Suggestion: Cleansing Conflagration redesign.

Suggestion: Cleansing Conflagration redesign.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

Mesmer trait Cleansing Confagration:
Torch skills remove conditions. Reduces recharge on torch skills.
Conditions Removed: 1 Recharge Reduced: 20%

Domination trait line (IX)

Change this trait to “Convert”. I am not sure if it already applies, but conver a condition when you go in stealth with The Prestige, and when you do the burning blast AoE. Also convert when you summon the iMage, and when the attack hits you and applies retaliation.

At this moment the trait feels too weak because:
- Very low condition removal
- Does not really fit the domination line since torch is mostly used in condition/survival build where it is most likely not to go in domination.

Swapping this trait with “Cleansing Inscriptions”(Chaos IX) would make more sense. Domination line has signet reducer. Also when convert is applied to this trait like I suggested, it would fit the Chaos line which has it’s focus on boons mainly (Also secondary stat next to toughness is boon duration).

What do you think?


One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

Suggestion: Cleansing Conflagration redesign.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Carighan.6758


IMO the only thing it needs is a tad more support:

  • Prestige should cleanse from friendly targets on blind/burn, assuming they’re in the respective areas.
  • Mage already cleanses on bouncing projectile (and rather needs a buff itself, though come to think of it maybe I’d be ok if he could simply hit up to 5 enemies and 5 friendlies – 10 targets total).
The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Suggestion: Cleansing Conflagration redesign.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

IMO the only thing it needs is a tad more support:

  • Prestige should cleanse from friendly targets on blind/burn, assuming they’re in the respective areas.
  • Mage already cleanses on bouncing projectile (and rather needs a buff itself, though come to think of it maybe I’d be ok if he could simply hit up to 5 enemies and 5 friendlies – 10 targets total).

I think the idea of the prestige can work out very well thanks!
And about the mage, okay I wasn’t sure if it did cleanse when bounce attack

One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

Suggestion: Cleansing Conflagration redesign.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Xaylin.1860


At this moment the trait feels too weak because:
- Very low condition removal
- Does not really fit the domination line since torch is mostly used in condition/survival build where it is most likely not to go in domination.

I personally feel that the trait is fine as it is. But it indeed does not fit into the Domination line that well. However, I would prefer it being moved into Illusions at the Adept Level. This way you could have synergies with either Master of Misdirection (Confusion), Blinding Befuddlement (Blind) or Illusionary Elasticity (iMage) when investing 20 points.

Generally, I think that the Torch skills are the issue, not Cleansing Conflagration. Prestige is great for the Stealth and the Blind. The blast finisher is totally screwed up though and got to be fixed. The iMage needs a buff or redesign for sure. It is way too weak.

Suggestion: Cleansing Conflagration redesign.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

Hmm i feel that there are many different suggestions about it, but one thing is clear: It has to be changed.
Any1 knows if ANET is working on this?

One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

Suggestion: Cleansing Conflagration redesign.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Xaylin.1860


I would be suprised since it is a quite frequently used trait.

(edited by Xaylin.1860)

Suggestion: Cleansing Conflagration redesign.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Wisler.9485


I honestly don’t think the position of this trait needs to be changed. Most Mesmers who use this trait run a condition build and take 10 points in Domination (Crippling Dissipation) anyway. The power gained helps a little with the damage, but the 20% condition duration is the main reason why this trait is so popular (plus of course the cd reduction).

The condition cleanse for iMage is also fine since it cleanses with its bouncing attack. The only thing that needs to change is the cleanse in combination with The Prestige because 1 condition removed every 24 seconds is lackluster. I personally like the suggestion for an aoe cleanse.

Suggestion: Cleansing Conflagration redesign.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Xaylin.1860


I honestly don’t think the position of this trait needs to be changed. Most Mesmers who use this trait run a condition build and take 10 points in Domination (Crippling Dissipation) anyway. The power gained helps a little with the damage, but the 20% condition duration is the main reason why this trait is so popular (plus of course the cd reduction).

People who run a condition build might indeed like the condition duration. However, it is not linked to the trait. Most people pick Cleansing Conflagration for the CD reduction (e.g. more stealth) and for condition cleanses in PU builds not for the condition duration. The only alternative would be Menders Purity which however doesn’t grant extra stealth. As a result, they will pick Crippling Dissipation because it is the only beneficial trait for condition Mesmers at the Adept level. I doubt it is the other way around.

The condition duration itself is too low for most conditions Mesmers can cause because their innate durations are too short (the exceptions being Sc#2, Sc#3 and Phantasm bleeds). That makes the condition duration rather unimportant in PvP. The Torch won’t benefit from the additional duration at all. In WvW you are better of with food.

In contrast to Domination, the condition damage in Illusions would always benefit a condition Mesmer regardless if he has access to duration food or not. It also would finally give the duration damage in Illusions some meaning. It’s pointless right now.

A topic which is related to this: Malicious Sorcery. It doesn’t make any sense being in Inspiration in its current state. It should either be changed to be more support focussed or moved to the Domination Master tier (e.g. condition duration for Sc#2 and #3) or to Illusions if Cleansing Conflagration is not move. There literally is no weapon which enbodies Illusions better than Scepter.

The condition cleanse for iMage is also fine since it cleanses with its bouncing attack. The only thing that needs to change is the cleanse in combination with The Prestige because 1 condition removed every 24 seconds is lackluster. I personally like the suggestion for an aoe cleanse.

The cleanse on bounce is fine although a bit redundant when looking at the Disenchanter. I wonder if they fixed the bug with reflection. However, the iMage itself is crap.