Alright, I quit.

Alright, I quit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gelrod.1295


/treadfixing post

Alright, I quit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


I really can’t take this anymore. ArenaNet doesn’t seem to want to discuss the balance of Elementalists. They seem to feel they are just fine I guess.

I’m done with this game now. I really love the elementalist, I really do. But I can’t stand how every other class just does what they can do, but do it better.

Good job ArenaNet, I’ll play again when you finally make Elementalists viable beyond two builds and make the vast majority of their tool kits viable for MORE than just 5v5 Structured PVP.

Right now they feel like they are just purely balanced for 5v5, but you know —- a vast portion of this game is 8v8 and WvW. Guess what? Elementalist sucks in this game modes, so I’m done. I just can’t stand feeling constantly subpar to every other class.

Do guardians get tornado form, cyclone, and radiation field?

Alright, I quit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gelrod.1295


Radiation Field is Asuran racial ability, so yes they can get it. And Tornado Form is bad :/

Alright, I quit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Amnon.4769


Ooo, I also have screenshots!

Oh, would you look at that, looks like Elementalist can also be the top-scoring player!


Alright, I quit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xhaiden.3891


Oh, well, there’s a screenshot now. Clearly that means everything is fine!

Alright, I quit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Amnon.4769


Oh, well, there’s a screenshot now. Clearly that means everything is fine!

My screenshot was directed at TemperHoof.6438, who wanted to prove his superiority as a ranger by posting a high-scoring screenshot. I merely wish to point out that it’s not “superior” to end first in a match, and even us poor, weak, underpowered, unloved Elementalists can do it.

Alright, I quit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438


Ooo, I also have screenshots!

Oh, would you look at that, looks like Elementalist can also be the top-scoring player!

Come back when you hit 380 or better. Then I might be impressed.

Alright, I quit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xhaiden.3891


Ahhh. Hell, if I could hit as few buttons as a Ranger does for the same damage as my Ele I wouldn’t have a headache. ;p

Alright, I quit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Two builds? What two builds? I count one.

Alright, I quit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Elaithe.6874


Wait what, elementalists are bad in WvW and 8v8? In what universe?

Alright, I quit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Elric of Grans.7684

Elric of Grans.7684

Two builds? What two builds? I count one.


I could three builds

Alright, I quit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438


Builds = Effective combinations of Weapons, Utility, and Traits. Currently there really only one good build, two if you’re the tanky sort.

Alright, I quit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gelrod.1295


I know of at least 5 good builds :O

Alright, I quit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Elric of Grans.7684

Elric of Grans.7684

My reply was 99% sarcasm, 1% fat. I know what a build is, but there is far more focus among Elementalist players on the weapons than the rest of the choices.

Alright, I quit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


You can’t really go full glass cannon because of the lowest hp pool and the lowest armor.

Umm, that’s what being a glass cannon means. You min-max for damage, damage, damage, and hope that you can kill stuff before it kills your squishykitten

Alright, I quit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Amnon.4769


Come back when you hit 380 or better. Then I might be impressed.

I was not trying to impress you, I was proving how much of a child you were. Your response proves my point further.
I don’t screencap every time I win a match, and just because you were fighting a group of no0bs (highest score on your 2nd screenshot was 80, wth??) who stood still for an entire match and let you kill them — it doesn’t prove any sort of superiority of Rangers over Elementalists.

(EDIT: Oh, and you had 75 points on your first screenshot from Forest Creatures killed, tough man you are!)

Fact is: Elementalist is fine in PvP. Elementalist CAN and DOES score high in PvP matches.

(edited by Amnon.4769)