A plea for communication from ArenaNet

A plea for communication from ArenaNet

in Elementalist

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


Dear ArenaNet,
as a player and pre-purchaser I’ve lived and breathed your creation since Beta Weekend One. I love the world you’ve created, I appreciate the time and effort you’ve collectively invested into Tyria, all the subtleties and extra effort you’ve put into the “little things” makes me proud to be playing your game.

I’ve always admired your communication skills, the way you’re willing to share the thoughts and ideas behind why you do what you do. I understand it has been a long and hard path and that there are many things you still need to address.

However primarily as an Elementalist player I cannot help but feel let down by the lack of communication from the team responsible for balancing our beloved class. It is disheartening and demorilising to read patch notes and see issues with other classes being addressed while very little has been done with this class.

There are myriad threads on both the official forums and other community sites like guildwars2guru regarding the current state of the class. I’m sure you guys read them and are aware of the general perception of the class as a whole. You have my hope cupped in the palm of your hands, what you do with it is up to you.

My plea to you as the developers responsible for the game is to please communicate something to your player base, sooner rather than later for the good of the class and overall the good of the game.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

A plea for communication from ArenaNet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alexixiv.8125


I am with you on this, I am hoping that they are of the mindset “We will get all the bugs resolved then address the balance of the elementalists” I hope it isnt just wishful thinking…

A plea for communication from ArenaNet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


I think the reason they haven’t touched the classes at the lower end of the spectrum yet is because they need bigger tweaks than you can fit in an evening hotfix.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

A plea for communication from ArenaNet

in Elementalist

Posted by: elchulo.3148


But they nerfed us badly after the short beta events and haven’t boosted us in 4 weeks. Nerfs didn’t take any time so that can’t be an excuse.

A plea for communication from ArenaNet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Seraskus.6810


With other classes it is just about curing some simple bugs with few skills…
With Elementalist it is about the whole class :|

A plea for communication from ArenaNet

in Elementalist

Posted by: zafery.6784


And this profession was voted best polished of all classes more than once (together with warrior) during the bwes… And than damages got (un)balanced… Oh the irony.. So i guess it is the fault of us players too.. After all that burst capality is gone (which was not as powerful as todays OP 2 button burst builds,i can go as far as nothing was wrong at all with single target damage, it could be even higher.. but hey), nothing is left, we are all talking about how the fundamentals of the profession are wrong.. Which are not wrong at all in theory, just have important flaws in practice…

But i agree there should be something by now.. I was waiting for something to be addressed last week, but well… Time to move on to an alt..

A plea for communication from ArenaNet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Heartz.6905


Yea well personally after a bit vwvw I kinda gave up. No matter what I did I get more or less facerolled. so low damage. lvled ele to 80 and some wvw for a few days, then not been playing a few days now.. just hoping ele get buffed, if not i guess i make a necro or a thief… thief seem to easy mode lols, no fair
I wont play ele again as it is atm, its kinda pointless having to do so much more work for less dmg than any other class..

A plea for communication from ArenaNet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Twinlanceblack.1450


I was going to make this thread till I just saw this so I am adding on. This company has been great about communication so as others I will just ask is there going to be some address to the problems of the proffession ?

A plea for communication from ArenaNet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xriah.5743


I doubt they’re going to communicate anything specific concerning balance when all that will do is upset everyone before the changes are even made. The vast majourity of forumn users have already proven that they’re just going to whine about any decision made unless it goes their way.

The biggest problem with balance discussion among players of any game is that each and every player is biased to some degree. Everyone has the classes that they play and they all want their classes to succeed. ANet has the best tools out of any of us to decide what is balanced and what isn’t. They will do what they think is best. Any communication they give the community will just further stir the pot, even more so than it already is.

If you can’t handle the state of the class your playing, you should reroll, wait, or go play something else. There’s no garuntee the changes you want are going to come about.