Amazed at how much this little tip helped (for noobs)

Amazed at how much this little tip helped (for noobs)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Prowl.5097


I’m probably one of the few people that didn’t know this, but I didn’t know you could shift + click bind buttons (havent played an mmo in a while)

And well, shift + click 1-4 for attunements has really made me go from struggling to switch attunements, to being able to fly through them and to the skills I want with ease.

Thought I would share for those as uninformed as I was.

Guild Commander of Embers of a Dying Sun
Henett: Elementalist of Fort Aspenwood

Amazed at how much this little tip helped (for noobs)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Robotsonik.4935


Yep! Rebinding is magic. It’s quite helpful indeed – and helps with all professions (one of the first things I did)

(edited by Robotsonik.4935)

Amazed at how much this little tip helped (for noobs)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mathiuzz.4760


mouse with more than 4 buttons are awesome for eles)

Amazed at how much this little tip helped (for noobs)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Plenoge.3256


^ What this guy said. That and I’ve remapped Q and E for utilities.

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in Elementalist

Posted by: Nepumuk.6071


CTRL left, CTRL right and ALT modifiers work as well for keybinds. The only binds I’m missing are mouse wheel up and down.

Amazed at how much this little tip helped (for noobs)

in Elementalist

Posted by: DreadShinobi.4751


After playing aion for so long (which requires upwards of 50 or so keybinds just for skills), I’ve been avoiding using the shift/alt/ctrl keys since I don’t need to.

Right now I’m using 1-5 for skills, F1-F4 for attunements, Q for dodge, E for heal, TFG for utilities, and Y for elite. Works fine, my hands are already used to reaching for much more difficult keybindings.

Compared to aion where I’d have to use 1-7, A1-5, shift1-5, ctrl1-4, F1-F6, shiftF1-F4, QWETYUIFG, ShiftF and shiftG, numpad, and mouse buttons, it is so much better, JUST for skill keybindings, it is a complete world of difference.

Kiiban -lvl 80 Elementalist
Sacaen -lvl 80 Warrior

Amazed at how much this little tip helped (for noobs)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Prowl.5097


It’s like I’m playing a new class roflmao.

Now with D/D I can easily lightning charge in, air burst back out, fire charge in, ring of fire, go to earth and hit 4 to dmg and knockdown and 5 to churn, both combo with fire ring, then go to water, ice cone, drop a heal for myself if I need it, then rinse and repeat

Guild Commander of Embers of a Dying Sun
Henett: Elementalist of Fort Aspenwood

Amazed at how much this little tip helped (for noobs)

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrTenma.7249


Personally i don’t see how you can play with shift while simultaneously holding ASDW, so for me F1-4 is still the best option.

(edited by DrTenma.7249)

Amazed at how much this little tip helped (for noobs)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Prowl.5097


I thought it would be weird at first too, but you only need to press it for a split second to change, not like you are holding it the whole time… just flowed good for me I guess

Guild Commander of Embers of a Dying Sun
Henett: Elementalist of Fort Aspenwood

Amazed at how much this little tip helped (for noobs)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Armond.9154


I have attunements bound to zxcv. F1-F4 works decently, but I find that unless I’m on a laptop or something, there’s this giant gap between my movement keys and my attunement keys, and I’m not ok with that. But then, my whole setup is kind of crazy – I use ESDF to move (seriously, why did the first computer games use WASD? Is there any logic behind that?), W for heals, R for autoattacks, A for interact, and mouse 4/5 for dodge (the other’s vent, and I always mix them up). My naga has buttons in rows of 3, so I have slot skills 2-4 on 1-3 (first row), 7-9 on 4-6 (second row), and 5 is 8 (because those generally have giant cooldowns and I don’t want to hit them by accident).

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in Elementalist

Posted by: Toxification.8421


I have F1-F4 as Shift 1 – 4
Then 1 & 2 are mapped to my backwards and forwards buttons on the side of my mouse(mouse button 4 & 5) and my heal is middle mouse button 3-5 is remapped to 1-3 and my utilities are QER and my elite is V.

I find this to be extremely effective and I can kite and do every key combination possible with relative ease and flexibility

Amazed at how much this little tip helped (for noobs)

in Elementalist

Posted by: holska.4127


I prefer Alt+1-4 for attunement swaps since my thumb is somwhere near alt / spacebar all the time anyways.
Dodge I got on C because it’s close to my thumb as well.
For utility / elite I use Ctrl+1-5 because the left side of my hand below my pinky is practically resting on it anyways so I don’t need to use a finger for it, can just use the pressure of bottom left side of hand (not sure what’s correct english term).
As 2nd keybind for 3 most used utility skills I have A, S and D because in some situations that’s more comfy. (I don’t keyboard turn or backpaddle so I only need Q, W, E + mouse for movement).
Heal I got on ~ because there’s no weapon swap on ele.

(edited by holska.4127)

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in Elementalist

Posted by: Prowl.5097


A game maker didn’t decide in wasd actually, it was gamers. Games used to use the arrow keys, but those of us that used to play first person shooters back in the quake 1 and earlier days decided to use wasd because it was by the number keys to change weapons.

Guild Commander of Embers of a Dying Sun
Henett: Elementalist of Fort Aspenwood

Amazed at how much this little tip helped (for noobs)

in Elementalist

Posted by: msoltyspl.4135


I wonder why so little (if any) people bind modifier keys on mouse. Not that this is necessary here – I have a set of few other things on my mouse (attunements, targeting, dodge, up/down and few lesser things).

As for keyboard, I don’t use wasd either, though a mutation of it of sorts, with forward/backward under thumb/pinkie respectively (have been using it since Descent times). Besides being far more beneficial for movement, it frees 2 keys in excellent positions for skills and such.