A couple of ideas to help the Eles.

A couple of ideas to help the Eles.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Phoenix.4073


I am sure there are 1000’s of topics complaining about the elementalist, so the very first thing i want to mention is that I am not here to do that. I am here to give so constructive criticsm for the devs and get feedback from the other players.

As we all know the elementalists are a semi difficult class to play with our low damage output and low health. I just hit lvl 80 on mine and it took almost 450 deaths. So I am gonna share some of my ideas with you all.

Attunement Ideas
1. The elementalist should be given a buff to their damage output for ALL their attunements.
2. Attunement swapping should be made to be optional, giving bonuses depending on whether you attune swap or not. The traits are so linear at the moment that the bonuses are only for that certain trait line. (ex. Fire helps fire but not water) Yes whatever trait you attune with gives you bonuses but its not significant enough to actually do major bonuses to other skills. My water ele can only live in PVE, if shes in the water element. In fire doing damage she dies really really easy. Same for the other two elements.

1. The water attunement should be given a buff to their healing with their skills. Examples, the water blast, geyser, and healing rain skills should heal more.
2. The 4th water staff skill, Frozen Ground, should be given a damage output. The Water attunement for staff is highly lacking in damage.
3. In fire with a staff, I find meteor shower to be completely useless. It a skill you have to sit there and channel and theirs not a guarentee to actually hit the enemies.

These are just some of ideas that i could think of at the moment. If i think of anymore i will post it on here.

A couple of ideas to help the Eles.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Animosity.5231


Attunements are meant to be diverse. Staff Water is all about the heals and chill, not damage. The heal skills heal for plenty. Are you packing any healing power? Healing for 5k in an area is huge, and you can combo with Evasive Arcana twice for AoE healing, and ANet has specifically stated they don’t want a support class. Boosting this is overkill, and we become the support class everyone wants.

Meteor Shower is unreliable, and should be more like GW1’s. AoE DoT, but with a meteor shower animation. Boom, suddenly it’s worth using.

I think it would be exceedingly difficult to balance attunments in such a way that we can either swap or not. If you have suggestions here, then feel free to post them. The best you can do is divide up traits in each line – some giving bonuses for sitting in a single attunment, others that promote fast-swapping. The biggest flaw with the entire idea is that if you don’t attunment swap regardless, you’re losing out on 3/4 of your class. Attunements make us versatile, and allows us to continue putting out damage, or CC, or healing continuously – without any pauses. We don’t have downtime like other classes where our CDs are down. That’s a big benefit.