ANET LOOK! Conjures need this!!!

ANET LOOK! Conjures need this!!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stalefish.7615


As title says, the true problem remains! Yes they buffed the skills and actually made them really nice, HOWEVER the problem is that the do not, at all, work “on demand”….

Right now all the conjures can only be used in a pre setup combo that do not get interrupted. This might work for PvE yes and even WvW i suppose, but for people like me, exclusive Tpvp, the conjures will never work unless you can use them REACTIVLY.

Especially the earth shield, a skill like invunerability that is purely defensive needs the be used when you are in an defensive posistion. And in an defensive posision you cannot just sorta say" you know what enemy? take a quick 2 sec break imma just conjure this thingy!"… same goes for the earth block, it is ONLY useful on demand not preemtivly! you cant just run up to someone blovking and be like “dude hit me!! hit me!!!!!”….

But imagine this! imagine all the conjures can be equipped WHILST stunned. now in a stunlock from warrior you can switch to the shield and as soon as he is just a tiny fragment of a second off on the lockdown you get in the invunerability or a block, similar to the engii tool kit block! Same goes for the Fire axe, it would be great if you could use it and dodgeroll back instantly WHEN NEEDED!

Prehaps one or too Conjures could even be stunbreakers, that would be awesome and if it is INSTANT and stunbreak that when it can be used reactivly.. and that is only when it will make any sence in TPVP…

So this is the truth right here:

Until conjures are not just instant but instant like kits are (switchable during cc), they will NEVER have a place in Tpvp.

ANET LOOK! Conjures need this!!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Agreed. Conjures already had good skills. The problem was and is cast time and cooldown. They need to be instant, pure and simple, or they add nothing to diversity. I can see how it might be op having them exactly like kits with no cd, but at least reduce cd to something sane like 25s. Ele is poor man’s engie as it stands.

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ANET LOOK! Conjures need this!!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stalefish.7615


Agreed. Conjures already had good skills. The problem was and is cast time and cooldown. They need to be instant, pure and simple, or they add nothing to diversity. I can see how it might be op having them exactly like kits with no cd, but at least reduce cd to something sane like 25s. Ele is poor man’s engie as it stands.

Yeah I want the conjures too be like kits in the sence that they can be “switched to” or “chosen” whislt in cc! I still think that the CD should remain though!

ANET LOOK! Conjures need this!!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Conncept.7638


No, they need something to make them work with our class mechanic, but becoming kits is ni’ it.

Sorry for the dwarf speak, stupid word filter

(edited by Conncept.7638)

ANET LOOK! Conjures need this!!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


What do you suggest then? Having 4 attunements for each conjure? Because that is never going to happen for so many reasons.

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ANET LOOK! Conjures need this!!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Conncept.7638


What do you suggest then? Having 4 attunements for each conjure? Because that is never going to happen for so many reasons.

I’ve made the suggestion several times before on what I think needs to happen to both make conjures fit and solve our build problems.

  • 1. Each trait paths minor adept trait now grant 0.5% attunement recharge rate for it’s attunement alone per point invested in the tree. This stacks with attunement recharge, but is still capped at 30%.
  • 2. Conjures work on timers and cooldowns alone, but now overwrite the attunement they are cast in, and count as an attunement of their appropriate element in every way for their allotted time, including proccing traits.

Example: Cast Lava Axe while in air attunement, for lava axe’s duration your air attunement is gone with Lava Axe in its place acting as a second fire attunement. Cast Fiery great sword in water attunement and it overwrites water attunement becoming a third fire attunement. If you have invested a full thirty points in the fire tree, all three will have at least 15% attunement recharge rate, and all three will proc any skills which would be procced by being in or switching to the fire attunement. Any of the other conujures would work the same way.

We do not have build diversity for two reasons.

One, with every single one of our abilities behind not one but two cooldowns we cannot be sure we’ll have them when we need without out as heavy an investment in cooldown reduction as possible, available only in the arcane tree.

Second, even with attunement recharge placed in other trees we invariably end up with abilities we have neither the appropriate stats nor any traits for, ensuring dead spots no matter how we build our bar.

This suggestion solves both problems.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

ANET LOOK! Conjures need this!!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


The best buff for kits at this point would be to make them instant-cast or shorter cast (the 1/4 on flame axe isn’t bad, but 3/4 on LH is silly) and give it a shorter CD (perhaps 40s), as their skills really aren’t too much more powerful than regular skills. Their usage should be to swap to a conjure at the right time, use the skills for utility, then drop it to use your normal skills.

ANET LOOK! Conjures need this!!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Sorry but I don’t feel the same
Conjures are not just for an Ele. They’re also for your teammates which is why two of them are created, one for yourself and one for a teammate.
If I have any qualm with conjures it’s that you cannot drop your conjure and then pick it back up.
So when under attack if I want to swirling winds to either assist an ally, or myself I have to ditch the conjure weapon, permanently.
Warrior banners have cast times as well but they’re kind of a hybrid between conjures and Spirits in that they have passive & active skills and a teammate can use them. A banners qualm isn’t in not being instant. As an environmental weapon made for teammates, without any passive benefit unlike Banners, I except the weapon itself to be potent, but I also expect to be able to flipping drop it and come back to it.

An Ele should be able to drop his FGS and let someone else take it.

The great forum duppy.

(edited by ensoriki.5789)

ANET LOOK! Conjures need this!!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Solo.9027


No, they need something to make them work with our class mechanic, but becoming kits is ni’ it.

Sorry for the dwarf speak, stupid word filter

Your dwarven wording gave me an idea, what if we summon each conjure by pressing the attunement key for that element again after being in the element already(or holding it down or whatever)? Call it some sort of Re-attunement. That way we could keep charges as the conjure mechanic (boosted by conjurer trait) or even tie conjure recharge rate to arcana and do away with attunement recharge altogether. Then we could have all the cool skills without losing utility slots but still have constraints on their use.

ANET LOOK! Conjures need this!!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Conjures are still terribly clunky to use, and still force you to give up 20 skills for 5 (and cost you a utility slot).

That’s a terrible tradeoff and IMO anyone would be crazy to take a conjure over any other utility.

downed state is bad for PVP

(edited by scerevisiae.1972)