Aeromancer's Training vs. Inscription (Raids)
The main reason inscription is taken is most likely for lower cooldown on glyph of storms. This provides better damage overall than the extra precision from Aeromancer’s Training.
I don’t raid, but given the build I would say Inscription is better overall unless you are not taking glyph of storms.
Bad Elementalist
I think you are playing the Staff Build. Here it is better to play Inscription. You dont use many of your Air Skills in your Rotation and mostly want to reduce the CD from your Glyphes.
As a Fresh Air Tempest with Dagger/X Aeromancer’s Training is better, because you stay most time in Air and want to reduce the CD from Lightning Orb and also the higher Crit Chance while in Air.
It Depends on what Weapon you Play.
Assuming you’re staff… they are both utterly useless. It makes no difference at all. None of the three traits in that slot will have any impact on your dps in a raid.
if you’re fresh air, then obviously the precision and cooldown trait is better
(edited by reikken.4961)