2 designers only to balance ???

2 designers only to balance ???

in Elementalist

Posted by: eldain stenlund.4306

eldain stenlund.4306

Seriously ? are there only 2 people that balance this game at A-net ???

No wonder elemental class is total bullcrap.

They are obviously playing: Warrior, Thief or Mesmer.

Who ever is having the last words at A-net, to allow this crap. should be kicked.

Having dagger/dagger as only viable option.. for a Mage class ??
Umm, wonder if they can spell: Braindead. (probably not).

A mage class should NEVER, be in melee.
lowest armor.. lowest hp.. lowest survival.. “GO MELEE… WOOOHOO”. ye right.

80 % useless skills.
Slow animation + long casting times.
Realy bad AoE. (i dont count dagger + melee for a mage class viable).
(i also dont count using: dragon tooth, or similar skills viable,they NEVER hit anything)

I did a test. with the meteor shower on staff. BIG aoe.
Placed it right over a golem. it hit him 2 times.. for a full duration.
2 times !!!!! all those falling stones.. and i got 2 hits ??? seriosuly.
And that was a stationary target.
in pvp, if you are moving.. you never get hit. if you are slow.. you get 1 hit.
WOAA.. GOOD SKILL.. 1 hit.. for a 4 second casting time.
and while you cast it.. you get ponded like hell.. GREAT…

useless weapons.
Staff.. scepter..daggers. (a mage shouldnt use anything for melee, low hp/armor?)

If there are only 2 designers for class balance. PLEASE.. kick them,
they are clearly not doing their job right.

2 designers only to balance ???

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Oddly enough, I agree with you.

Running around with just a focus in your off hand is going to be pretty difficult to play. Unless I read this wrong..

Henosis [ONE]

2 designers only to balance ???

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fortus.6175


though I agree with you and most of the player base non-mesmer/thief agrees as well, this will never reach higher thanforum moderation due to the language and"not open to debate" tone it has.
Indeed ele is awkward, only viable build is a melee one for a mage, the two devs thing has been known for a while, thats why you dont see lots of changes, but if im not mistaken they are “hiring” people on the field.

Overall I hope a mod doesnt see this, but this will definitely get either closed or not heard. And yes, I agree with everything but the tone.

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

2 designers only to balance ???

in Elementalist

Posted by: Romago.1974


D/D is only for close range S/D is my favorite, its your faults for not trying it and learning how it works with the combo skills which you can stack might on unlike D/D

2 designers only to balance ???

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chaosky.5276


D/D is only for close range S/D is my favorite, its your faults for not trying it and learning how it works with the combo skills which you can stack might on unlike D/D

D/d can stack might quite well with Evasive Arcana, Earthquake, and Churning Earth.
Also, s/d is rather poor at range outside of the air attunement because of the unreliability of Dragon’s Tooth, the slow travel speed of Phoenix, the uselessness of Shatterstone, and the lack of offense in the earth attunement. (Once again, at 900 range.)

This must be, like, the seventh time I’ve posted a variation on ^that.^

(edited by Chaosky.5276)

2 designers only to balance ???

in Elementalist

Posted by: google.3709


Actually Ele get the most love out all the classes, dev even admited ele’s are currently the strongest class :P

you can go 0 0 10 30 30 and have more damage, than ranger, necro or engineers, more survival/heals than a bunker, and the escape ability that theif are suppose to have!!

and is not that the other weapons are bad, D/D is just too good for any weapon set, its in a whole different level.

but i do agree, if they really have 2 people on balancing it would explain why the curret balance is the way it is, meta classes keep gettin buff while weaker classes get strongly Nerf every patch! and yes.. so far most devs seem to playing mesmer ( exept robert who plays ranger )

2 designers only to balance ???

in Elementalist

Posted by: haviz.1340


A warrior class should NEVER be in range as well. Oh.

2 designers only to balance ???

in Elementalist

Posted by: eldain stenlund.4306

eldain stenlund.4306

Devs admit ele is strongest class ? for www defending or attacking a keep.. sure.
their meteor is kinda usefull atleast. beyond that. they are pure crap.

And, forcing players to specc into ONE and only one way.. is realy realy stupid.

A-net fails. as all other games are when they use CLASS systems.

The only realy good game.. was.. ultima online.
With a free, open skill system. there was no class.

If you wanted to be a mage. you focused on that.
If you wanted warrior.. you focused that.
If you wanted a beast master, you trained animals. even dragons in the end.

very easy.. and it opend up a TON of ways to specc your characters.

Wonder when game developers will ever learn.
You can NOT balance a game around classes.. never had. never will.

2 designers only to balance ???

in Elementalist

Posted by: kubetz.3058


Actually Ele get the most love out all the classes, dev even admited ele’s are currently the strongest class :P

Eles might have one spec with one weapon set that is strong but mesmers and guardians are definitely loved the most. They have more viable builds, generally better traits all across the board and they are very useful in all apects of the game.

Buff staff and scepter a bit, make some trait lines more appealing and add out-of-combat weapon switch and then I’ll agree .

I hope Anet has some statistics available and they can see that there is too many 0/10/0/30/30 eles which means that other traits and weapons need buff and not that they need to nerf that specific build to make everything equally bad.

2 designers only to balance ???

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


you can go 0 0 10 30 30 and have more damage, than ranger, necro or engineers, more survival/heals than a bunker, and the escape ability that theif are suppose to have!!

You`re too early for April fools day.
What? You weren`t serious were you?
Anyone using 0/0/10/30/30 or the more popular 0/10/0/30/30 is not going to have more damage then anyone, unless that other person is afk picking their nose.
As for the escape ability that Thief is meant to have, Thief do have better escape abilities.

I also hope they`re going to look properly into helping other specs, rather then nerfing the most popular build, but doubt it..

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

2 designers only to balance ???

in Elementalist

Posted by: google.3709


" The ele is king of that role(mobility), even tho it should be the thief "

Stage of the game march :P

and it’s not secret that the 0 0 0 30 30 builds is currently the most popular for ele, and at least in sPvP, they don’t have any trouble owning people in 1v1 2v1 and even have the capacity to go in zergs of 4-5 and down people and come out alive

and yes, i hope so too. not only for ele’s but most classes

2 designers only to balance ???

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Actually Ele get the most love out all the classes, dev even admited ele’s are currently the strongest class :P

you can go 0 0 10 30 30 and have more damage, than ranger, necro or engineers, more survival/heals than a bunker, and the escape ability that theif are suppose to have!!

and is not that the other weapons are bad, D/D is just too good for any weapon set, its in a whole different level.

but i do agree, if they really have 2 people on balancing it would explain why the curret balance is the way it is, meta classes keep gettin buff while weaker classes get strongly Nerf every patch! and yes.. so far most devs seem to playing mesmer ( exept robert who plays ranger )

You must have watched a different sotg then, in the february sotg Jon Peters clearly stated that ele got few strong things and many weak things in the March sotg, Karl stated that ele are restricted to a single build 0/10/0/30/30 to do everything

More dmg than a ranger? What are you kidding you or are you serious?
Ever played the shadowcat build with the panther going stealth and dealing godly dmg? or what about trap bunker?or what about simple sword/torch?

More dmg than an engineer?…..nvm I guess there is no discussion with such bias.

The other weapon sets are worst compared to D/D because you, the opponent, can literally avoid 90% of the dmg without wasting a single dodge, if you say otherwise pls, feel free to come and try to kill me with a staff or scepter, anytime that I’m online you can call me!

2 designers only to balance ???

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lillian Wandom Hale.7102

Lillian Wandom Hale.7102

Seriously ? are there only 2 people that balance this game at A-net ???

No wonder elemental class is total bullcrap.

They are obviously playing: Warrior, Thief or Mesmer.

Who ever is having the last words at A-net, to allow this crap. should be kicked.

Having dagger/dagger as only viable option.. for a Mage class ??
Umm, wonder if they can spell: Braindead. (probably not).

A mage class should NEVER, be in melee.
lowest armor.. lowest hp.. lowest survival.. “GO MELEE… WOOOHOO”. ye right.

80 % useless skills.
Slow animation + long casting times.
Realy bad AoE. (i dont count dagger + melee for a mage class viable).
(i also dont count using: dragon tooth, or similar skills viable,they NEVER hit anything)

I did a test. with the meteor shower on staff. BIG aoe.
Placed it right over a golem. it hit him 2 times.. for a full duration.
2 times !!!!! all those falling stones.. and i got 2 hits ??? seriosuly.
And that was a stationary target.
in pvp, if you are moving.. you never get hit. if you are slow.. you get 1 hit.
WOAA.. GOOD SKILL.. 1 hit.. for a 4 second casting time.
and while you cast it.. you get ponded like hell.. GREAT…

useless weapons.
Staff.. scepter..daggers. (a mage shouldnt use anything for melee, low hp/armor?)

If there are only 2 designers for class balance. PLEASE.. kick them,
they are clearly not doing their job right.

Uhm ….I don’t know if you already knew or wanted to look smart … but there really ARE 2 designers ONLY at work :

Designer A (lead designer) : Warrior
Designer B (co-designer) : Thief

OFC they play other profession from time to time, but these 2 are their main concern … since those 2 class’s make (easy) PvE, SPvP and WvW

Come on …Warrior is obviously OP in PvE ..and Thief on top of Highest DMG + Invisibility … can summon THREE MORE THIEFS on demand (low CD)

2 designers only to balance ???

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lillian Wandom Hale.7102

Lillian Wandom Hale.7102

I would say only one thing on other Profession Fairness to Ele’s :

To lower CD by 20% for all their weapon skills (from 5 Skill Engi to 20 Skills Ele), said professions need to spend :

Warrior, Guardian, Ranger, Engineer, Thief, Mesmer, Necromancer :

  • 10 ( gotta love those Two Handed traits ) ~ 20 Trait Points

Elementalist :

  • 70 Trait Points

That is the only case I need to say…
You can attack me on that, but it is the truth ^^
After They spent traits to lower their Weapon CD’s, other professions still have 50~60 Trait Points to spend AS THEY PLEASE
Elle has 0 Trait Points left ….

Thank you and Goodbye

PS. Biggest Irony that some profession on Traits that reduce CD on multiple weapons, still gain BONUS PASSIVE

In spent 70 Trait Points, Elle gets nothing XD

(edited by Lillian Wandom Hale.7102)