80 Elementalist Healer Gear?

80 Elementalist Healer Gear?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Phaseshift.5912


Hi my friend has a new level 80 Elementalist. She wants to focus on healing in a group. She never intends to solo. She was wondering what gear to buy and traits. Should she get berserker gear and adjust traits to improve healing etc..or as she never wants to solo can she get away with Clerics gear and pertinent Traits? Thnx for any help.



80 Elementalist Healer Gear?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Are you talking PvE, PvP or WvW?
If PvE and she got enough experience with ele, she can remain using zerk gear.
If not enough experience, I suggest using Knight (power/prec/tough) or Soldier gear (power/vitality/toughness)..

As for the traitbuild, put 30 in water if u go full support, take the 1, 5 and 11 traits..

But pls do not forget, the others around her (which she wants to heal) need to do Blast Finishers in her water staff skill 3 and 5.. (waterfields)
This will create a combo which gives +1k hp heal instant and some seconds of Regeneration.
So for example:
Ele and (hammer) warrior doing a boss, warrior close to die, ele put waterfield 3 or 5 on warrior, once field comes up, warrior needs to do the Hammer stun skill which is a “Blast Finisher” if u look in skill-description..


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80 Elementalist Healer Gear?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


The problem is that healing is just one of the many tricks in the Elementalist’s arsenal. There are no dedicated healers in Guild Wars 2. Instead, players are mostly intended to keep themselves alive and even if they weren’t, the elementalist’s healing skills are far to weak to replace them, even at maximum healing power.

If your friend wants to support parties, she may be better off with a boon-based build. By using Elemental Attunement and combo fields/blast finishers, she can share her boons with the rest of her party and thus increase their effectiveness and survival that way.

But just focusing on healing your party is not a very good idea.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

80 Elementalist Healer Gear?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Phaseshift.5912


Are you talking PvE, PvP or WvW?


Oh hi I should have said PVE healing only no WvW or PvP.

Thnx for your comments.

80 Elementalist Healer Gear?

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


She would be most use with some clerics armour qnd possibly zerker trinkets. Go staff. Go 0 10 0 30 30. Teach her about blasting water fields

Bad Elementalist

80 Elementalist Healer Gear?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kodiak.3281



This is what I use for WvW Staff Support. Plenty of power, healing, toughness and survivability. You can also go full Clerics too if you want but I don’t like the drop in HP since without Food it’s only at around 16k HP and Clerics drops it down to the 13k HP range.

Again the idea here is to be bunker as hell while heal supporting your group.

Kodiak X – Blackgate

80 Elementalist Healer Gear?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Are you talking PvE, PvP or WvW?


Oh hi I should have said PVE healing only no WvW or PvP.

Thnx for your comments.

PvE: she could try the 0 10 0 30 30 build.. Zerk trinkets and knight gear if she knows how to play Ele, if not enough knowledge about survivability, go full Power/precision/toughness like I mentioned before. Let her slowly evolve to the use of more zerk (dps)..

Like someone else mentioned and which I forgot, as for runes on her gear, go for boon + duration.. The 3 different runes (so in total 6 runes (3 × 2)) she will need are:
- 2 Superior rune of the Monk ( need to buy those with Ascalonian Tokens from Dungeon AC merchant in LA, so u need to do few runs in AC)
- 2 Major Rune of the Monk
- 2 Superior Rune of the Water ( http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rune_of_the_Water )

Why using this strange mix of runes? Because she only needs the Boon Duration buff from the runes.. Which is the second stat on each rune so u need 2 of them to activate the second one. The healing stat (1st on the rune) is a bonus one.

The build I use is for WvW, but it’s almost the same except for the trait build:
Same gear, weps etc…
So either she can copy my build to be tank/support (if water traitline is traited correctly) or she can try a more dps side of it, which means dont put 10 in Earth traitnbut 10 in Air trait and choose Zephyr Boon (which is more for d/d Ele’s) or any other trait.. It’s up to her..

I know this isn’t rly constructive thing to read, but if u got more questions, u can ask


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80 Elementalist Healer Gear?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Phaseshift.5912


Thnx Terrorsquad and everyone else for the helpful answers. Much appreciated and has given us a lot to work on…very appreciated.

80 Elementalist Healer Gear?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


No problem, hope it works out

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