A Key 'RTL' Problem
The problem with RTL was that ele had really high sustain to stick in a fight, then had mobility to get out then come right back.
They nerfed the sustain significantly, and eles mostly just melt, much faster than a real bunker: like guardian. After that, they nerfed the mobility too.
X/D ele can’t stick in the fight, and can’t get out, so they are just useless. This is why you see kamikaze burst eles see play: x/d can’t do anything else better than another class. Even general utility/support is better achieved with a guard or engie.
This won’t be fixed.
Hey bro, Anet just wanted to give us a new class mechanic, you need to be more appreciative of these indirect buffs to our other proffesional flavours. Dont ask me why i’m sure Rednet knows. You cant fight a lost war. The fact you have nothing to lose trivializes any strife. But it’s okay the Gem store has something for all! Peace.
The problem with RTL was that ele had really high sustain to stick in a fight, then had mobility to get out then come right back.
They nerfed the sustain significantly, and eles mostly just melt, much faster than a real bunker: like guardian. After that, they nerfed the mobility too.
X/D ele can’t stick in the fight, and can’t get out, so they are just useless. This is why you see kamikaze burst eles see play: x/d can’t do anything else better than another class. Even general utility/support is better achieved with a guard or engie.
This won’t be fixed.
Tbh i don’t think a Rtl nerf revert would do much at this point. It’s the bigger picture that took the hit.
Hey bro, Anet just wanted to give us a new class mechanic, you need to be more appreciative of these indirect buffs to our other proffesional flavours. Dont ask me why i’m sure Rednet knows. You cant fight a lost war. The fact you have nothing to lose trivializes any strife. But it’s okay the Gem store has something for all! Peace.
Sorry man, but I’m not one of those doom and gloom guys. You must have me mistaken. I simply made this thread to express a certain concern I had with RTL’s nerfing. What you’re saying is a bit irrelevant. Stay on topic please. If you’re being sarcastic, then I’ll have you know that if you become negative, a-net doesn’t continue to read the thread. That’s their game. I ask any future post in this thread to also be positive and/or constructive.
The problem with RTL was that ele had really high sustain to stick in a fight, then had mobility to get out then come right back.
They nerfed the sustain significantly, and eles mostly just melt, much faster than a real bunker: like guardian. After that, they nerfed the mobility too.
X/D ele can’t stick in the fight, and can’t get out, so they are just useless. This is why you see kamikaze burst eles see play: x/d can’t do anything else better than another class. Even general utility/support is better achieved with a guard or engie.
This won’t be fixed.
Tbh i don’t think a Rtl nerf revert would do much at this point. It’s the bigger picture that took the hit.
I’m not looking for a class revamp. Yeah, we did get nerfed. Oh well. I’m just here to express a certain concern I had for Ride The Lightning, and you read what my concern was. I certainly hope this atleast gets some attention.
They said it’d go on the shorter cd even if blocked/evaded, but then on release it didn’t, and they have yet to fix that or even say a single word about it. Sadly, this is anet. Knee jerk, lie, and then ignore. That’s the only expectation I can have without being disappointed.
The problem with RTL was that ele had really high sustain to stick in a fight, then had mobility to get out then come right back.
They nerfed the sustain significantly, and eles mostly just melt, much faster than a real bunker: like guardian. After that, they nerfed the mobility too.
X/D ele can’t stick in the fight, and can’t get out, so they are just useless. This is why you see kamikaze burst eles see play: x/d can’t do anything else better than another class. Even general utility/support is better achieved with a guard or engie.
This won’t be fixed.
Tbh i don’t think a Rtl nerf revert would do much at this point. It’s the bigger picture that took the hit.
I’m not looking for a class revamp. Yeah, we did get nerfed. Oh well. I’m just here to express a certain concern I had for Ride The Lightning, and you read what my concern was. I certainly hope this atleast gets some attention.
Attention of the players won’t do much though. Player above me states why which is another indication they simply don’t care. But here you go! Bumpercar
The problem with RTL was that ele had really high sustain to stick in a fight, then had mobility to get out then come right back.
They nerfed the sustain significantly, and eles mostly just melt, much faster than a real bunker: like guardian. After that, they nerfed the mobility too.
X/D ele can’t stick in the fight, and can’t get out, so they are just useless. This is why you see kamikaze burst eles see play: x/d can’t do anything else better than another class. Even general utility/support is better achieved with a guard or engie.
This won’t be fixed.
This is really the crux of the problem I’ve had with the various Ele nerfs. They’ve nerfed the damage, the ability to sustain, and the mobility and then expect the class to keep up with professions that are better at all of the above.
By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!
Guys I’m just talking about Ride The Lightning, not anything else about the elementalist. Chill with the doom and gloom O_O
Guys I’m just talking about Ride The Lightning, not anything else about the elementalist. Chill with the doom and gloom O_O
Bro, chilling would overkill our abyssmal cooldowns and you know it, We are the void!
Guys I’m just talking about Ride The Lightning, not anything else about the elementalist. Chill with the doom and gloom O_O
’Tis the season.
By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!
Nerfing RTL recharge by 200+% was the biggest mistake they did with the ele class, proof of this is that elementalist are still angry about it months later. They will never admit it, but the new “one with air trait” is a poor attempt at giving back a bit of the mobility they took away from the ele.
There are others mistakes as well to consider, like nerfing mistform and moving stuns-breakers, removing bleeding damage and cripple from earth 4….
Here is the issue in a nutshell it doesn’t just apply to ele but just about all early whack a mole nerfs cross class.
Early on because bunker builds and burst builds were so strong in Spvp and Anet decision that all game modes had to have the same skills lots of thing were nerfed to suit spvp. As they made drastic balance changes in each class. They slowed down and decided that deliberate change would work better at some point. As the class balance changed and things like PvE and WvW kept the bigger community Anet still decided to balance around Spvp. As their outlook changed and they moved to a philosophy of splitting skills many skills that were nerfed into the ground were never revisited.
RtL is one of the best examples of why you need to revisit balance as the meta changes. We have no clue what Anet looks at or how they balance things at all. What we do know if that they judge the meta by Spvp which they seek to balance. Most players put their PvP hours into WvW and that is the big divide. WvW is inherently unbalanced and Anet has very few plans to attempt balancing it. However, at the same time PvE and WvW are what need balancing the most.
From main had D/x auto attacks being garbage, Anet acknowledging it and promising to bring it up, then ignoring it during the, “DD ele is so strong phase” to nerfing RtL I doubt Anet even knows whats coming next.
To the OP consider how many threads have been post on this issue. Think about it a sec. Even if you want to restrain the topic to RtL the big picture is far beyond the nerf to this one skill.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
Here is the issue in a nutshell it doesn’t just apply to ele but just about all early whack a mole nerfs cross class.
Early on because bunker builds and burst builds were so strong in Spvp and Anet decision that all game modes had to have the same skills lots of thing were nerfed to suit spvp. As they made drastic balance changes in each class. They slowed down and decided that deliberate change would work better at some point. As the class balance changed and things like PvE and WvW kept the bigger community Anet still decided to balance around Spvp. As their outlook changed and they moved to a philosophy of splitting skills many skills that were nerfed into the ground were never revisited.
RtL is one of the best examples of why you need to revisit balance as the meta changes. We have no clue what Anet looks at or how they balance things at all. What we do know if that they judge the meta by Spvp which they seek to balance. Most players put their PvP hours into WvW and that is the big divide. WvW is inherently unbalanced and Anet has very few plans to attempt balancing it. However, at the same time PvE and WvW are what need balancing the most.
From main had D/x auto attacks being garbage, Anet acknowledging it and promising to bring it up, then ignoring it during the, “DD ele is so strong phase” to nerfing RtL I doubt Anet even knows whats coming next.
To the OP consider how many threads have been post on this issue. Think about it a sec. Even if you want to restrain the topic to RtL the big picture is far beyond the nerf to this one skill.
The more attention the better. But seriously, I try to talk about RTL only and you guys go bat-cat crazy with stuff like this. “Ohh, my profession sucks, it was nerfed into the ground. i want to be able to faceroll people again! but dang anet wont let us do that!”
If my job was to balance a video game, and my one of my sources of feedback was forums to help me do my job, i can asure you i would seriously not give in to the doom and gloom crap. You need to give un-biased conversations for a-net dev’s to read, not this subjective crap that you guys continually pour out day in and day out. Anet devs are PEOPLE like you guys are! not mindless machines that take demands from a small portion of angry customers. Put good in, get good out.
Could we at least talk about ride the lightning and express our concerns for it in a non-emotional way?
The more attention the better. But seriously, I try to talk about RTL only and you guys go bat-cat crazy with stuff like this. “Ohh, my profession sucks, it was nerfed into the ground. i want to be able to faceroll people again! but dang anet wont let us do that!”
If my job was to balance a video game, and my one of my sources of feedback was forums to help me do my job, i can asure you i would seriously not give in to the doom and gloom crap. You need to give un-biased conversations for a-net dev’s to read, not this subjective crap that you guys continually pour out day in and day out. Anet devs are PEOPLE like you guys are! not mindless machines that take demands from a small portion of angry customers. Put good in, get good out.
Could we at least talk about ride the lightning and express our concerns for it in a non-emotional way?
Do you think you’re the first one to say the current iteration of rtl is bad? Do you think no one has made this thread before? Do you think this wasn’t asked about the second the information about the nerf was mentioned of the live stream where the devs lied and said it wouldn’t go on the high cd if evaded/blocked?
You’re sitting here saying hurr durr let’s be constructive guys! and not even realizing that this has been covered hundreds if not thousands of times before. There’s nothing more to go over, nothing more to say. The devs aren’t sitting there unaware that rtl is a problem. They aren’t just waiting for someone to come along and say please before they fix it.
The reason the devs won’t say a single word about rtl is because they know anything they said would make them look worse than not saying anything at all. You can try to have your little unbiased discussions all you want, but if you actually expect anything to come of them, you’re kidding yourself.
Here is the issue in a nutshell it doesn’t just apply to ele but just about all early whack a mole nerfs cross class.
Early on because bunker builds and burst builds were so strong in Spvp and Anet decision that all game modes had to have the same skills lots of thing were nerfed to suit spvp. As they made drastic balance changes in each class. They slowed down and decided that deliberate change would work better at some point. As the class balance changed and things like PvE and WvW kept the bigger community Anet still decided to balance around Spvp. As their outlook changed and they moved to a philosophy of splitting skills many skills that were nerfed into the ground were never revisited.
RtL is one of the best examples of why you need to revisit balance as the meta changes. We have no clue what Anet looks at or how they balance things at all. What we do know if that they judge the meta by Spvp which they seek to balance. Most players put their PvP hours into WvW and that is the big divide. WvW is inherently unbalanced and Anet has very few plans to attempt balancing it. However, at the same time PvE and WvW are what need balancing the most.
From main had D/x auto attacks being garbage, Anet acknowledging it and promising to bring it up, then ignoring it during the, “DD ele is so strong phase” to nerfing RtL I doubt Anet even knows whats coming next.
To the OP consider how many threads have been post on this issue. Think about it a sec. Even if you want to restrain the topic to RtL the big picture is far beyond the nerf to this one skill.
The more attention the better. But seriously, I try to talk about RTL only and you guys go bat-cat crazy with stuff like this. “Ohh, my profession sucks, it was nerfed into the ground. i want to be able to faceroll people again! but dang anet wont let us do that!”
If my job was to balance a video game, and my one of my sources of feedback was forums to help me do my job, i can asure you i would seriously not give in to the doom and gloom crap. You need to give un-biased conversations for a-net dev’s to read, not this subjective crap that you guys continually pour out day in and day out. Anet devs are PEOPLE like you guys are! not mindless machines that take demands from a small portion of angry customers. Put good in, get good out.
Could we at least talk about ride the lightning and express our concerns for it in a non-emotional way?
I broke it down for you no more no less. You seem to view criticism as something emotional. Really it isn’t. You seem to think everyone wants to “face roll”. Once again you are reading things that simply aren’t there. RtL is a small portion of a much bigger problem. While you may feel the utmost sympathy for Anet’s devs many of us have been through a full year of rather ridiculous swings. As customers patience can only squeezed so thin.
Re-read what I wrote as I think you missed the point. you seem to have added your own insinuations that simply are not there. RtL is really a cross class mobility question based on a pure bunker meta in WvW that simply is no longer there. Logical arguments and request for them to look into RtL have be unanswered for months. Unless Anet plans to balance things around WvW (which they have said they do not) I would not expect much change here.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
The more attention the better. But seriously, I try to talk about RTL only and you guys go bat-cat crazy with stuff like this. “Ohh, my profession sucks, it was nerfed into the ground. i want to be able to faceroll people again! but dang anet wont let us do that!”
If my job was to balance a video game, and my one of my sources of feedback was forums to help me do my job, i can asure you i would seriously not give in to the doom and gloom crap. You need to give un-biased conversations for a-net dev’s to read, not this subjective crap that you guys continually pour out day in and day out. Anet devs are PEOPLE like you guys are! not mindless machines that take demands from a small portion of angry customers. Put good in, get good out.
Could we at least talk about ride the lightning and express our concerns for it in a non-emotional way?Do you think you’re the first one to say the current iteration of rtl is bad? Do you think no one has made this thread before? Do you think this wasn’t asked about the second the information about the nerf was mentioned of the live stream where the devs lied and said it wouldn’t go on the high cd if evaded/blocked?
You’re sitting here saying hurr durr let’s be constructive guys! and not even realizing that this has been covered hundreds if not thousands of times before. There’s nothing more to go over, nothing more to say. The devs aren’t sitting there unaware that rtl is a problem. They aren’t just waiting for someone to come along and say please before they fix it.
The reason the devs won’t say a single word about rtl is because they know anything they said would make them look worse than not saying anything at all. You can try to have your little unbiased discussions all you want, but if you actually expect anything to come of them, you’re kidding yourself.
This is the exact kind of behavior im talking about. Maybe it hasnt crossed your mind yet, but have you ever thought that ALLL those other times where people brought up RTL, that maybe, just maybe, they were being just a little bit rude and accusatory towards a-net?
If the ele community could ONCE have a real discussion about a nerf, then MAYBE we would get a Dev to answer us. Instead most of you ele players don’t have the forethought to understand that developers are PEOPLE like you, not machines. Put yourself in their shoes, i mean that.
Here is the issue in a nutshell it doesn’t just apply to ele but just about all early whack a mole nerfs cross class.
Early on because bunker builds and burst builds were so strong in Spvp and Anet decision that all game modes had to have the same skills lots of thing were nerfed to suit spvp. As they made drastic balance changes in each class. They slowed down and decided that deliberate change would work better at some point. As the class balance changed and things like PvE and WvW kept the bigger community Anet still decided to balance around Spvp. As their outlook changed and they moved to a philosophy of splitting skills many skills that were nerfed into the ground were never revisited.
RtL is one of the best examples of why you need to revisit balance as the meta changes. We have no clue what Anet looks at or how they balance things at all. What we do know if that they judge the meta by Spvp which they seek to balance. Most players put their PvP hours into WvW and that is the big divide. WvW is inherently unbalanced and Anet has very few plans to attempt balancing it. However, at the same time PvE and WvW are what need balancing the most.
From main had D/x auto attacks being garbage, Anet acknowledging it and promising to bring it up, then ignoring it during the, “DD ele is so strong phase” to nerfing RtL I doubt Anet even knows whats coming next.
To the OP consider how many threads have been post on this issue. Think about it a sec. Even if you want to restrain the topic to RtL the big picture is far beyond the nerf to this one skill.
The more attention the better. But seriously, I try to talk about RTL only and you guys go bat-cat crazy with stuff like this. “Ohh, my profession sucks, it was nerfed into the ground. i want to be able to faceroll people again! but dang anet wont let us do that!”
If my job was to balance a video game, and my one of my sources of feedback was forums to help me do my job, i can asure you i would seriously not give in to the doom and gloom crap. You need to give un-biased conversations for a-net dev’s to read, not this subjective crap that you guys continually pour out day in and day out. Anet devs are PEOPLE like you guys are! not mindless machines that take demands from a small portion of angry customers. Put good in, get good out.
Could we at least talk about ride the lightning and express our concerns for it in a non-emotional way?I broke it down for you no more no less. You seem to view criticism as something emotional. Really it isn’t. You seem to think everyone wants to “face roll”. Once again you are reading things that simply aren’t there. RtL is a small portion of a much bigger problem. While you may feel the utmost sympathy for Anet’s devs many of us have been through a full year of rather ridiculous swings. As customers patience can only squeezed so thin.
Re-read what I wrote as I think you missed the point. you seem to have added your own insinuations that simply are not there. RtL is really a cross class mobility question based on a pure bunker meta in WvW that simply is no longer there. Logical arguments and request for them to look into RtL have be unanswered for months. Unless Anet plans to balance things around WvW (which they have said they do not) I would not expect much change here.
No, i apologize actually, you’re response was perfectly logical and un-biased. I was simply referring the other people who responded to the thread before you and i simply clicked a response into the last person who responded which would be you.
This is the exact kind of behavior im talking about. Maybe it hasnt crossed your mind yet, but have you ever thought that ALLL those other times where people brought up RTL, that maybe, just maybe, they were being just a little bit rude and accusatory towards a-net?
If the ele community could ONCE have a real discussion about a nerf, then MAYBE we would get a Dev to answer us. Instead most of you ele players don’t have the forethought to understand that developers are PEOPLE like you, not machines. Put yourself in their shoes, i mean that.
You are incredibly naive.
This is the exact kind of behavior im talking about. Maybe it hasnt crossed your mind yet, but have you ever thought that ALLL those other times where people brought up RTL, that maybe, just maybe, they were being just a little bit rude and accusatory towards a-net?
If the ele community could ONCE have a real discussion about a nerf, then MAYBE we would get a Dev to answer us. Instead most of you ele players don’t have the forethought to understand that developers are PEOPLE like you, not machines. Put yourself in their shoes, i mean that.You are incredibly naive.
Lol. Did you think we were having some kind of debate? I tell you what. You win. Your impressive textual prowess has overpowered me. I will continue to believe anet doesn’t give a kitten, but as I have been defeated, I shall retreat from the field of battle. You can have your civilized discussions in peace. I am sure that, with this victory and ensuing positive, unbiased conversations, we elementalists can count on this change being in the next patch. Thank you for your service.
Lol. Did you think we were having some kind of debate? I tell you what. You win. Your impressive textual prowess has overpowered me. I will continue to believe anet doesn’t give a kitten, but as I have been defeated, I shall retreat from the field of battle. You can have your civilized discussions in peace. I am sure that, with this victory and ensuing positive, unbiased conversations, we elementalists can count on this change being in the next patch. Thank you for your service.
It’s seriously not that much to ask of an at least competent player of the game to have such a conversation? I mean, one would imagine it wouldn’t be such a problem. However, here we are.
This is the exact kind of behavior im talking about. Maybe it hasnt crossed your mind yet, but have you ever thought that ALLL those other times where people brought up RTL, that maybe, just maybe, they were being just a little bit rude and accusatory towards a-net?
If the ele community could ONCE have a real discussion about a nerf, then MAYBE we would get a Dev to answer us. Instead most of you ele players don’t have the forethought to understand that developers are PEOPLE like you, not machines. Put yourself in their shoes, i mean that.
I must agree with dreztina. You are being considerably naive in your statements. Ride the Lightning has been the subject of many posts dedicated to asking, demanding, and/or begging for the nerf to be revisited and reversed. These posts have ranged from positive to negative, constructive to toxic.
While the attitudes of each poster was different, they were all treated the same. These posts did not receive any visible acknowledgment from Anet.
Now, it is possible that the Devs are watching this forum. It is possible that they are indeed listening and considering our thoughts. Unfortunately, we do not have the proof that say this is indeed what is happening.
ArenaNet is lacking in the customer service department. Feelings aside: This is business. The customers are unhappy. They need to start communicating with their customers; and they need to go beyond hosting 30min to 1 hr “tutorial” streams.
On topic, I applaud your effort to address an issue that has been plaguing the elementalist community. However, I must agree with TheGuy. When it comes down to it, the elementalist has too many core issues. Even if RTL were reverted, the fix would be similar to applying a single band-aid to multiple gunshot wounds.
This is the exact kind of behavior im talking about. Maybe it hasnt crossed your mind yet, but have you ever thought that ALLL those other times where people brought up RTL, that maybe, just maybe, they were being just a little bit rude and accusatory towards a-net?
If the ele community could ONCE have a real discussion about a nerf, then MAYBE we would get a Dev to answer us. Instead most of you ele players don’t have the forethought to understand that developers are PEOPLE like you, not machines. Put yourself in their shoes, i mean that.I must agree with dreztina. You are being considerably naive in your statements. Ride the Lightning has been the subject of many posts dedicated to asking, demanding, and/or begging for the nerf to be revisited and reversed. These posts have ranged from positive to negative, constructive to toxic.
While the attitudes of each poster was different, they were all treated the same. These posts did not receive any visible acknowledgment from Anet.
Now, it is possible that the Devs are watching this forum. It is possible that they are indeed listening and considering our thoughts. Unfortunately, we do not have the proof that say this is indeed what is happening.
ArenaNet is lacking in the customer service department. Feelings aside: This is business. The customers are unhappy. They need to start communicating with their customers; and they need to go beyond hosting 30min to 1 hr “tutorial” streams.
On topic, I applaud your effort to address an issue that has been plaguing the elementalist community. However, I must agree with TheGuy. When it comes down to it, the elementalist has too many core issues. Even if RTL were reverted, the fix would be similar to applying a single band-aid to multiple gunshot wounds.
Would you, or would you not agree that this issue of it being evaded/blocked/blinded is a rather serious one, is all I’m simply stating. I’m not here to talk about the class as a whole, if you want to talk about the class as a whole go make a thread with that sort of topic in mind. This is about RTL. All I’m asking is that we talk about RTL. Nothing more, nothing less. Don’t you agree about this problem? If so, state your reasons. If not, elaborate.
Thats rhetorical, was it worth a thread? But the problem is: how does it detect the skill was evaded or blinded or blocked? The game has no way of telling, my thoughts on the matter are: they failed to implement the way it was written on the paper. Don’t take my words as doom and gloom, they’re jokes.
Would you, or would you not agree that this issue of it being evaded/blocked/blinded is a rather serious one, is all I’m simply stating. I’m not here to talk about the class as a whole, if you want to talk about the class as a whole go make a thread with that sort of topic in mind. This is about RTL. All I’m asking is that we talk about RTL. Nothing more, nothing less. Don’t you agree about this problem? If so, state your reasons. If not, elaborate.
I’m not here to talk about the class as a whole, nor am I here to talk about RTL. I’m only here to submit a friendly warning of ’don’t get your hopes up.’
As for me, I know there are problems, however I am simply tired of talking about them—posting into the void. If your thread gets Anet’s attention, awesome. Hopefully we’ll get answers. Until then, I’ve given up trying to talk about the issues of this profession (big or small). I’ve chosen to simply play the game and take long breaks when frustrated. Nothing more, nothing less.
Thats rhetorical, was it worth a thread? But the problem is: how does it detect the skill was evaded or blinded or blocked? The game has no way of telling, my thoughts on the matter are: they failed to implement the way it was written on the paper. Don’t take my words as doom and gloom, they’re jokes.
lets try to think of a new way to re-balance ride the lightning. I can still use RTL to escape from people, it still has its uses. but i hate getting punished for having used it “correctly” ,that is, trying to hit somone with it when they evade, blind, block, or invuln. The current RTL needs to be swept away, and a new one needs to take form.
lets try to think of a new way to re-balance ride the lightning. I can still use RTL to escape from people, it still has its uses. but i hate getting punished for having used it “correctly” ,that is, trying to hit somone with it when they evade, blind, block, or invuln. The current RTL needs to be swept away, and a new one needs to take form.
There isn’t a need to have a split cooldown anymore, but if they are stuck on one:
“If there is not an enemy in a 300 radius at the end of the skill, the CD is increased.”
Dodge/block/aegis/invuln/slight range-change no longer an issue.
Just revert the bloody’thang und begone! Aa12secAigurl. If only they learned there is no shame in reverting or changing course, the wind did but the ship is sailing against it.
Anet treated RTL as if gw 2 was working perfectly, while it is the glitchy nature of the game making it extra nasty. Apart from what other people have already said:
1) RTL is STILL BUGGY. Now players get punished double when the bug occurs.
2) the cooldown is INVISIBLE to you when out of air attunement for upto 15 seconds, but you can’t always be sure RTL landed by just looking at the action because the feedback is sometimes poor.
Number 2 is a problem because:
-The game isn’t showing all numbers / misses / blocks on the screen (nor combat log) and the sound of RTL is louder than block.
-RTL often does a ‘hickup’ lag when it lands. (the thing that also causes you to stand still ) that cuts out part of auto-attack animation.
-The first hit of air auto-attack is very quick.
-Lag can cause a perfectly timed RTL to hit thin air.
-Even when you RTL multiple people and don’t check they might all have blocked it.
The problem with RTL was that ele had really high sustain to stick in a fight, then had mobility to get out then come right back.
Well, I don’t see this as a problem really. There’s another class which can still do this, without any CDs (theoretically) and can survive even in zerker gear.
But Ele’s ability doing this was a problem?
Anet treated RTL as if gw 2 was working perfectly, while it is the glitchy nature of the game making it extra nasty. Apart from what other people have already said:
1) RTL is STILL BUGGY. Now players get punished double when the bug occurs.
2) the cooldown is INVISIBLE to you when out of air attunement for upto 15 seconds, but you can’t always be sure RTL landed by just looking at the action because the feedback is sometimes poor.Number 2 is a problem because:
-The game isn’t showing all numbers / misses / blocks on the screen (nor combat log) and the sound of RTL is louder than block.
-RTL often does a ‘hickup’ lag when it lands. (the thing that also causes you to stand still ) that cuts out part of auto-attack animation.
-The first hit of air auto-attack is very quick.
-Lag can cause a perfectly timed RTL to hit thin air.
-Even when you RTL multiple people and don’t check they might all have blocked it.
They should have trait RTL instead of adding the one with air.
Traited RTL:
Breaks stun / Immunity to immobilize / gives aegis
They should have trait RTL instead of adding the one with air.
Traited RTL:
Breaks stun / Immunity to immobilize / gives aegis
And then everyone ran Fresh Air D/D, and offhand focus was never seen again.
By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!
They should have trait RTL instead of adding the one with air.
Traited RTL:
Breaks stun / Immunity to immobilize / gives aegisAnd then everyone ran Fresh Air D/D, and offhand focus was never seen again.
Offhand Focus has never been seen since it stopped blocking treb projectiles…
lets try to think of a new way to re-balance ride the lightning. I can still use RTL to escape from people, it still has its uses. but i hate getting punished for having used it “correctly” ,that is, trying to hit somone with it when they evade, blind, block, or invuln. The current RTL needs to be swept away, and a new one needs to take form.
There isn’t a need to have a split cooldown anymore, but if they are stuck on one:
“If there is not an enemy in a 300 radius at the end of the skill, the CD is increased.”
Dodge/block/aegis/invuln/slight range-change no longer an issue.
While the nerf hurt pretty badly, unfortunately, it was needed. and also while i agree with it not having a need for a split cooldown, as youve stated, they are stuck on it. the suggestion you gave would perfectly fix the problem ive been having, which is when using it correctly, still getting punished for it. +1 to you
LOL, dude, ANet only reads the Ele thread during secret drinking parties at the offices. You shun people who talk about things straight. Get off the koolaid man. Open your eyes. Plato wrote a story about people stuck in a cave who stared at a wall of images for their whole life, and were convinced their experience was the universal truth. Dude, go outside and listen to others’ stories. It might blow your mind. Have pride in yourself for your virtue, but do not be proud in things that are not yours or that have no virtue.
(edited by ImProVocateur.5189)
RTL + Anet’s horrible coding + Oceanic = 40 second cooldown Ride the Rubberband.
The problem with RTL was that ele had really high sustain to stick in a fight, then had mobility to get out then come right back.
They nerfed the sustain significantly, and eles mostly just melt, much faster than a real bunker: like guardian. After that, they nerfed the mobility too.
X/D ele can’t stick in the fight, and can’t get out, so they are just useless. This is why you see kamikaze burst eles see play: x/d can’t do anything else better than another class. Even general utility/support is better achieved with a guard or engie.
This won’t be fixed.
Actually this. They stripped all the sustain and mobility from the overhyped d/d ele a few eons ago and left the eles with nothing but mediocrity. Then they put all those now in warrior.
They should have trait RTL instead of adding the one with air.
Traited RTL:
Breaks stun / Immunity to immobilize / gives aegisAnd then everyone ran Fresh Air D/D, and offhand focus was never seen again.
Offhand Focus has never been seen since it stopped blocking treb projectiles…
They love to nerf everything about ele when they see it being used effectively.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
(edited by Gallrvaghn.4921)
The only key RTL problem is that the cd is just too high on a non hit.
Apart from disengaging, its also a pita to maintain being up in competant players faces as 1 dodge its really hard now to stay on top of people.
The other problems are :
crap dmg
the self stun when your immob’d
being locked out of skills when in use
Anet please could you explain the 40 sec cd on this 1200 movement skill – the only 1200 a d/d possesses Especially when you lanch the game with it on a 15 sec cd ? Thats some truely radical nerfing.
I think i remember anet advertising ele as high mobility profession to make up for low hp and low armor…
Warr OP? Needs moar mobility, give them an F2 with access to all nerfed ele skills in their pre nerf stage, then they might become the gods you want them to be. Blimm out!
Liane Frostfire – Elementalist [TWP] Ilona Frostfire – Mesmer [TWP]
Enya Frostfire – Mesmer [OMFG]
1) RTL is STILL BUGGY. Now players get punished double when the bug occurs.
This is my biggest issue with it. I gave up managing the cooldown a long time ago, because it gets randomly stuck on invisible things half the time I use it. (For example, if I RTL to a gate in wvw, sometimes it’ll hit and do dmg, and sometimes it’ll just stop about a foot out from the gate, for no apparent reason, and I just sit there as a ball of energy until it times out.) I’ve also noticed that if my target moves, and I actually “end” RTL right on top of another player, it won’t do the damage or have a short cooldown. It appears to ONLY work if you hit your original target. I don’t want it to get stuck on every single player, as it wouldn’t work to escape anymore, but I do think there’s room for some tweaking on the mechanic.
My preference would be a flat 20 sec cooldown (well… 15, but that’s a pipe dream ). It removes all the irritation from trying to manage something where the biggest variables aren’t under your control.
1) RTL is STILL BUGGY. Now players get punished double when the bug occurs.
This is my biggest issue with it. I gave up managing the cooldown a long time ago, because it gets randomly stuck on invisible things half the time I use it. (For example, if I RTL to a gate in wvw, sometimes it’ll hit and do dmg, and sometimes it’ll just stop about a foot out from the gate, for no apparent reason, and I just sit there as a ball of energy until it times out.) I’ve also noticed that if my target moves, and I actually “end” RTL right on top of another player, it won’t do the damage or have a short cooldown. It appears to ONLY work if you hit your original target. I don’t want it to get stuck on every single player, as it wouldn’t work to escape anymore, but I do think there’s room for some tweaking on the mechanic.
My preference would be a flat 20 sec cooldown (well… 15, but that’s a pipe dream
). It removes all the irritation from trying to manage something where the biggest variables aren’t under your control.