ANet: Rework Tornado for Tempest?

ANet: Rework Tornado for Tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: SchmendrickTheMagician.8247


Why it tornado still the worst elite out of all class elites? If you’re a TEMPEST – a Storm Caller – it makes perfect sense to conjure up a tornado, but not to morph into one yourself.

Will we ever see a rework of tornado to make it actually worth casting ArenaNet? Please?

Also, on that note, will we PLEASE get a developer response on ele issues for once in 3 years?

Last of the Red Hot Swamis

(edited by SchmendrickTheMagician.8247)

ANet: Rework Tornado for Tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mem no Fushia.7604

Mem no Fushia.7604

I suggested in the past to give tornad its individual hp bar. I think that would be enough or rather it is someting that I would like to see.

ANet: Rework Tornado for Tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anjoys.5367


I think that Tornado should work like Ventari’s tablet and pull people instead of knocking them back and then after its duration then is knocks all people in its radius back.

ANet: Rework Tornado for Tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Id love to see Tornado gettign reworked also with the tablet in mind, so that you summon the tornado and control it then. So tornado changes your Weapon SKill Bar into Tornado Skills

1) Move Tornado = Ground Target Skill, that lets your summoned Tornado Move to your Ground Target. Tornado will suck enemies that are in its path in and deals per second Bleeding Stacks
2) Thunderstorm = Adds for a moment a thunderstorm to the Tornado, letting in a area around the Tornado Lightnings Strikes crush into the area hitting foes, whenever the Tornado deals Bleeding Stacks to foes. Max 5 Targets.
3) Heavy Wind = The Tornado becomes temporarely so strong, that it cripples also the next time it deals a Bleeding Stack and the Bleedign Stacks next time will be stronger.
4) Protective Wind = Lets the Tornado move with Super Speed for a while and at its position when it stops appears a swirling wind, that blocks projectiles.
5) Engulfing Wind = The Tornado sucks in now even rocks, cows and anything thats in its way, so that sucked in enemies will receive now not only Bleedign Stacks, but also Poison from sucked in cows and direct Damage from sucked in rocks.

My kind of way, how I’d love Tornado to see it functionating.
A summonable controalable natural power.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside