply cant progress so Anet is in a tough sopt.
The other issue is the fact that conditions simply overwrite themselves so if i have 2k condi damage and 200% condi duration your 0 condi damage 0% duration bleed will overwrite my stacks. All we need is a priority system putt in place to calculate the effective value of a condition braced on damage and duration/duration left. Higher value conditions should overwrite lower value conditions simple as that so if you have per your example, one condu Ranger and 4 zerker Others your ranger would be able to stack all the conditions they want w/o being kitten by splash conditions from other classes.
The only negative I can see if in open world PvE on bosses/events it could be harder for someone of a lower level to rank gold as a condition spec. Overall I feel like its a tradeoff that would be worth it, after all no class does ONLY condi damage so they would still do enough damage to rank.
sry for txt wall, i may reformat this into a cohesive idea and repost. I would love to get a dev to weigh in on how they feel about current PvE state of condition builds.
after a ramp up time he should out dmg the zerker classes by far.
Can your conditions tick for 10k/sec and up? No.
I get your point. But the balance is easy to handle (IMO) Maybe bleed could be higher stacks than torment and burn could be a bit longer.
But the priority system seems like a pretty good idea i dont see many downsides this way but i could be a bit to stong if only the “strong condis” would stay on the boss.
Bleed seems to be the main Condi dmg for most classes (Except ele maybe) and i think poison and burn should be pushed in skillvariant and bleed should not be apply’d by that many skills.
Can your conditions tick for 10k/sec and up? No.
You can get your condis pretty high ! and dont forgett that everything i do while my condis do dmg i do dmg myself so yes if you are a really good condi player you outdmg every zerker after a short ramp up time.
“Higher value conditions should overwrite lower value conditions simple as that so if you have per your example, one condu Ranger and 4 zerker Others your ranger would be able to stack all the conditions they want w/o being kitten by splash conditions from other classes.”
This is the key point from your post, and I’d basically do this, but with an extra twist. When stacks are at max, what needs to happen is the stack(s) with the lowest damage should be applied immediately to the target, this applies even if the newest stack(s) is/are the ones that are doing the lowest damage (like from the Warrior in the OP) . This could be stupidly broken in PvP/WvW, so likely it should be limited only to Elite enemies and above. Basically you just remove the lowest damage stack(s), and apply the damage from it/them instantly. This way the conditions from the non ConDam specced classes are still being used but the ones that spec for conditions are still keeping their damage going just fine.
Personally I was hoping that conditions would be a good substitute for +crit damage, sure I don’t do high burst but I hit hard and put pressure on you thru conditions lingering. This would have to be balanced around getting rid of pure condition builds. I know some may not like this but as op as pure condition is in pvp and near useless as it is in pve maybe I’m not to far off base.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
What the hell.
Conditions dont work because they are DAMAGE OVER TIME.
What is so hard to comprehend about that?
What the hell.
Conditions dont work because they are DAMAGE OVER TIME.
What is so hard to comprehend about that?
Damage over time should be the go to damage vs high armor high HP targets. It should be more dps over a given amount of time then straight up direct damage. But refer to my previous post about how I think conditions should work in this game.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
All developers ignore posts with this.
Proof: Condis still suck in pve.
All developers ignore posts with this.
Proof: Condis still suck in pve.
I think it’s more of an infrastructure problem honestly the server can’t handle to many processes at a time be it higher stacks of conditions or having to process what conditions take priority damage wise. Meaning it might not he so much a not wanting to fix and more of a don’t have a way to fix issue.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!