I wanted to discuss usefulness and reason behind some of thief traits and them in general.
So out of 60 major and 15 minor traits we got:
- 6 major and 2 minor traits that modify effect of stealing
- 8 major and 2 minor traits giving bonuses upon entering stealth and being in it
- 4 major and 1 minor traits applying stealth
- 6 major and 3 minor traits focusing on initative control
Now let’s take a look at traits modyfing utility skills.
We have:
- 5 venom traits
- 2 signet traits
- 2 traps traits
- 1 deception trait (only cooldon reduction)
- 1 trick trait (only cooldon reduction)
- and improvisation trait that refreshes one category of skills upon steal use.
When it comes to weapons
- 3 pistol traits
- 2 dual skills traits
- 1 dagger trait
- 1 shortbow and harpoon gun trait
- 0 sword trait
- 0 spear trait
- 2 major and 4 minor traits that increase our damage when certain conditions are met, but work with every weapon.
Now let me talk about some trait changes i would love to see.
Deadly Arts
- I – Back Fighting – Does anyone use that trait? When i play i try to stay alive as long as possible, not to fight in downed mode.
- II – Corrosive trait – Is that trait really that powerful that it can’t be a single trait with Master Trapper?
- V – Potent Poison – There are so many conditions out there. Do we seriosly need 50% more duration on poison? It’s easy enough to have 100% uptime by using steal and d/x
autoattacks on target. From pvp point of view, i would prefer it to be changed to bleeding, torment or even blindness. - VII – Improvisation – It doesnt happen too often that i have skill from every category as i just like to trait into skills i have (like most of players probbably). Second part is useful for Fiery Greatsword though.
- VIII – Quick Venoms – is it another trait that overpowered that it needs to be alone there? Every other class has some bonus to skill category for taking cd reduction trait for it, we don’t.
- IX – Dagger Training – 5% damage increse… People take it only because this trait lane lacks any other usefuls skills – also only trait that improves dagger use
- X – Dual Training – ok, dual skills are good, i like the idea of changing skills depending on weapon combination we have, but trait that increases damage by amazing 5% of single skill? As previous one taken only because of lack of useful traits.
Critical Strikes - V – Pistol Mastery – 10% is better than that 5% we have up there, but still, have to take more traits to have some additional effect.
- VIII – Signet Use – it was good when our initative regen was 7,5 per 10 and it gave us 2 initative. Which meant that if we used all 4 signets avaible to our class we would get more initative than we normally got in 10 seconds. Now It gives us 4 initative out of 10 we regen during 10 seconds. From over 100% to 40% that’s really a huge nerf. Best idea would be deleting that initative regen thingy and merging it with Signets of Power, even if it meant lowering might stacks gained.
- IX – Combo Critical Chance – check dual training. Only difference is that here we have more useful traits to take.
Shadow Arts - I – Master of Deception – 20% cooldown reduction without any bonus effect…
- II – Slowed Pulse – works only on bleeding
- VII – Power Shots – another amazing 5% damage increase, you so witty
- X – Patience- "No initiative is gained upon entering stealth. The user must maintain stealth for 3 seconds before they will see benefits from this trait. " Quote, from wiki.
Soo, i understand that real patience is needed to benefit of this trait that gives us amazing one point of initative.
Acrobatics - V – Master Trapper – again, 20% cooldown reduction, wrote about it in deadly arts II
- IX – Quick Recover – 1 initative per 10 seconds. Thank you i’ll pass.
- X – Hard to Catch – Too unreliable and can put us in even worse situation.
- XI – Assasin’s reward – The fact it relies on initative doesnt mean it has anything to do with initiative management. Grandmaster traits should be more connected with topic of trait lane. Place it in shadow arts to make thieves benefit more of it.
Trickery - V – Thrill of the Crime – We get swiftness, fury and one stack of might? Deleting that one stack of might and extending fury and swiftness duartion would be nice.
- VIII – Trickster – and again, 20% cd with no bonus effect
- XI – Hastened Replenishment – move it to acrobatics instead of Assasin’s Reward