20/30/0/20/0 or 0/30/10/30/0 for S/D?
10 in Arcane.
5 arcane gives you a crap tonne of fury (esp with fresh air)
10 nets you perma vigor or boons on swap weapons.
At least consider that.
So I would go something like:
0 30 10 20 10
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
10 in Arcane.
5 arcane gives you a crap tonne of fury (esp with fresh air)
10 nets you perma vigor or boons on swap weapons.At least consider that.
So I would go something like:
0 30 10 20 10
I think that the 10 in earth would be better suited in water. You can gain quite a bit of condi removal from choosing Cleansing Water while there isn’t much from 10 in earth sans Earth’s Embrace.
10 in Arcane.
5 arcane gives you a crap tonne of fury (esp with fresh air)
10 nets you perma vigor or boons on swap weapons.At least consider that.
So I would go something like:
0 30 10 20 10I think that the 10 in earth would be better suited in water. You can gain quite a bit of condi removal from choosing Cleansing Water while there isn’t much from 10 in earth sans Earth’s Embrace.
I play SPvP, so Cleansing Water has a horrible cd attached. Also depending upon what heal he uses will tell you how much he can cleanse. 0 unless he takes Glyph of Elemental Harmony and / or Elemental attunement.
As fresh air is burst, 10 in earth opens up Stone Splinters. +10% damage when in main hand dagger range.
His utilities will most likely be Arcane Blast + Wave + Lightning Flash. So cleansing water would give nothing to this build.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
10 in Arcane.
5 arcane gives you a crap tonne of fury (esp with fresh air)
10 nets you perma vigor or boons on swap weapons.At least consider that.
So I would go something like:
0 30 10 20 10I think that the 10 in earth would be better suited in water. You can gain quite a bit of condi removal from choosing Cleansing Water while there isn’t much from 10 in earth sans Earth’s Embrace.
I play SPvP, so Cleansing Water has a horrible cd attached. Also depending upon what heal he uses will tell you how much he can cleanse. 0 unless he takes Glyph of Elemental Harmony and / or Elemental attunement.
As fresh air is burst, 10 in earth opens up Stone Splinters. +10% damage when in main hand dagger range.
His utilities will most likely be Arcane Blast + Wave + Lightning Flash. So cleansing water would give nothing to this build.
While everything you said is true in sPvP, the OP stated that he’d like a build for WvW roaming and zerg, which would make the condi removal from Cleansing Water much more useful due to the AoE condi spam found in WvW.
Going for a full burst build in WvW = death. You need a bit of sustain.
If you want a fresh air roaming build check my video here:
It has any info you might need in the video description and the comments. It is a 0/30/0/20/20 build.
(edited by xPraks.5096)
Actually I’ve tried many builds for S/D, starting with 0/30/0/10/30 which is too squishy in my opinion.
I also tried 0/30/0/20/20 but I don’t really see the benefits from taking 10 in arcane.
0/30/10/20/10 is also nice and I’ve been using that most of the time. But I faced some bunker guardians, and it was horrible. The burst combo has a nice damage, but guardians can easily heal to full hp, and I have to go through a long time to wait for CDs to burst again, and of course after that they would just heal again (or maybe I’m just bad at playing ele, lol).
So now I decided to change my build again. And imho I like 0/30/10/30/0 because it provides more sustain with cleansing water, which also gives vigor to replace renewing stamina. It also has 100 stat bonus to vitality and healing which is also nice.
Oh yes, currently I’m using ether renewal. As for utilities, I use lightning flash, arcane, and mist form for roaming (sometimes I switch mist form for another arcane for 1v1). And for this 0/30/10/30/0 build, I’m planning to use the standard triple cantrips for sustain and condi cleaning. But is 10 in arcane really worth it? I only like the vigor from renewing stamina. Also arcane traitline doesn’t give bonus stat. And the attunement CD reduction isn’t that great imho since I’m using fresh air I don’t find that attunement CD reduction is really necessary for fresh air builds. But that’s only my opinion of course.
And yes, I was referring to WvW builds. But any suggestions are welcome! I always like to try out other builds.
10 in Arcane.
5 arcane gives you a crap tonne of fury (esp with fresh air)
10 nets you perma vigor or boons on swap weapons.At least consider that.
So I would go something like:
0 30 10 20 10I think that the 10 in earth would be better suited in water. You can gain quite a bit of condi removal from choosing Cleansing Water while there isn’t much from 10 in earth sans Earth’s Embrace.
I play SPvP, so Cleansing Water has a horrible cd attached. Also depending upon what heal he uses will tell you how much he can cleanse. 0 unless he takes Glyph of Elemental Harmony and / or Elemental attunement.
As fresh air is burst, 10 in earth opens up Stone Splinters. +10% damage when in main hand dagger range.
His utilities will most likely be Arcane Blast + Wave + Lightning Flash. So cleansing water would give nothing to this build.
While everything you said is true in sPvP, the OP stated that he’d like a build for WvW roaming and zerg, which would make the condi removal from Cleansing Water much more useful due to the AoE condi spam found in WvW.
Going for a full burst build in WvW = death. You need a bit of sustain.
True, however he is using S/D and seems to have no intention on using any points in arcane. That makes his access to regen = 0. No regen, no condition removal.
Scepter / Dagger has no access to regen within the weapon set. Utilities have no regen unless traited and for a burst build arcane skills would most likely be taken, no regen is achievable though that. Finally his heal, if he takes the Glyph heal then cleansing water would work but only when he healed in water. Seems like such a waist to take a grandmaster trait for something that he may not use.
While Cleansing water is a powerful trait however in this situation it is near useless.
Missed Ashgleam’s post.
If you are going to take cantrips and Soothing Disruption then cleansing water would be very good here, probably better then arcane 10.
The main reason I mention 10 in arcane is because of the 5 arcane trait.
5 in arcane is the main thing that you might be interested in with 2 seconds of fury on swap, remembering that you swap a considerable amount with fresh air.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
(edited by TGSlasher.1458)