About a signet build

About a signet build

in Elementalist

Posted by: SerMahad.4813


Hi everyone, I have yet to hit 80 on my Ele but I was trying to plan a build involving something else than cantrips, because I don’t like the length of their cooldowns, even with them being all-powerful when traited.

I came up with this, mostly for a pve environment:
Basically it’s around Written in Stone and Fire’s Embrace, Adept traits else is highly situational, number of signets included, which I’d totally swap for a cantrip and/or a conjured weapon in dungeons.

I have yet to try it due to the lack of trait points, but I’m afraid it could lead to a general lack of defensive utilities (even with the mass blind/20sec from Signet of Air), while being fine in open pve for map completions and such.
Thoughts appreciated!

My Mom Thinks I’m Special [MTIS] – Piken Square

About a signet build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Puff Pure.8631

Puff Pure.8631

At a glance, I dunno if I would have the patience for the slow attunement recharge rate, and I would miss the free boons with no points traited into arcana, I can imagine you’ll find yourself stuck in your last attunement for a few seconds just using the autoattack.

Also with only one defensive stat and no stun breakers, you’re going to have a hard time with mobs that will stun you!

About a signet build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jay.3284


No Arcane 20(30) with D/D… Nuff’ said

No but seriously, no class should be running ALL signets. It’s terribly inefficient at higher levels and very selfish.

Dungeon Master 8/8 | Fractal 50
80Rng – 80Wa – 80Thief – 80Grd – 80Ele – 80Engi – 80Necro

About a signet build

in Elementalist

Posted by: SerMahad.4813


I could move those 30 points from Earth down to Water and Arcane, in which case the party would have definitely perma aura, and losing the passive signet effect. I could live with that for those short cooldowns.
And I did say D/D and 4 signets are not a permanent choice, whereas just a pve-roaming thing. And even there, when I know there’s no mob stunning me beyond a reasonable dodge chance. :P

That swap cd matter is something I’m way more concerned about. But well, I guess I’ll just give Fire’s Embrace a chance eventually.

My Mom Thinks I’m Special [MTIS] – Piken Square