Adding some CC to Staff eles.
I would be happy if air #3 becomes a cone attack or gets a larger area.
Eruption and unsteady ground changes look good but static field change would be op.
That would be awesome as well, as it is now, its a miracle to even land with :/
I guess it would be op xD. But i feel as it needs to have some kind of effect inside the circle. Maybe if it was set to 2 second daze instead of 4.
Staff ele is already among the most versatile builds in the game.
While the eruption change could be alright if the cripple was short duration, the other changes would be OP.
of all these, i would only accept the cripple pulse on earth 2
the others seem too strong~
That would also have the effect of making eruption less abusable in PvE (you can lay down an eruption under an enemy at max range, all but guaranteed to land it as the enemy is still unaware, and then prepare another attack before it hits).
win-win. I support it, so long as the cripple is short duration. like barely enough to keep cripple up while it’s going, or even less, such that you need condition duration to keep cripple up
Glad everyone seems to like the cripple idea so far and yeah Not asking for an op Cripple since eruption itself is on a low Cooldown. Mostly jsut enough as to where if your in the field you will remained crippled but as soon as you leave the field it goes away.
What would you guys have in mind for static field? I kind of dont see the point in having it so the middle is a safe point.
Static Field and Unsteady ground are already staple skills pretty good.
If you’re going to look at anything then Earth 2 and Air 2 are honestly the only skills that aren’t really that great and Earth 2 at least serves a function of a delayed blast finisher.
I would wager we can’t cripple in Earth, because we already have a aoe movement speed reducer in Water. Applying it to Eruption on pulse with a delayed blast finisher would allow you to trap enemies inside to be hit with the blast finisher for AoE weakness or blind when combined with a dark or poison combo field. It would be pretty friggin awesome, but not sure how balanced that would be.
I don’t know of any class that has both a projectile blocker built into a wall, because in a chokepoint in WvW, you would now not only be able to use it to cut off the melee train from the backline or trap them in AoE, but also negate the backlines projectile damage at the same time. From a tactics perspective, that’s pretty powerful.
And an instant AoE daze with no warning or way to avoid? Wow.
CC is our main forte when it comes to staff, other then blasting down group of enemies if were zerker. But i was thinking, what if we gave a few of our abilities a bit more CC to work with. We barely have the HP or defense to really keep us up a times So im thinking atleast a tad buff to our cc may help us.
I was thinking something on the lines of.
Eruption - Now cripples on pulse.
Soft CC to a skill that would otherwise be easily dodged due to the crazy ~3 second delay. That is a nice idea since eles used to have access to cripple on earth staff but was replaced with a hard CC. Still, I miss being able to apply another condition (never hurts to add it back imo).
Static Field - Now Dazes inside the radius.
That would be very overpowered. I would rather see the damage dealt on touching the edge also dealt over time to enemies inside the ring. That could create a form of pressure where enemies standing inside the ring will have to choose between getting caught in AoE while taking damage from the field or possible spending a stack of stability or using a stunbreaker to get out.
Unsteady Ground - Could possibly block projectiles.
I was thinking to myself as i notice that warriors can cripple us with a ground pound that, why couldnt we possibly cripple as well when we control the earth.
While that is nice, considering Unsteady Ground was suppose to be a shorter duration + shorter cooldown version of the guardian’s line of warding skill, I think this would make it a bit too good.
If anything, I would prefer to see the Gust skill buffed or reworked so that it would be more reliable and accurate.
I would love to see Eruption work like chrn so a cripple on its wined up but no cc on its finish. Not sure why static field will dazes inside i guess as a where you cast it 5 ppl where be dazed inside of it? Blocking projectiles not realy a cc so that seems a bit odd maybe another “if run though effect” though with the stab changes it will at least remove a stack of stab so that good.
Staff ele is missing a few soft cc at an aoe level like cripple and weakness. I would love to see some ability get this effect.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
I would actually want staff ele to have more damage overall, not CC.
Staff Eles already have alot of CC
AoE Chill, AoE stun, AoE Pushback, basically a line of warding, an immobilize not to mention any utilities the Ele may carry.
The unsteady ground one is the only one that seems fair, especially since it only lasts 3 seconds.
Besides that the only change I would like is for gust and shockwave to actually be able to you know, hit targets that arent standing still.
The eruption change would be bad, the cripple on churning earth is ok since its a melee channel but with eruptions 1200 range that would be too strong. Static field is already really good as is too, not sure why youd want to buff it.
Aeneaaa – 80 engineer
Aeeneaa – 80 Ele
Staff on ele needs more CC? lol no. Unsteady ground and static field are already extremele strong, plus you have a push back. Not to mention earth 3 is a great shield for those projectiles that people like to use to interrupt (lookin at you pew pew rangers)
Sorry guys, wont be able to grab internet access till next week so im on my phone typing this up. Cant really quote everyone so il have to respond a bit differently.
@Kodiak – Id love to agree with you but i just cant. Half the time when using unsteady ground people can just teleport passed it, stability over it, glitch through it(it has happened before). Maybe projectile protection isnt the way to go about this but we cant even counter this and have to simply wait it out.
@MadRabbit- Its balanced by a few classes already having the power to get rid of movement imparing effects with traits alone. As well as blind and evading. Also in wvw im sure stab is already stacked to a point where they can seriously run over a 3 second duration wall. If there isnt a problem from gaurdians bunkering out chokepoints with bubbles and walls then i dont think unsteady ground would cause any issues either. The se can be said for a thieves steal against us. We cant avoid this easily and its mostly followed by turning into stone.
@DanteZero – That is possibly a better alternative to applying daze honestly to static field. Im also not sure how it would really be a bit overpowered to add projectile protection to it. It would help in controlling someone just mindlessly bursting you down from 1 point and making them reposition themselves to strike or waiting for the short duration before bursting you down again with their short cds.
@Jksi – I kind of figured being able to stop someone from attack for even just a little bit would be call crowd control. Also, sometimes UG bugs and plauers can be ontop of ir as its spawned and it doesnt effect them since theres a bit of delay when it starts to take effect, So unless they run back over it then it wouldn’t really effect stability. The reason i tossed daze as a suggestion is because when you leap out of static field it will cause daze and lightning shield puts a stun. So it wouldn’t be strange if a electric field would cause some sort of dazing cc. Even if its a shorter duration then the field. But someone offered a damaging inside the radius which will be a bit more balanced and also seems more of a welcoming idea.
@Lawful – Their damage is pretty good already, in pve i heard its the best.
@Killahmayne – Yes, ele has a ton of unrrliable unreliable Cc that is easily hard countered. Skills like Air 3 and Earth 5 move in a straight line and half the time dont even need to be dodged. Air 5 is a counter skill against our selves half the time since it is very situational and can be easily countered by switching to range, barely offers any pressure to waste a stability or block. I honestly know of only 3 utility skills that offer any type of cc (Glyph, signet, elemental)
@Sizer – the fact that eruption is a delayed skills that can easily be evaded is why it would benefit from having cripple, it would give us a bit of time to set up and help keep us out of melee range if used right since theres a ton of gap closers. Static field is no where near being good enough. When i use this skill the wall would only stun once and its short enough to not even really be much of a pressure unless you have someone also applying pressure on that target.
@jportel – Im sjre i answer this somewhere in one of my other paragraphs. But half of our ccs are easily countered and some require no effort at all to not be hit by. Earth 3 doesnt really block mesmer greatsword or even reflect a warriors fire field against them. I also wouldnt really waste a earth 3 shield on the knock back, instead on the rapid fire.
Actually i’d like more an Earthfield. That’s the only element missing. Maybe blasting through unsteady ground could give protection. It wouldn’t be too op i think.
And making Air 3 And earth 5 more reliable would be enough of a CC buff. Maybe make earth 5 a mud area that immobilizes and that you can combo with would be great. Something like “shifting sands”. And if it’s too op just make it a cripple area that turns into a shifting sands when you apply a water field on top of it, so you can have the choice to use the water field defensively or offensively.
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock
Actually i’d like more an Earthfield. That’s the only element missing. Maybe blasting through unsteady ground could give protection. It wouldn’t be too op i think.
And making Air 3 And earth 5 more reliable would be enough of a CC buff. Maybe make earth 5 a mud area that immobilizes and that you can combo with would be great. Something like “shifting sands”. And if it’s too op just make it a cripple area that turns into a shifting sands when you apply a water field on top of it, so you can have the choice to use the water field defensively or offensively.
I would love an earth field though not realy part of adding cc to staff.
In the last rev. video they talked about ground targeting skills so we may see air 3 and earth 5 get ground targeting effects soon. That would go a long way to help staff ele players get a lot more cc out of there staff (to the point where we may end up seeing staff ele go 4 in earth 4 in water for the cdr).
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA