Hi all =)
Tl;dr Passive = Passive; Active = active. Don’t balance to achieve active = active while passive =/= passive. Base stats are a relic from different game modes that unnecessarily complicate balance.
“What the OP wants is that Passive abilities should be balanced by other passive abilities while actives balance out other actives.
1) the warrior should not have 500 – 1100 more stat points than other characters, he can have 500 more vitatity that’s ok, but other classes get 500 somewhere else.
2) The warriors actives on the other hand should be as powerful (but different) than stealth/ clones/ etc.”
What is the issue?
There is a vast difference in base stats between classes, which might even be considered by some to be a relic from the holy trinity. These differences need to be taken into account with every balancing choice, but this is difficult and complicated. Therefore, I say that the difference in base stats currently cost build transparency and ease of balancing, which results in loss of build variety and player choices on some classes as well as weakening the balance as a whole.
“…lack of the holy trinity. They said we’re not going to have tanks/healers/dps etc….but we are going to have heavy armour and higher hps for some classes.”
Why is this an issue?
I think we can all agree that the game has balancing problems right now. If we take a moment to stop pointing fingers at certain classes, but look at the class system as a whole, we notice something. The base of the classes, before you make any personal choices, are unequal. And not just slightly unequal, but the entire class balance is built on the edge of a cliff qua stats alone. Then on top of the stats, everything is layered in an attempt to bring the end result even. In other words, base stats need to be balanced with inherent defenses, inherent damage, optional defenses, optional offenses… The parameters in the equation are numerous. Too numerous.
But where to start adjusting? The current movement points to the upper layers primarily, traits and skills that a player chooses to take. This approach ignores the lower layers at times, and changes can have far reaching effects. Balancing passive with active actions seems to me to be a dangerous proposition. Why not simplify things by balancing actives with actives and passives with passives? It seems like a daunting task, requiring the unweaving of the current web of profession balance, however it is a one time task that should enable future changes and additions to be more predictable. There are so many active defenses, why complicate that problem with passive stats?
“There is an unsolvable problem by balancing passives by active abilities, in the fact that active abilities depend on player skill whereas passives do not. Due to that fact the class with actives is either OP when played by good players and good for normal players, or good in the hands of great players and UP for average players”
Is this really an issue?
To begin, let’s look at the numbers of base health and armor differences, starting with Health.
A warrior/necromancer has +9,212 base health or 921 vitality bonus equivalent
A engineer/ranger/mesmer has +5,922 base health or 592 vitality bonus equivalent
A guardian/thief/elementalist has +1,645 base health or 164 vitality bonus equivalent
To make these numbers actually mean something, let’s look at the max stats. In pvp, the major stat, not including runes, is 798 + 125. Minor is 569 + 75. Let’s assume you take full traits for those stats (300) and take runes specific for that stat +165. The maximum is 1388 then.
In pve /wvw (ascended) 56 + 91 + 91 + 103 + 103 + 126 (trinkets) + 35 + 35 + 35 + 47 + 106 + 71 (armor) + 165 (rune) + 300 (traits) + 188 (weapon) = 1552 max in 1 stat not counting the trait boosts and food. (If someone really wants to take food/%bonus into account, I would love to see it, just remember to take the % from a fully minor stat [can’t boost a major with itself])
Why is there a difference between some classes 757 of a CORE stat, or 54.5% of the maximum stat you can add to your character in the “competitive” area and 48,8% top tier everywhere else? Why do some classes have to use stat points to break even? This is a balancing nightmare. I can’t give an elementalist a flat 757 bonus to power/c.damage above warrior without all hell rising, so why is that much vitality thrown around not the first priority in the path to balance? [Ok, ok vitality =/= damage stats, but I think you get the point. Even a 300/400 stat boost is unimaginable]. If a skill does say 5k damage, then its balance is dependent on the target. A tanky target should be able to accept it as a rough hit, and a glass should start to crack from it. Now a glass of some classes can take it almost as well as a tanky of other classes.
(edited by Snow.2048)