[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

the -15% damage nerf is totally uncalled for.


Arcing Shot (Longbow 3) – hit too hard, reduced damage by 15%.

reduce the damage by 15% but reduce the recharge time as well.
make the default recharge time 8 seconds instead of 10 seconds.

also make the activation time 0.50 seconds instead of 0.75 seconds.
the projectile speed is fine.

this will help balance the skill somewhat instead of the totally uncalled for damage reduction nerf.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: tom.7468


In the meanwhile cluster bomb hit too hard but is also spammable.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Criminal.5627


In the meanwhile cluster bomb hit too hard but is also spammable.

in the mean time ranger rapid fire does 5-7k with a full zerker set up and LRS does 1.2-2.2k crits… I don’t get why other professions complain about power builds as much, necro power builds are in the same realm as ranger power builds. remember they are just bringing you guys to the effectiveness of other professions, if you don’t want to be nerfed vouch for other professions to be buffed so they don’t have to “tune you down” to our level leaving condition builds as meta in pvp.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: jportell.2197


I’m sorry but I have been hit for 6k from arcing arrow by a CONDITION warrior… Meaning no power bonuses at all not too mention its a double freaking blast finisher… That my friends is yet another thing warriors have that noone else can get.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

I’m sorry but I have been hit for 6k from arcing arrow by a CONDITION warrior… Meaning no power bonuses at all not too mention its a double freaking blast finisher… That my friends is yet another thing warriors have that noone else can get.

the arcing arrow’s projectile speed is very slow.

it is only fair to reduce the recharge time and reduce the activation time if the damage is to be reduced.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Nike.2631


Sure, that would be fair if what it does now was considered balanced.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I’m sorry but I have been hit for 6k from arcing arrow by a CONDITION warrior… Meaning no power bonuses at all not too mention its a double freaking blast finisher… That my friends is yet another thing warriors have that noone else can get.

If you got hit for 6k then clearly it wasn’t a pure condition warrior. Both sword and longbow are hybrid weapons that can go both condi and direct damage.

not too mention its a double freaking blast finisher… That my friends is yet another thing warriors have that noone else can get.

It’s a….. what now?

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: jportell.2197


I’m sorry but I have been hit for 6k from arcing arrow by a CONDITION warrior… Meaning no power bonuses at all not too mention its a double freaking blast finisher… That my friends is yet another thing warriors have that noone else can get.

If you got hit for 6k then clearly it wasn’t a pure condition warrior. Both sword and longbow are hybrid weapons that can go both condi and direct damage.

not too mention its a double freaking blast finisher… That my friends is yet another thing warriors have that noone else can get.

It’s a….. what now?

Arcing arrow when blasted in a fire field gives me 6 stacks of might not 3… something no other blast finisher does

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Tim.6450


Arcing arrow when blasted in a fire field gives me 6 stacks of might not 3… something no other blast finisher does

It’s a big that probably will be fixed , a similar bug occured with putrid mark.


[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Dagins.5163


the arcing arrow’s projectile speed is very slow.

it is only fair to reduce the recharge time and reduce the activation time if the damage is to be reduced.

The game is not supposed to be ,,fair", but balanced.

Signed, level 1 alt

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Rednik.3809


I’m sorry but I have been hit for 6k from arcing arrow by a CONDITION warrior… Meaning no power bonuses at all not too mention its a double freaking blast finisher… That my friends is yet another thing warriors have that noone else can get.

Wat? Here is crit from condition build, and I even buff myself with 11 might before testing.
And Arcing Arrow is single blast finisher, not double.


Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I think the concept of a nerf is alien to the OP.

Not surprised seeing as you play a Warrior, but let me explain. The purpose is to make something weaker.
So that Arcing Arrow is going to be weaker is actually the intented effect.

Might take a bit of getting used to the idea if you’re a Warrior.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Arcing arrow when blasted in a fire field gives me 6 stacks of might not 3… something no other blast finisher does

I gave you the benefit of doubt and went out and tested this both in and out of combat in both PvE and PvP and it clearly does not. Having used longbow for great periods of time in PvE as well I’m really certain that it hasn’t done this for any long period of time before it being fixed anyway.

It’s not good to be misinformed.

I think the concept of a nerf is alien to the OP.

Not surprised seeing as you play a Warrior, but let me explain. The purpose is to make something weaker.
So that Arcing Arrow is going to be weaker is actually the intented effect.

Might take a bit of getting used to the idea if you’re a Warrior.

I think the issue OP has is not that Warrior is being nerfed, it’s that the wrong thing is being nerfed and it’s uncalled for. There are a lot of ways to nerf the very specific Ham/Bow build that don’t affect everything else, such as:

Longbow burst skill, Combustive Shot, now fails to proc and expend Adrenaline when used under the Blind condition. Also, the radius in which it fails to proc when casted on top of a blocking or invulnerable target has been increased.
- This standardizes all of the Warrior burst skills to be have the same weakness: being hard to utilize Cleansing Ire when fighting a class with blinds and blocks/aegis. They are aware that this is a problem for Warriors and have even implemented a Trait that deals with it (somewhat). This change will significantly reduce Longbow in general, but also Hambow’s, ability to cleanse conditions extremely well with longbow burst.

Hammer burst skill, Earthshaker, now is only a blast finisher at maximum Adrenaline.
-This significantly reduces the might stacking ability of hambow; the Trait Burst Mastery they usually run allows the build to retain 1 bar of adrenaline after using Combustive Shot, just enough to blast right into the fire field for 3 stacks of might. On the other hand, this nerf does not significantly affect other builds that run Hammer for the control/damage aspect of it and don’t happen to always have a field up for them to want to blast finisher it.

Oh and also not really specific to Hambow but I feel would contribute better to good balance in general:

Healing Signet has been nerfed out of orbit.
Who thought completely passive healing skills were a good thing? I think every healing skill should be interruptable. I’m also looking at you, Withdraw.

Cleansing Ire reduced down to cleansing 2 Conditions at max adrenaline, 1 condition at 2 bars, and 0 conditions at 1 bar. A bunch of other Condition cleanse options for Warrior have been improved – Mending prioritizes cleansing damaging conditions, Shake it Off now cleanses 2 conditions.
This trait is just way too good and completely pigeonholes warrior into 20 points in Defense. On top of the all-but-obligatory 15 points into Discipline that is a lot of pigeonholing.

(edited by Jzaku.9765)

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


^ that + the pin down nerf would be enough to balance hambow.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I think the issue OP has is not that Warrior is being nerfed, it’s that the wrong thing is being nerfed and it’s uncalled for.

Thats not what the OP is saying. He is saying that Arcing Shot should get buffed to compensate for the nerf. Which defeats the entire purpose of a nerf.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Flumek.9043


also make the activation time 0.50 seconds instead of 0.75 seconds.
the projectile speed is fine.

LOL the skill is practiacaly undodgeable at close range / normal node size. Realy, put all the stun and immobilize aside, you cant dodge it by red-circle as it is already too late then.


PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU) http://muffinspvp.shivtr.com/

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


I find it strange that all nerfing in this game is being done based on the strength of a skill in 1 area of the game (in this case, pvp point fights). In ALL other aspects of the game, arcing arrow is completely underpowered.

The merciless hammer nerf is also ridiculous for this very reason. Anet failed to realize the kittenstorm they brought upon themselves with their class design, and now they opt to kill specs in other areas, just to make it ‘balanced’ in 1 area, namely pvp.

When will we finally see a split in pvp/pve/wvw nerfs?

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Doctor Orderly MD PhD DDS.7625

Doctor Orderly MD PhD DDS.7625

Instead of damage nerf I think it would be way better, as has been suggested, to give arcing arrow a minimum range. Say 300 minimum, so the slow speed balances the high high damage.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

arcing arrow is balanced, the damage nerf is not necessary.

also, the proposed minimum range is ridiculous.
if you get too near a warrior, you deserve to eat up whatever close ranged attacks they have up their sleeves.

since the overall damage is reduced by 15%
to balance it up,
reduce the recharge time (make it 8 seconds down from 10 seconds)
reduce activation time (make it 0.50 seconds down from 0.75 seconds)

this skill is balanced from the start, never overpowered, the damage nerf is uncalled for and serves no justice at all.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


the -15% damage nerf is totally uncalled for.


Arcing Shot (Longbow 3) – hit too hard, reduced damage by 15%.

reduce the damage by 15% but reduce the recharge time as well.
make the default recharge time 8 seconds instead of 10 seconds.

also make the activation time 0.50 seconds instead of 0.75 seconds.
the projectile speed is fine.

this will help balance the skill somewhat instead of the totally uncalled for damage reduction nerf.

  • A Warrior is not a Ranger*

A warrior should not replace a ranger

No class should not replace the ranger class

Just something extra: i just don’t get it in this game, how does non ranger classes gets the best out of bows to begin with than a ranger class?

Thieves bows, warriors bows?

You serious!!

Totally ridiculous! You will Never see this or find this in other mmo’s, well beside guild wars 2

Warriors already have a range weapon: rifle, seriously, how did they end up getting bows to begin with?

This is the reason why we rangers don’t feel belonged to and run to other mmo’s who embraces our uniqueness.

In fact if i were the balance team/Arena.net, i would indefinably remove bows from warriors.

So whatever is happening within Arena.net shouldn’t be stopped.

My vision for bows is for ranger class only.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


Here’s me thinking arching arrow was rubbish (it is btw)…I only push it when everything else is on cooldown…

I would actually go further, I would remove every kind of bow from the game, Anet hates them, all they ever do is nerf them (only 1 exception Ranger Longbow).

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

the -15% damage nerf is totally uncalled for.


Arcing Shot (Longbow 3) – hit too hard, reduced damage by 15%.

reduce the damage by 15% but reduce the recharge time as well.
make the default recharge time 8 seconds instead of 10 seconds.

also make the activation time 0.50 seconds instead of 0.75 seconds.
the projectile speed is fine.

this will help balance the skill somewhat instead of the totally uncalled for damage reduction nerf.

  • A Warrior is not a Ranger*

A warrior should not replace a ranger

No class should not replace a ranger

Just something extra: i just don’t get it in this game, how does non ranger classes gets the best out of bows to begin with than a ranger class?

Thieves bows, warriors bows?

You serious!!

Totally ridiculous! You will Never see this or find this in other mmo’s, well beside guild wars 2

Warriors already have a range weapon: rifle, seriously, how did they end up getting bows to begin with?

In fact if i were the balance team/Arena.net, i would indefinably remove bows from warriors.

So whatever is happening within Arena.net shouldn’t be stopped.

My vision for bows is for ranger class only.

your argument is invalid as warriors are proficient in almost all martial weapons save a few puny ones.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: silentnight warrior.2714

silentnight warrior.2714

I believe the devs know that warriors need the sustain they have (lack of ways to have active sustain), but they feel that a bunker warrior does to much damage with that skill.
My biggest problem with that nerf is the damage i will do with my full zerker warrior with no sustain at all. After all the nerfs will i still do enough damage to kill? Dont forget that a full zerker warrior does not have the sustain that a full zerker thief or full zerker mesmer have and they still do bigger damage.

I’m also worried because without sustain i could use pin down when i predict a very powerfull move im my direction. Now that wont be possible anymore. Warrior will be even more limited against good players.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

  • A Warrior is not a Ranger*

A warrior should not replace a ranger

My vision for bows is for ranger class only.

your argument is invalid as warriors are proficient in almost all martial weapons save a few puny ones.

No, it just means that they can use all weapons. What’s the deal of a class who can use almost al weapons and being the best in using them? It would be simply stupid.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

I believe the devs know that warriors need the sustain they have (lack of ways to have active sustain), but they feel that a bunker warrior does to much damage with that skill.
My biggest problem with that nerf is the damage i will do with my full zerker warrior with no sustain at all. After all the nerfs will i still do enough damage to kill? Dont forget that a full zerker warrior does not have the sustain that a full zerker thief or full zerker mesmer have and they still do bigger damage.

I’m also worried because without sustain i could use pin down when i predict a very powerfull move im my direction. Now that wont be possible anymore. Warrior will be even more limited against good players.

So warriors are non-sustainable… Did you ever tried the new heal in a zerg fight? It’s hilarious.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: silentnight warrior.2714

silentnight warrior.2714

I believe the devs know that warriors need the sustain they have (lack of ways to have active sustain), but they feel that a bunker warrior does to much damage with that skill.
My biggest problem with that nerf is the damage i will do with my full zerker warrior with no sustain at all. After all the nerfs will i still do enough damage to kill? Dont forget that a full zerker warrior does not have the sustain that a full zerker thief or full zerker mesmer have and they still do bigger damage.

I’m also worried because without sustain i could use pin down when i predict a very powerfull move im my direction. Now that wont be possible anymore. Warrior will be even more limited against good players.

So warriors are non-sustainable… Did you ever tried the new heal in a zerg fight? It’s hilarious.

yes i tried that. Its good in a good group. In a bad group you wont last the second wave.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


  • A Warrior is not a Ranger*

A warrior should not replace a ranger

My vision for bows is for ranger class only.

your argument is invalid as warriors are proficient in almost all martial weapons save a few puny ones.

No, it just means that they can use all weapons. What’s the deal of a class who can use almost al weapons and being the best in using them? It would be simply stupid.

What would be the point of having access to the LB on Warrior if it wasn’t good? The problem lies with Ranger LB being too weak, not Warrior LB being too strong.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

  • A Warrior is not a Ranger*

A warrior should not replace a ranger

My vision for bows is for ranger class only.

your argument is invalid as warriors are proficient in almost all martial weapons save a few puny ones.

No, it just means that they can use all weapons. What’s the deal of a class who can use almost al weapons and being the best in using them? It would be simply stupid.

What would be the point of having access to the LB on Warrior if it wasn’t good? The problem lies with Ranger LB being too weak, not Warrior LB being too strong.

It does mean that you can adapt to every situation you will encounter. However, a Ranger wielding a LB would be more effective than a Warrior using LB.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


  • A Warrior is not a Ranger*

A warrior should not replace a ranger

My vision for bows is for ranger class only.

your argument is invalid as warriors are proficient in almost all martial weapons save a few puny ones.

No, it just means that they can use all weapons. What’s the deal of a class who can use almost al weapons and being the best in using them? It would be simply stupid.

What would be the point of having access to the LB on Warrior if it wasn’t good? The problem lies with Ranger LB being too weak, not Warrior LB being too strong.

It does mean that you can adapt to every situation you will encounter. However, a Ranger wielding a LB would be more effective than a Warrior using LB.

Again, nerfing longbow for the THIRD time is not the answer to Ranger LB being weak.

The nerf to Combustive Shot was given because someone on the balance team thought the hits from it gave you adrenaline…it doesn’t.

They’re giving Pin Down Nearly a second long cast time because some claimed that you couldn’t see it coming, even though it has a arrow path (circles around the arrow as it flies) that it totally different from the other skills. I even heard someone say that it looks exactly like the auto attack which is a DUAL SHOT.

At this rate Warrior is going to become an inferior Guardian, tough but can’t kill jack but in this case also unable to tank multiple enemies for a prolonged period. They’re beating Hambow to death without any care about what other specs are getting torn to shreds along with it. All these bow nerfs are hurting Sword + LB or GS + LB waaaay more than Hambow.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


I’m sorry but I have been hit for 6k from arcing arrow by a CONDITION warrior… Meaning no power bonuses at all not too mention its a double freaking blast finisher… That my friends is yet another thing warriors have that noone else can get.

Wat? Here is crit from condition build, and I even buff myself with 11 might before testing.
And Arcing Arrow is single blast finisher, not double.

Exactly, I call BS on a full condition warrior hitting a 6K Arcing Arrow. Funny in another thread he started crying about getting hit for a 5K Arcing Arrow, now the number magically changes to something higher? That means a full zerker warrior should hit a 13-14K Arcing Arrow, which would be some sort of world record because I don’t think I’ve hit for any more than a 9K Arcing Arrow and that was against an uplevel elementalist.

Let us take a calculation. Longbow has weapon strength of 920-1080. Let’s take 1080 weapon strength just to see what is the highest possible damage.

And use this damage formula, assume 25 stacks of might on a light armoured golem.

Damage done = (Weapon strength) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target’s Armor)


Damage Done = 1080 * (916 + 875) * 2.35 / 2180
Damage Done = 2,085 (non-crit)

Then let us assume 15% crit damage, and 10% extra damage from bleeding foes (a warrior with fast hands and 25 arms).

Simply multiply 2,085 by 1.10 = 2,293.5 then multiply by 1.65 to get 3,784.

Take this a step further with 25 stacks of vulnerability and you get 4,730 damage with Arcing Arrow.

So pretty much, in a situation which is as rare as all the planets in the solar system aligning, you don’t even reach 5K Arcing Arrow with a condition build against an extreme glass cannon build (2,180 armor).

Unless there is a bug within the game with Arcing Arrow (which I highly, highly doubt), the claims that were made were completely BS. That is like saying a condition thief can hit 6K backstabs. Just …. ridiculous.

And also, Arcing Arrow correctly grants 3 stacks of might on blast, not six.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Killface.1896


Warrior bow is not OP just a weapon roamers use to have small change against p/d thieves,ofc it will do lot less damage and nr5 got it 200% nerf in casting time…

Hope they buff the greatsword or somthink for warrior so that can be usfull in pvp so we can try somthink new,atm it look same meta but easyer to dodge and less damage.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: tom.7468


If you think warrior should do crappy range damage watch this to 7:00
Now i have to play professions i don’t like to do aoe damage thanks anet.
Might as well introduce holy trinity while you’re at it. Not that i miss it.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


If you think warrior should do crappy range damage watch this to 7:00
Now i have to play professions i don’t like to do aoe damage thanks anet.
Might as well introduce holy trinity while you’re at it. Not that i miss it.

>Pin down used to be the Burst skill
>Kick used to be on Longbow 4
>Combustive shot used to rain fiery hell on targets before creating the fire field

Wow beta longbow looks a lot more interesting and fun to play than what we have now.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Swagg.9236


Arcing Arrow damage is fine. Just reduce the radius to 150 and give it a minimum range of 50. Now you have to aim it.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


Warriors are mechanically too easy to stay as a top tier class.

Unless they introduce three more class skills it’ll never be balanceable for top tier play.

I’m now confident enough on guardian to deal with top 100 hambow warriors. This is not going to change for a while, because they’re balanced (guardian) around the average player who can’t chain his abilities/kite in the right fashion. Most players with half a brain can hit f1 in a fire field chain stun a helpless player then hit 2 while an opponent is incapacitated. Hambow rotations and skill application being so simple and repetitive, if you can win 20 duels you can win 200….

As for eviscerate warriors after the patch, which is by far the most nerfed build ( much more than PW/decap) let’s just say I’m glad I don’t practise them anymore…

Phaatonn, London UK

(edited by Phaeton.9582)

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


  • A Warrior is not a Ranger*

A warrior should not replace a ranger

My vision for bows is for ranger class only.

your argument is invalid as warriors are proficient in almost all martial weapons save a few puny ones.

No, it just means that they can use all weapons. What’s the deal of a class who can use almost al weapons and being the best in using them? It would be simply stupid.

Absolutely, Disagree.

Warriors are skillful fighters. To be skillful is to not being a Master or being the Best but being experienced.

So why not give warriors all the weapons and skills of all Professions than? What’s the point of having other professions in the roster to begin with? What’s the point of having warriors in ancient warfare than? what’s the point of having archers than, if warriors were the best of Everything? what’s the point of having any other players int the battlefield if warriors were the best of Everything? Where in ancient history were warriors were Gods?

Where in mmo history where warriors were a God Profession?

Oh wait! that may explain why only in guild wars 2 where Warriors are Gods…

Oh! wait! that may explain why God Mode are considered "Balanced"than…

Oh wait! that may explain why only in guild wars 2 where there are no need for any other professions skills or weaponry than….

No wonder why there are no need for other “Professions” than….

No Wonder Why There Are No Diverse, Discrepant, Dispersant, Dissimilar Equality and Fairness and Uniqueness among the other “Professions”….

That makes sense.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

The nerf is justified. Arcing Arrow can hit for insane amounts, even on tanky classes.

It get 5-6k crits with it on my Soldier Warrior. Clusterbomb reaches the same amount only if my Thief is full Berserker.

I’ve encountered Berserker Warriors with a Longbow that can nigh-instant gib you with a single Arcing Arrow. Not cool.

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: runeblade.7514


  • A Warrior is not a Ranger*

A warrior should not replace a ranger

No class should not replace the ranger class

So all classes should replace the ranger class. Okay.

Just something extra: i just don’t get it in this game, how does non ranger classes gets the best out of bows to begin with than a ranger class?

Thieves bows, warriors bows?

You serious!!

Totally ridiculous! You will Never see this or find this in other mmo’s, well beside guild wars 2

Warriors already have a range weapon: rifle, seriously, how did they end up getting bows to begin with?

This is the reason why we rangers don’t feel belonged to and run to other mmo’s who embraces our uniqueness.

In fact if i were the balance team/Arena.net, i would indefinably remove bows from warriors.

So whatever is happening within Arena.net shouldn’t be stopped.

My vision for bows is for ranger class only.

And, Rangers uses Axe and swords, weapons made for warriors. Who cares?

You want uniqueness? Then try pets, survival skills, traps and Nature spirit.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

[Warrior] Arcing Arrow

in Profession Balance

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Warrior tears taste gooooood.

The skill hit like a truck and required little investment into power. With power, it hit more like a train. Point is, warrior base values are far too high and they get well deserved hate towards it. They don’t have to invest heavily into anything to get significant results, same reason HS is getting nerfed. I don’t even need healing power to make HS more effective than mending or to some degree, healing surge.

All corresponding warrior skills have higher dmg coeficients than thief (example, eviscerate is higher than BS, war axe aa is higher than thief dagger and sword), warrior has highest health pool tier, highest armor rating tier, very long condition durations, top tier for stability access, etc. The term “easy mode” didn’t come from thin air, its class designs like this that prompted it.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

(edited by NinjaEd.3946)