(edited by Swagg.9236)
Warrior: "The Casual" (7/8)
Reserved for future posts.
(edited by Swagg.9236)
Longbow skills
[Combustive Shot]
- Level 1 radius reduced from 240 to 120.
- Level 2 radius reduced from 240 to 180.
- Level 3 radius reduced from 360 to 240.
- Damage and burning AoEs now scale properly with the radius at each respective adrenaline level.
[Arcing Arrow] (3)
- Added a minimum range: 50
[Smoldering Arrow] (4)
- Cast-time: ¾ second
- Recharge: 25 seconds
- Fire an arrow that blinds your foe. If you strike a foe that is already burning, your arrow explodes and knocks back your foe.
- Damage: 101 (0.3)
- Blind: 5 seconds
- Knock-back vs burning foes: 400
- Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
- Range: 1000
- This skill’s projectile is a standard arrow projectile placed within an orange colored Elementalist [Water Blast] projectile model.
[Pin Down] (5)
- Cast-time increased from ¼ second to ¾ seconds.
- Immobilize duration reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.
- Bleed stacks changed from 6 for 12 seconds to 5 stacks for 10 seconds.
- Added a unique casting animation.
(edited by Swagg.9236)
Greatsword skills
[Arcing Slice]
- Cast-time: ¾ second
- Recharge: 10 seconds
Leap and crash your greatsword against the ground with enough force to damage adjacent foes. Effect increases with adrenaline level. - Damage: 480 (1.3)
- Damage radius: 180
- Level 1 adrenaline: 20% more damage vs vulnerable foes.
- Level 2 adrenaline: Level 1 effect; Rip up to 2 boons from bleeding foes.
- Level 3 adrenaline: Level 1 effect; Level 2 effect; Immobilize (1 second) crippled foes.
- Range: 300
- This skill uses the Warrior [Earthshaker] attack animation.
- For each level of adrenaline, this attack gains a unique effect as well as the unique effects of any prior adrenaline levels that the player already has gained. To this effect, at level 3, [Arcing Slice] inflicts all of the effects described in the tool-tips.
[Whirlwind Attack]
- Now inflicts vulnerability (1) for 5 seconds when striking bleeding foes.
[Rush] (5)
- Damage reduced from 628 (1.7) to 554 (1.5).
- Now also inflicts bleeding (1) for 8 seconds.
(edited by Swagg.9236)
Hammer skills
- Damage radius reduced from 240 to 180.
[Fierce Blow] (2)
- Weakness duration reduced from 8 seconds to 5 seconds.
[Hammer Shock] (3)
- Crippled duration reduced from 7 seconds to 5 seconds.
(edited by Swagg.9236)
Axe off-hand skills
[Dual Strike] (4) – NAME CHANGED TO – [Axe Twist] (4)
- Cast-time: 1 second
- Recharge: 20 seconds
- Deliver a gruesome strike with your axe. This attack bleeds vulnerable foes and knocks down crippled foes.
- Damage: 314 (0.85)
- Bleeding vs vulnerable foes (5): 10 seconds
- Knock-down vs crippled foes: 2 seconds
- Range: 130
[Whirling Axe] (5)
- This skill now also reflects projectiles for 2 seconds.
- Cast-time reduced from 3¼ seconds to 2¼ seconds.
- Total number of strikes reduced from 15 to 10.
- Total damage adjusted to (10x) 1250 (2.85).
- Skill normalized between PvE and PvP.
(edited by Swagg.9236)
Mace main-hand skills
[Skull Crack]
- Level 2 stun reduced from 2 seconds to 1½ second.
- Level 3 stun reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.
[Counterblow] (2-1)
- Retaliatory attack damage reduced from 336 (2.0) to 302 (0.9).
- The retaliatory attack now also inflicts 10 stacks of vulnerability for 5 seconds.
[Adrenaline Rush] (Mace main-hand) (2-2) – NAME CHANGED TO – [Heavy Blow] (2-2)
- Cast-time: 1 second
- Smash the ground beneath you with your mace, damaging adjacent foes and launching weakened foes. Using this attack doubles Counterblow’s recharge.
- Damage: 244 (1.0)
- Damage radius: 180
- Launch vs weakened foes: 300
- This skill hits up to 5 foes.
- The player can move while activating this skill.
Mace off-hand skills
[Crushing Blow] (4)
- Cast-time: ¾ second
- Recharge: 20 seconds
- Leap and smash the target area, damaging and leaving foes vulnerable. You inflict extra damage, bleeding and more vulnerability to foes that are already disabled.
- Damage: 336 (1.0)
- Damage radius: 180
- Vulnerability (3): 10 seconds
- Damage vs disabled foes: 402 (1.2)
- Bleeding vs disabled foes (6): 10 seconds
- Vulnerability vs disabled foes (10): 10 seconds
- Range: 600
- This skill uses the Warrior [Earthshaker] attack animation.
- This skill hits up to 5 foes.
[Tremor] (5)
- Cast-time increased from ½ second to ¾ second.
(edited by Swagg.9236)
Sword main-hand skills
[Sever Artery] (1-1) – NAME CHANGED TO – [Slash] (1-1).
- No longer inflicts bleeding.
[Gash] (1-2)
- No longer inflicts bleeding.
[Hamstring] (1-3)
- Cast-time increased from ¼ second to ½ second.
- Now also inflicts 3 stacks of bleeding for 6 seconds.
Sword off-hand skills
[Impale] (4)
- Cast-time increased from ½ second to ¾ second.
[Riposte] (5-1)
- Cast-time block channel reduced from 2¼ seconds to 1½ seconds.
- Recharge reduced from 15 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Retaliatory attack bleeding stacks changed from 4 for 12 seconds to 3 for 10 seconds.
[Adrenaline Rush] (Sword off-hand) (5-2) – NAME CHANGED TO – [Quivering Blade] (5-2)
- Cast-time: ½ second
- Deliver a keen slash that unleashes piercing blade of wind. This wind blade dazes bleeding foes. Using this attack doubles Riposte’s recharge.
- Damage: 179 (0.55)
- Daze vs bleeding foes: 1 second
- Range: 300
- Piercing projectile.
- This skill uses the Guardian [Zealot’s Defense] attack animation up through the first attack frame
- For the wind blade, this skill uses a single, white colored Guardian [Zealot’s Defense] projectile.
- Movement interrupts this skill’s activation.
(edited by Swagg.9236)
Shield skills
[Shield Stance] (5-1)
- Cast-time lowered from 3 seconds to 1½ seconds.
- Block duration lowered from 3 to 2 seconds.
- Now chains into another skill upon activation: [Shield Slam].
[Shield Slam] (5-2)
- Cast-time: ¼ second
- Slam the ground with your shield and throw up a dust cloud that blinds adjacent foes.
- Damage: 134 (0.5)
- Blind: 5 seconds
- Radius: 180
- Combo Finisher: Blast
- Using this skill preemptively ends the [Shield Stance] block channel.
Healing skills
[Healing Signet] (passive)
- Healing reduced from 392 (?) to 274 (0.04)
[Healing Signet] (active)
- Healing increased from 3275 (0.5) to 4075 (0.5)
- Now grants protection and regeneration based on adrenaline level.
- Level 0 adrenaline: Protection (0 seconds); Regeneration (0 seconds)
- Level 1 adrenaline: Protection (0 seconds); Regeneration (3 seconds)
- Level 2 adrenaline: Protection (1 second); Regeneration (6 seconds)
- Level 3 adrenaline: Protection (2 seconds); Regeneration (9 seconds)
- Cast-time: 2¼ seconds
- Recharge: 20 seconds
- Focus, healing and curing a condition with each pulse.
- Healing per pulse: 1570 (1.0)
- Conditions cured per pulse: 1
- Duration: 2 seconds
- This skill pulses once every ½ second.
Healing skill numbers (base healing without modifiers)
New [Healing Signet] passive = 274hp/sec
New [Healing Signet] active at level 3 adrenaline (no trait) = 262hp/sec
New [Healing Signet] active at level 3 adrenaline (traited) = 328hp/sec
New [Mending] = 314hp/sec
Current [Healing Surge] at level 3 adrenaline = 327hp/sec
(edited by Swagg.9236)
Elite skills
[Battle Standard]
- Cast-time increased from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.
- Revive radius reduced to 180.
(edited by Swagg.9236)
Physical skills
[Throw Bolas]
- Immobilized duration reduced from 4 seconds to 2 seconds.
- This skill now also stuns (½ second) foes when striking from behind or the side.
Shout skills
[“Fear Me!”]
- Recharge reduced from 60 seconds to 50 seconds.
- 400-600 range now inflicts fear for ½ second.
- 200-400 range now inflicts fear for 1 second; vulnerability (5) for 5 seconds.
- 0-200 range now inflicts fear for 1½ seconds; vulnerability (5) for 5 seconds; weakness for 3 seconds.
(edited by Swagg.9236)
Stance skills
[Endure Pain]
- Cast-time: 0
- Recharge: 50 seconds
- Stance. You gain protection and increased vitality.
- Protection: 3 seconds
- Vitality (+1500): 4 seconds
- Breaks stun.
[Berserker’s Stance]
- Cast-time: 0
- Recharge: 50 seconds
- Stance. Gain adrenaline for a short time. When you enter this stance, you cure up to 3 conditions and gain a burst of super speed for each condition that you cured. While in this stance, incoming conditions on you have reduced durations.
- Super speed per condition cured: 1 second
- Adrenaline gain per second: 6
- Condition duration reduction: 50%
- Duration: 5 seconds
[Balanced Stance]
- Recharge decreased from 40 seconds to 30 seconds.
- Stability duration decreased from 8 seconds to 3 seconds.
- Swiftness duration increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds.
(edited by Swagg.9236)
Signet skills
[Dolyak Signet] (passive)
- Using a movement skill grants protection.
- Protection: 2 seconds
- Cool-down: 15 seconds
[Dolyak Signet] (active)
- Recharge reduced from 60 seconds to 40 seconds.
- Stability duration reduced from 8 seconds to 5 seconds.
[Signet of Fury] (passive)
- Gain bonus precision for each adrenaline level that you have. You gain fury when you spend adrenaline.
- Level 0 adrenaline bonus precision: 0
- Level 1 adrenaline bonus precision: 0.5*(10 + level)
- Level 2 adrenaline bonus precision: 1*(10 + level)
- Level 3 adrenaline bonus precision: 2*(10 + level)
- Fury per adrenaline bar spent: 2 seconds
[Signet of Fury] (active)
- Cast-time: ½ second
- Recharge: 30 seconds
- Gain adrenaline for each foe in the area.
- Radius: 360
- Adrenaline gain per foe: 5
- This skill hits up to 10 foes.
[Signet of Might] (passive)
- Gain bonus power for each adrenaline level that you have. You gain might when you spend adrenaline.
- Level 0 adrenaline bonus power: 0
- Level 1 adrenaline bonus power: 0.5*(10 + level)
- Level 2 adrenaline bonus power: 1*(10 + level)
- Level 3 adrenaline bonus power: 2*(10 + level)
- Might per adrenaline bar spent (2): 5 seconds
[Signet of Might] (active)
- Cast-time: 0
- Recharge: 20 seconds
- The next time that a foe blocks one of your attacks, you gain might and damage foes in the area.
- Signet of Might (1): 5 seconds
- Damage: 336 (1.0)
- Damage radius: 180
- Might (3): 10 seconds
- Unblockable
- Upon skill use, the player gains 1 stack of a unique buff to the warrior called Signet of Might which lasts for 5 seconds. When a player under the effect of Signet of Might has an attack blocked by a foe, the buff enacts its effects and decreases in stack by 1.
[Signet of Stamina] (passive)
- Gain vigor whenever you successfully evade an attack.
- Vigor: 5 seconds
- Cool-down: 15 seconds
[Signet of Stamina] (active)
- Cast-time: 0
- Recharge: 40 seconds
- Gain endurance and cure conditions.
- Endurance gained: 50
- Conditions cured: 5
- Breaks stun.
(edited by Swagg.9236)
Defense traits
Dogged March (Defense – II)
- Regeneration proc cool-down increased from 10 seconds to 15 seconds.
Cleansing Ire (Defense – IX)
- Gain adrenaline when hit. When you use a burst skill, you cure conditions.
- Conditions cured at 0 adrenaline: 0
- Conditions cured at level 1 adrenaline: 1
- Conditions cured at level 2 adrenaline: 1
- Conditions cured at level 3 adrenaline: 2
Spiked Armor (Defense – XII)
- Recharge increased from 10 seconds to 12 seconds.
(edited by Swagg.9236)
Tactics traits
Leg Specialist (Tactics – I)
- Cool-down increased from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
Inspiring Battle Standard (Tactics — XI)
- Interval increased from 3 seconds to 6 seconds.
(edited by Swagg.9236)
Nerf nerf nerf nerf nerfedy nerf nerf nerf?
Sorry, I don’t speak nerf.
IMO these aren’t the best ideas, just saying. Warrior’s better off now than what YOU’RE planning on doing with it.
Waste of time …
He just could be more serious with suggestions :/
Lool making wars even more stronger in the hammer trains hahahahahaha
Serioulsy Swagg, spend more time playing and less acting like a dev.
PD: Yo know nothing about skill coefficients and damage listed on skills. Just remembering 1500 (2.85) and 1700 (2.85) means there’s no damage modification. Only coefficient matters…
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
(edited by Ansau.7326)
Nerf nerf nerf nerf nerfedy nerf nerf nerf?
Sorry, I don’t speak nerf.
IMO these aren’t the best ideas, just saying. Warrior’s better off now than what YOU’RE planning on doing with it.
Of course Warrior is better off than it is now—because it’s overpowered in many respects. We have to tone it down and then give it other options for inflicting damage or getting an edge over opponents aside from popping god-mode and using [Healing Signet] as a crutch.
For the love of kittens…
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
i looked at hambow, you gave it a buff (a free cc) and copied the nerfs. why buff it? its too strong. too many changes at once muddy the waters. we wouldnt know if the nerfs are enough.
i looked at my cancerous s/s ham perplex build… and you gutted it once again, as if perplex and leg specialist icds werent enough to put that disease ridden filth to permanent rest. why gut sword condi builds? they arent even strong any more. so much for build diversity.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
i looked at hambow, you gave it a buff (a free cc)
A 1-second cast-time and unique projectile model prevents it from being a complete freebee. It’s long recharge also prevents spamming.
and copied the nerfs.
[Arcing Arrow] is getting a nerf to make aiming it more of a forward attack rather than someone that one casts on top of one’s self for minimum projectile air-time.
I’ve never yet heard of a nerf to [Combustive Shot] even though it needs one.
why buff it?
[Backbreaker] is getting a nerf to make it more of a wind-up ability instead of something that you just use directly after [Earthshaker].
[Earthshaker] becomes more of a skill shot than it is not.
i looked at my cancerous s/s ham perplex build… and you gutted it once again, as if perplex and leg specialist icds werent enough to put that disease ridden filth to permanent rest. why gut sword condi builds?
Doing the same thing to sword as what happened to axe is hardly a gut. It gives opponent’s a clearer dodge target when facing a sword warrior; and even if someone dodges a [Hamstring], it’s an auto-attack which allows multiple attempts. Warrior has a wide access to CC, so the meta may change a bit, but it’s for the health of the game to make combat better telegraphed.
Riposte is getting a buff not only in its ability to apply bleeds (cool-down reduction overshadows the bleed reduction), but also by gaining a CC option with its chain skill. This can help set-up attacks for sword auto-attack or even the F1.
[Impale] is not any less effective as it was before. It’s better telegraphed, yes, but that’s for the health of the game.
A 1-second immobilize provides a lot of opportunity for any player and/or often forces an opponent to panic/pop defensive cool-downs. Increasing the cool-down to 10 seconds will not break this trait.
Well, on the bright side, you accurately identify a few problems; warriors are overly dependent on Healing Signet for their survival, and therefore overly dependent on Cleansing Ire for their condition removal. Unfortunately, you spend less time on solving actual problems and more time applying meaningless conditions to greatsword attacks, so that’s fun I guess.
[Banner of Tactics]
- Buff duration increased from 5 seconds to 6 seconds.
- Buff tick interval increased from 3 seconds to 6 seconds.
- Regeneration duration passively granted by the banner reduced from (current?) to 2 seconds.
You don’t know the class, evidently don’t want to put in the time to research where these effects come from, and want your suggestions to be taken seriously. I mean, this is all confirmation of what we already knew, but it’s 5 seconds on the wiki to find this out.
Seriously. I’m genuinely amazed that you expect people to listen to you when you don’t even understand the basics of skills and traits.
I took the time to read everything.
I’m sorry to say that while it started interesting, most of the above changes are such a nerf to warriors to not only make then unviable, but put them in a worst state that they were the first 10 months of the games.
As highlights ,the sword is already one of the more badly designed warrior weapons,
requiring to be a hybrid to be able to use all skills effectively does not warrant any nerfs. The opposite really, we have been asking for sword buffs for a while now.
Agreed on the impale change though.
Youre also nerfing healing signet way too harshly, without proposing any other form of viable sustain. Read any of the healing signet daily whine threads and look for posts supporting why healing signet is fine as it is.
Youre also nerfing viable condition warrior builds (granted they do need a nerf, but not as harsh as this).
Longbow. We have only one skill that blinds the opponent and you are taking it away from us. F1 burst radius is already nerfed for no good reason on dec 10 patch, it does not need an extra nerf. Pin down has a nerf incoming already (again with no good reason).
Greatsword. Interesting proposal on F1 burst. Though I still wouldnt use the autoattack to put vulnerability on an enemy (widely regarded the weakest condition).
Also, why are you making a predominantly power weapon be reliant on conditions appliance to do damage? Whirlwind change is awful, as even now in order to do damage the enemy has to have you immobilized in melee range or against the wall.
Most people use whirlwind for the extra dodge and mobility, rather than the damage.
Rush is still broken, on the few times it hits it warranties the damage.
Still no change to 100b rooting.
Leg specialist first nerf was already ridiculous. You are now just burying it.
Shield. Why. Just. Why? Its already far sub par to other classes that can use shields.
Hammer. Already double nerfed. Now triple nerfed. Well done.
Signets. No.
Stances. Interesting, but not unless you completely redesign the condition meta, or new pvp nodes are added. Else youre just nerfing the and with it warrior survivability.
Granted, I did not read all your other threads about the other classes.
However, the above changes, to be blunt, would make all the warriors ragequit.
For the most part terrible suggestions. Good thing this guy isn’t in charge of anything.
Why don’t you just petition anet to remove the class.
I agree with the above posters here – I’m not really feeling this is the way to go.
You’re basically taking a LOT of stuff out without compensating. It would most likely kill the class.
I used to roll a warrior during the entire summer and although they were quite easy to play, they had quite a lot of problems that made me re-roll with a different class. It didn’t help at all when Arenet started pounding them with nerfs. With these changes, I might as well never touch that class again lol
Hello Swagg!
First, let me say that even though there will very likely be a lot of criticism for changes like this, I actually enjoy some of the creative suggestions you have listed. The way you suggested the Burst skill for greatsword to work is actually something I want to implement across all bursts, where more substantial effects are attached to a burst if the warrior continues to build it up, offering SOME strategic play. There are good ideas involved, and I would not be against getting behind some of them.
Now, with that said, I think I have to bring up some questions so I can understand what you might be trying to do.
- Why did you suggest giving Warriors access to Protection? This is actually my biggest issue, and because even with your proposed changes to healing signet, after your changes the profession would be even easier to win with, Protection is likely the best boon in game and I see a rather impressive access to it that Guardians would love to have. Why not take protection away and simply make the healing sustain or burst side of warriors 10-20% higher across the board?
- Stability nerfs, fair enough but did you come up with 5 seconds on your own or did you want to nerf the uptime by a certain degree? I think it might be a touch too much, since warriors do not have too much access to ranged skills outside of their ranged weapons and have to deal with the variety of Wardings or Fields that can stop them in their tracks in some manner.
As for weapons and utilities…those I can reserve for later when I can fully comprehend the changes proposed. But just from a general overall glance, you are adding a LOT of power to almost everything and losing a bit of healing and stability. The problem is Protection.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”
Focus on rangers pls
Just the WvW
Sorry I didn’t read the entire list of proposed changes, but I just wanted to mention I don’t think the “stance shaker” idea is good at all. It’s too simple with little or no counterplay. All it does is punish people for using Stability, which is counter to the idea of using a boon in the first place. Stability can be stripped by several abilities, which is fine. Defiant is another topic all together that has nothing to do with warrior class balance.
If you want to target warrior stances, I suggest maybe going back to the GW1 model where (iirc) the stance would end prematurely if you were knocked down or if you used another stance. Warriors would have to consider covering their stances with stability, or have the awareness to block/dodge control effects that might end their stance. They would also have to chose one stance over another. These things might also allow for a slight buff to stances to compensate.
Also, I’m not sure if anyone suggested it before, but what if Anet made banners destroyable? If this were possible, it would seem to me the perfect form of counterplay to these infinite regen passive healing warriors.
- Why did you suggest giving Warriors access to Protection? This is actually my biggest issue, and because even with your proposed changes to healing signet, after your changes the profession would be even easier to win with, Protection is likely the best boon in game and I see a rather impressive access to it that Guardians would love to have. Why not take protection away and simply make the healing sustain or burst side of warriors 10-20% higher across the board?
The protection additions came from a simple question posed by one of my guild-mates: “How are Warriors going to do damage without god-mode?”
It seemed silly, but I really thought about it and it sort of makes sense. At its heart, the Warrior is one of the classes that is most susceptible to CC in the entire game given that the majority of its highest damage comes from melee strikes. To this effect, Warriors were given god-mode and excessive stability with which to land attacks that would probably otherwise just be negated via CC or even just raw damage put down by the other classes as the Warrior approached its target.
The only trouble with this is that Warrior god-mode/stability typically carries an offensive Warrior through an entire combo and more; it became over-powered, especially when paired with [Healing Signet]. So Warrior god-mode and [Healing Signet] are nerfed. But where does that leave the Warrior?
I introduced several “mini-combos” into the Warrior’s repertoire as a means to repeatedly swing the fight in the Warrior’s favor instead of simply deciding a fight with a single skill or a stun-lock combo. Because of the potential impact of these mini-combos combined with their availability across weapon-sets, the Warrior suddenly has several more options outside of single burst skills with which to kill an opponent. To that effect, the window for inflicting serious damage on an opponent as a Warrior has been changed from an often rather long time window into several shorter, individual windows.
God-mode is unnecessary for these smaller windows—in fact, it’s outright overpowered considering that the mini-combos don’t require a lot of set-up, especially if the Warrior’s team is helping to set-up the combos by applying key conditions at the proper times. So now, short bursts of protection is going to be the MO for Warriors attempting to get off these mini-combos and key skills.
It’s a paradigm shift from relying on extensive god-mode abilities to do damage and more to a style of clutch use of protection to buy a little bit of time for a few powerful skills.
Also, the protection in [Endure Pain] is to better simulate damage invulnerability without it actually being damage invulnerability, because invulnerability to anything is a pretty cheesy mechanic.
- Stability nerfs, fair enough but did you come up with 5 seconds on your own or did you want to nerf the uptime by a certain degree? I think it might be a touch too much, since warriors do not have too much access to ranged skills outside of their ranged weapons and have to deal with the variety of Wardings or Fields that can stop them in their tracks in some manner.
The stability nerfs are, again, in the line of “use this skill to buy a little bit of time for a few important skills” instead of “press button and run around with impunity for 8 or even more seconds.”
Shorter stability durations give skills a sense of urgency and also provide a queue for opponent’s to know that something big might be coming up.
[Balanced Stance] was based off of Guardian [“Stand Your Ground!”]. The only reason that it’s 4 seconds of stability and a 35 second recharge is because “SYG!” doesn’t have the Sure-Footed trait. If that trait were re-worked, I’d feel safer lowering [Balanced Stance] to a 30-second recharge with a 5 second stability duration. As for [Dolyak Signet], I can up with that number myself. Although, thinking back on it, I feel that a 40-second recharge might be a tad too long.
I’m just afraid of 10-seconds of stability on a 30-second cool-down is all.
(edited by Swagg.9236)
Sorry I didn’t read the entire list of proposed changes, but I just wanted to mention I don’t think the “stance shaker” idea is good at all. It’s too simple with little or no counterplay. All it does is punish people for using Stability, which is counter to the idea of using a boon in the first place. Stability can be stripped by several abilities, which is fine. Defiant is another topic all together that has nothing to do with warrior class balance.
Boon stripping is not at all well spread out across all classes, so it’s not really fair to use the “But you can strip it,” argument with any boon in all honesty.
Moreover, stability is too simple with little or no counter-play as evidenced by the lack of universal boon-stripping. If Stability stacked in charges like Defiant instead of just in duration, then it wouldn’t be such a big issue and something like “Stance Shaker” would never even cross my mind.
If you want to target warrior stances, I suggest maybe going back to the GW1 model where (iirc) the stance would end prematurely if you were knocked down or if you used another stance. Warriors would have to consider covering their stances with stability, or have the awareness to block/dodge control effects that might end their stance. They would also have to chose one stance over another. These things might also allow for a slight buff to stances to compensate.
The reason that I’m not sure that that would work is because GW2 stances are fundamentally different compared to GW1 stances. GW2 stances would have to be re-worked in a lot of ways in order to return them to GW1-level status. For instance, [Balanced Stance] is nothing more than 2 boons, one of them being stability. It seems a little too silly to make a GW1-style stance that protects itself from its own counter. As defeatist as it sounds, I think that Warrior stances are OK in how they can stack.
Moreover, given that Knock-down falls into the category of “disabled” and I’m not sure that there’s a way for the game to nit-pick between just Knock-down and any of the other disabled Control Effects, I’m not sure how effective or even possible doing something like that would be. Even if we did make stances remove themselves on “disabled,” this game is so replete with throwaway/poorly-cued dazes and stuns that stances would probably be all but removed from the game.
Also, I’m not sure if anyone suggested it before, but what if Anet made banners destroyable? If this were possible, it would seem to me the perfect form of counterplay to these infinite regen passive healing warriors.
It’s definitely an idea, but I still just dislike the idea of the permanent regeneration for hanging around a banner (even if it can be destroyed); and even at that point it’s still Spirit Ranger level (I get free passive buffs for having a utility on the field). Still, it’s certainly an option. I’d rather have both nerfs to be honest, though.
(edited by Swagg.9236)
I’m going to give this post a “nope” of disapproval.
First of all, as a Warrior I don’t want Protection. What separates us from Guardians is the fact that our sustain comes mostly from regeneration and a high health pool. Take away that and throw on Protection and suddenly Warriors become a lot more like Guardians to the point where they lose that tough-as-nails feel that is a staple of fantasy games.
Warriors don’t rely on magic or stealth to get the job done, they power through whatever is thrown at them with their own natural toughness and heavy armor. In GW2 the boons they use regularly are more “martial” in nature: Might, Fury, Swiftness, Regen with some Vigor or Retaliation (but how many actually use Spiked Armor). Guardians on the other hand use more “magical” boons like Aegis and Protection. Boons like that in addition to the numerous blocks they have give the class it’s own identity. What you’re proposing blurs that line and brings the to classes closer together.
You’re also nerfing so many skills that are either fine as is or are already seen as not being that good. For example, why the hell would you nerf Bolas; not only is it annoying to hit as is stacking Immob on Warrior is so eaisly cleansed it’s not even funny. I’ve run with Sword + Bow with Bolas and Leg Spec and while it’s amusing on classes with no real condi cleanse It’s really not all that strong and I feel better off with another utility. In fact, you seem to have a thing against Immobilize in general. One second of Immob ever TEN seconds!? Who would ever touch that trait again it would be so worthless.
There’s tons of pointless and unneeded nerfs. You want Spiked Armor back to where it was pre-buff even though as it is now it hardly sees any use? You’re giving sword the A-Net treatment by making all the damage be on the last, easily avoided attack. You know what, I can’t do this to myself. I’m not going to sit here and waste my time and pick apart every meaningless suggestion. Long story short you want to remove the classes identity while nerfing their damage on most every weapon. You’ve also made many functionality changes that I’m pretty sure aren’t even doable in the game engine or would require more resources than they would be willing to spend.
It’s clear you’re just another player who wants Warrior to go back to how it was at launch, a free kill. You may not want to believe that, but your suggestions would make Warrior an inferior version of a Guardian. You know why we see so many Warriors around right now, because conditions builds are still strong and they’re the one class that can reliably take them out. There are a plethora of builds that can beat Hambow but your average hotjoin and SoloQ player refuses to build around the fact that they will be facing Warriors. So many run the same builds they did pre-buffs and now that they aren’t effective they want nerfs so things can go back to how they were. Most games like this you’ll see the meta shift when your old strategy doesn’t work anymore but for some reason GW2 players don’t want to change.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
In every thread before this, people accused Swagg of being a warrior lover. Now reading this thread, people are finally realizing its not the case. Its kind of funny….
In every thread before this, people accused Swagg of being a warrior lover. Now reading this thread, people are finally realizing its not the case. Its kind of funny….
It’s just that everyone reads their own profession’s changes and ignores the rest of them. The whole game needs changes, and most people cry and wail without even grasping the full context of the baseline rules that go into fleshing out a game like Guild Wars 2.
Sorry I didn’t read the entire list of proposed changes, but I just wanted to mention I don’t think the “stance shaker” idea is good at all. It’s too simple with little or no counterplay. All it does is punish people for using Stability, which is counter to the idea of using a boon in the first place. Stability can be stripped by several abilities, which is fine. Defiant is another topic all together that has nothing to do with warrior class balance.
Boon stripping is not at all well spread out across all classes, so it’s not really fair to use the “But you can strip it,” argument with any boon in all honesty.
Moreover, stability is too simple with little or no counter-play as evidenced by the lack of universal boon-stripping. If Stability stacked in charges like Defiant instead of just in duration, then it wouldn’t be such a big issue and something like “Stance Shaker” would never even cross my mind.
If you want to target warrior stances, I suggest maybe going back to the GW1 model where (iirc) the stance would end prematurely if you were knocked down or if you used another stance. Warriors would have to consider covering their stances with stability, or have the awareness to block/dodge control effects that might end their stance. They would also have to chose one stance over another. These things might also allow for a slight buff to stances to compensate.
The reason that I’m not sure that that would work is because GW2 stances are fundamentally different compared to GW1 stances. GW2 stances would have to be re-worked in a lot of ways in order to return them to GW1-level status. For instance, [Balanced Stance] is nothing more than 2 boons, one of them being stability. It seems a little too silly to make a GW1-style stance that protects itself from its own counter. As defeatist as it sounds, I think that Warrior stances are OK in how they can stack.
Moreover, given that Knock-down falls into the category of “disabled” and I’m not sure that there’s a way for the game to nit-pick between just Knock-down and any of the other disabled Control Effects, I’m not sure how effective or even possible doing something like that would be. Even if we did make stances remove themselves on “disabled,” this game is so replete with throwaway/poorly-cued dazes and stuns that stances would probably be all but removed from the game.
Also, I’m not sure if anyone suggested it before, but what if Anet made banners destroyable? If this were possible, it would seem to me the perfect form of counterplay to these infinite regen passive healing warriors.
It’s definitely an idea, but I still just dislike the idea of the permanent regeneration for hanging around a banner (even if it can be destroyed); and even at that point it’s still Spirit Ranger level (I get free passive buffs for having a utility on the field). Still, it’s certainly an option. I’d rather have both nerfs to be honest, though.
I suppose you are sort of right about boon stripping stability. Although still, mesmers get null field and arcane thievery, necros get corrupt boon and necromantic corruption to an extent. Thieves get larcenous strike, engies get acidic elixirs, guards get searing flames, etc. There is the potential for it, though many of these can’t reliably remove stability above other boons. I think defiant-stacking-style stability might be a good idea but needs to be fleshed out more.
On stances, I didn’t consider some of those issues you brought up, but I still think it would be possible for anet to adjust the code such that:
if (control effect = knockdown) {
end stance
else if (control effect = anything else) {
do not end stance
Semantics though, you might still be right.
As for the banners, in their current state they are basically invincible engineer healing turrets that also provide significant other stat bonuses. Maybe if they reduced the regen duration to something like 3 sec with 6 sec ICD so that it’s not permanently ticking. Or better yet just put a 20 sec regen as soon as the banner lands and no reticking. I wish they hadn’t nerfed poison recently. I feel like it was the best tool against heal tanks.
Inb4 weapon swap cooldown trait is OP cries 3 months from now..
I think defiant-stacking-style stability might be a good idea but needs to be fleshed out more.
- Now stacks in intensity and not in duration. Each stack of stability negates one instance of a control effect. Stability can stack up to a maximum of 5 times.
- Using an Elite Skill that provides stability ([Tornado], [Rampage as One], [Dagger Storm], etc.) now grants 3 stacks of Stability for its duration.
In addition to that, I had a list of all of the stability-granting skills and traits in the game and how they would be reworked for this sort of an update, but I never posted them because I was sure everyone would just shout at me about it and I’ve got enough on my plate just maintaining the profession balance threads. Just as a note, though, current stability durations were never lengthed (and in some cases shortened), and stacks never went higher than 3.
On stances, I didn’t consider some of those issues you brought up, but I still think it would be possible for anet to adjust the code such that:
if (control effect = knockdown) {
end stance
else if (control effect = anything else) {
do not end stance
}Semantics though, you might still be right.
I have a feeling that each stance would need its own individual coding to deal with its effects. Something like:
[Berserker’s Stance]
- Cast-time: 0
- Recharge: 50 seconds
- Stance. Gain adrenaline for a short time. When you enter this stance, you cure up to 3 conditions and gain a burst of super speed for each condition that you cured. While in this stance, incoming conditions on you have reduced durations.
- Super speed per condition cured: 1 second
- Adrenaline gain per second: 6
- Condition duration reduction: 50%
- Duration: 5 seconds
- On activation, in addition to its cast-effect of curing conditions and potentially granting super speed, the player gains 2 unique buffs: Berserker’s Vitality and Berserker’s Rage that last 5 seconds respectively. Berserker’s Vitality grants a 50% reduction to durations on incoming conditions. Berserker’s Rage grants the Warrior 6 strikes of Adrenaline every second.
with a “psuedo-code” related to it being cancelled by CC:
if (control effect = knockdown) {
remove Berserker’s Rage
remove Berserker’s Vitality
if (control effect = knockback) {
remove Berserker’s Rage
remove Berserker’s Vitality
if (control effect = launch) {
remove Berserker’s Rage
remove Berserker’s Vitality
if (control effect = pull) {
remove Berserker’s Rage
remove Berserker’s Vitality
if (control effect = float) {
remove Berserker’s Rage
remove Berserker’s Vitality
if (control effect = sink) {
remove Berserker’s Rage
remove Berserker’s Vitality
which would leave out daze, stun, fear and petrified as viable options of removing a stance. But as it shows, doing something like this would be a lot of coding for even just a single stance. Moreover, every stance would probably need to become skills that grant unique buffs which could be removed with ease via unique coding instead of boons that would be otherwise weird to remove. I’m not sure if ANet is even willing to put in the work for something like that or—again—if it’s even possible.
That also still doesn’t cover the issue of [Balanced Stance] already granting stability, thus effectively making its activation its own counter-play vs CC. I suppose one way to work around that would be to make Stances skills that do not stack, but rather overwrite each other upon activated should a Warrior in a Stance attempt to activate another Stance.
Semantics, I may be right, as you say, but I sort of hope that I’m wrong because giving Stances some counter-play would be nice.
As for the banners, in their current state they are basically invincible engineer healing turrets that also provide significant other stat bonuses. Maybe if they reduced the regen duration to something like 3 sec with 6 sec ICD so that it’s not permanently ticking. Or better yet just put a 20 sec regen as soon as the banner lands and no reticking. I wish they hadn’t nerfed poison recently. I feel like it was the best tool against heal tanks.
I’d prefer the 33% uptime on regeneration while active instead of “press button; receive 20 seconds of regeneration.” A sudden twenty seconds of regeneration is something that would put the counter-play advantage squarely in the corner of boon-stripping classes instead of simply allowing all classes to equally counter a Warrior that is occasionally regenerating some hp by means of DPS or condition pressure.
(edited by Swagg.9236)
And again, with warrior you’re killing diversity PvE wise.
It’s good and all to think it will be more fair for players vs players to remove things like invincibility, stability and all but you are looking at another game here. Your change to warrior make me laugh (and i don’t even play warrior).
-This is already the most resilient class in the game and you want to add (a lot) of protection on them?
- Greatsword, PvE wise, is already overpowered damage wise and you wanna add a burst skill that is so appealing for PvP, it make me puke. Come on, Boon strip, controle, large damage, leap, how many foes does it hit? 3? 5?… You are totally out of your mind here.
- Change on mace and sword : You make a tanking niche on mace (Issue : You nerf survivability skill/tool so much, it will be unplayable PvE wise = You made mace even more non appealing). You kill bleeds on sword (Issue : Conditions build are part of the diversity and sword warrior have almost oly sword for condi builds = Let’s just force warrior into power build)
- Not even a word from you about Physical utilities. Yeah nobody care about them, let’s just remove them from the game and nerf what work fine (oups sorry I didn’t see that you even nerfed one of them my bad).
Honnestly, look at what you are suggesting. When people ask you some question you only answer to the question that you want to answers. Let me just ask you a second time Swagg :
Why, instead of nerfing base damage, don’t you suggest a flat cap on damage bonus?
On warrior you got :
dual wielding (strengh V) : 5% (dual)
Slashing power (strengh IX) : 10% (GS)
Berserker power (Strengh XI) : 15% (all)
Stick and move (Strengh) : 3% (all)
Attack of opportunity (arms) : 10% (all)
Cull the weak (defence VI) : 5% (all)
Sundering mace (defence VII) : 10% (mace)
Merciless hammer (defence X) : 25% (hammer)
Desperate power (tactic III) : 20% (all)
Empower (Tactic ) : 1% per boon on you (all)
Burning arrow (tactic X) : 10% (Longbow)
Destruction of the empowered (discipline VIII) : 3% per boon on foe (all)
Burst mastery (discipline X) : 7% (all)
And I’m not even trying to list bonus on runes/sigils.
If you max these bonus it’s easy to enhance a lot your damages. Let’s face it a skill that would hit for 1k non crit non multiplier would easily hit up to 6k if you try to max this. Do you think it’s balanced in your picture of suggestion? There is no cap on how many of these bonus you can have. Don’t you think a flat cap to 50% would be pretty fair?
On warrior you got :
dual wielding (strengh V) : 5% (dual)
Slashing power (strengh IX) : 10% (GS)
Berserker power (Strengh XI) : 15% (all)
Stick and move (Strengh) : 3% (all)
Attack of opportunity (arms) : 10% (all)
Cull the weak (defence VI) : 5% (all)
Sundering mace (defence VII) : 10% (mace)
Merciless hammer (defence X) : 25% (hammer)
Desperate power (tactic III) : 20% (all)
Empower (Tactic ) : 1% per boon on you (all)
Burning arrow (tactic X) : 10% (Longbow)
Destruction of the empowered (discipline VIII) : 3% per boon on foe (all)
Burst mastery (discipline X) : 7% (all)
And I’m not even trying to list bonus on runes/sigils.If you max these bonus it’s easy to enhance a lot your damages. Let’s face it a skill that would hit for 1k non crit non multiplier would easily hit up to 6k if you try to max this. Do you think it’s balanced in your picture of suggestion? There is no cap on how many of these bonus you can have. Don’t you think a flat cap to 50% would be pretty fair?
Don´t forget that most of these need special conditions.
warrior isn’t OP for DPS in pve, if you actually had a clue about it you wouldn’t be saying that.
their DPS is in practical scenarios high with few drawbacks, but a number of classes (ele/thieves) easily blow their DPS out of the water, and in theory more classes like the guardian can beat them.
warriors are just very strong in PUGs since they carry themselves DPS-wise and are highly survivable.
Don´t forget that most of these need special conditions.
I’m not targeting warrior, I’m targeting the way the op think .
He is damaging so many build without any touch on the PvE meta zerk that it’s pitifull. He want to bring down dps while nerfing conditions build and base damage. He want to limit survivals skills while nerfing base damage hurting the non-meta so much it’s painfull to see.
A game without diversity is a game that will rot, and the only thing that this guy does in all his killing diversity. He don’t address anything about things that are being ignored because uninterresting while he bring down everywhere thing that are very popular. It’s a poor way to think.
So this is a PVP thread??? I’m assuming so by the OP since it was not labelled as such in the topic line.
I’m not targeting warrior, I’m targeting the way the op think
He is damaging so many build without any touch on the PvE meta zerk that it’s pitifull. He want to bring down dps while nerfing conditions build and base damage. He want to limit survivals skills while nerfing base damage hurting the non-meta so much it’s painfull to see.
A game without diversity is a game that will rot, and the only thing that this guy does in all his killing diversity. He don’t address anything about things that are being ignored because uninterresting while he bring down everywhere thing that are very popular. It’s a poor way to think.
PvE is already a rotting cesspool because of its enemy design. HP sponges running around everywhere turns combat into nothing more than a maypole dance around a target while slapping it with damage. Moreover, defiant exists in PvE which undermines a core element of GW2 game-play.
So long as HP sponges run rampant and Defiant exists in its current form, there’s no point to really concern one’s self with PvE’s “balance.” I’ve got fixes for Defiant and ideas to supplant HP sponges, but ANet probably isn’t up to the challenge to commit to the paradigm shift and the average player already accustomed to dancing around enemies while spanking it with damage would probably just stand in my way anyway. It’s not worth it.
In any case, as I’ve said before, it’s best to balance everything from a PvP perspective. Balancing from a PvP perspective means that you’re going to attempt to recreate PvP encounters (players fighting players with a lot of offensive skills, CC, counters and maneuvers in the mix) in every other aspect of the game. Clearly this paradigm fell through when ANet started creating a lot of PvE content such as dungeons (instances loaded with HP sponges, Defiant and then Defiant being made 90% resistant to blindness during the second open beta weekend).
It’s a lot of backward thought that hearkens back to more traditional MMOs despite the fact that GW2 is clearly not a traditional MMO. However, since it’s so ingrained into GW2 as it is, the effort that it would take to fix it would be enormous. I’d be willing to work with ANet to do so, but—as I’ve said—I’m not sure that they’re willing to go the extra miles to really set this game up right.
In any case, look at it this way:
- Balance all skills around PvP
- Make all skills very interesting to use in PvP; skills in PvP have a strong impact
- PvP-balanced skills lose effectiveness in PvE because of rampant HP sponges and Defiant
- Players complain that their PvP-balanced skills are losing effectiveness in PvE
- ANet has no choice but to slowly design encounters that are more friendly/responsive to PvP-balanced skills
- Everyone wins
(edited by Swagg.9236)
breaking pve just cuz you think its a rotting cesspool doesnt give you much credibility.
its the ezmode for people who dont wanna pvp. let them have their fun too.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
In every thread before this, people accused Swagg of being a warrior lover. Now reading this thread, people are finally realizing its not the case. Its kind of funny….
It’s just that everyone reads their own profession’s changes and ignores the rest of them. The whole game needs changes, and most people cry and wail without even grasping the full context of the baseline rules that go into fleshing out a game like Guild Wars 2.
You are not fleshing out GW2. Guild Wars 2 is already fleshed out since 1 year and a half. While not everything is perfect, it works (somehow). You on the other hand want to change the whole gameplay. You are fleshing out your own game, but please, let the devs do their job and you can give some suggestions or feedback.
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels
You are not fleshing out GW2. Guild Wars 2 is already fleshed out since 1 year and a half. While not everything is perfect, it works (somehow).
“Somehow working” isn’t exactly stellar. That’s why I’m here.
You on the other hand want to change the whole gameplay. You are fleshing out your own game
GW2 is the square peg that ANet is trying to fit into the circle slot. GW2 is a strange, unique game that doesn’t necessarily play like a traditional MMO. Despite this, ANet has chosen to introduce mechanics into GW2 that clearly belong in a more traditional MMO with things like dedicated healers; or just ignore some obvious boundary rules when it comes to designing combat without a dedicated healer/damage-mitigation class present.
I’m here to help shave the edges off of the square peg.