Anet: What are you doing to us?

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Busty Mounds.9801

Busty Mounds.9801

I’ve been playing ele since the start. I was an ele in GW1. It was always a very powerful class, when played right you could do a lot with it, solo and in groups. I started GW2 with it. I enjoyed playing staff, until the 5 person hit limit. Then? What was the point. So I switched to d/d d/d ele. It has many benefits, but apparently now with the castration of cantrips to provide more diversity we’re being nerfed even harder. We’re being relegated to a second tier class, one that isn’t able to provide DPS, DOT, AOE, maneuverability, scouting. Everything is being taken away from us. We’re the new Engineers. Actually, I’ve started playing my engineer more because of how hard we’re being hit. Don’t get me wrong. I still love my ele, but it’s hard to come back. Please, stop nerfing us, if you want to kill d/d ele then boost Sceptor a little bit. Boost Staff. Give us something else to play because obviously you don’t want us on the front lines fighting with warriors, guardians, theifs, and mesmers.

Maybe I’m biased because I like ele, but please stop killing the class.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: oZii.2864


Overreaction? Many Staff skills don’t have a limit its not like you lay down a field on the ground and if 5 people run over it then it becomes useless. If people keep streaming over your fields they get hit by it. Meteor shower each meteor can hit 5 people and the radius is about to get buffed for each meteor.

How are cantrips getting stun breakers moved to other utilities directly pointed at D/D ele? Last I checked a staff, s/d, s/f, d/f no weapon equipped ele can take cantrips.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Frostedblaze.9017


We’re actually getting buffed pretty hard according to the “leaked patch notes.” So I really don’t understand where this is coming from. Things get adjusted, and we as elementalists need to adapt to the changes.

Aiden Frost
Check out my S/D Ele tPvP guide:

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Certain builds are being buffed but bunker ele is getting a lot weaker. I still don’t get why they’re so hellbent on destroying bunker ele, but still have yet to do anything to try and tone down the permastealth thief. And bunker ele was perhaps the best build for dealing with those annoying permastealth thieves anyway. But hey, a dev plays a thief so, yeah.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Avead.5760


Anet : Im fixing you :P

Also f the notes are legit 100% bunker ele will benefit from 3 sec aoe stability every ~11 sec (i count global att cd) if you go for boon runes.Theres no point being a bunker if you dont have good team support at same time and that helps.
In spvp at least this would be great for rezzes and stomping plus it ll let you to safely cast an ether renewal.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

I used to always run around full bunker spec and cleric runes. Now I use a bit of everything with zerker stats and hybrid build. Do triple the damage I used to and I still don’t die simply because I learned how to survive.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stealth.9324


I know what they are doing, erase Eles from the Prof List once by once until it is gone without notice

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Benji.9203


I don’t know about you guys but my ele is sitting back with a tall glass of lemonade taking in the FRESH AIR

0/0/20/20/30 bunker ele is even stronger
Switch to earth and use ether renewal gg

Edit: If you think ele is being nerfed into the ground in the 6/25/13 “leaked” patch I will either assume
1. You do not play an elementalist
2. You are new to elementalist
3. The only spec you ever wanted to play for the entirety of GW2 is triple cantrip d/d 0/10/0/30/30

(edited by Benji.9203)

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


The OP is completely right. Anyone who thinks ele’s are getting buffed based on the leaked notes doesn’t understand the game at all. Anet is killing the class and after this patch the only ones playing it will be the PvErs who occasionally WvW to give away free kills to everyone else.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: snizzle.6143


they improve the tpvp roamer thats all.

In the WvW ill stay at D/F for the highest survivalbility off all and remain on 0 10 0 30 30 with full cantrips and 70 - 90 % boonduration to buff my team and dont go down while fighting in larger groups.

For smaler groups ill wont use a elementalist since mistform nerf and rlt.

Hixi Pixi – The Elementalist -Asura – Riverside (ger) – (Zornig)

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sunflowers.1729


Overreaction? Many Staff skills don’t have a limit its not like you lay down a field on the ground and if 5 people run over it then it becomes useless. If people keep streaming over your fields they get hit by it. Meteor shower each meteor can hit 5 people and the radius is about to get buffed for each meteor.

How are cantrips getting stun breakers moved to other utilities directly pointed at D/D ele? Last I checked a staff, s/d, s/f, d/f no weapon equipped ele can take cantrips.

Only three staff skills have no limit
-Meteor Shower (technically has a limit, but I’m not going to be pedantic)
-Static Field
-Unsteady Ground

The reason why stun breakers getting moved around will affect D/D Ele the most is because they need the survivability. Being locked into melee range is obviously more dangerous than wielding a staff and staying far from the action, so a reduction to survivability will affect them most.

Since you obviously play a Thief (and I do too) look at this: would a nerf to Assassin’s Signet affect a burst build more, or a condition build? Keep in mind both can use the same signet. The answer should be pretty obvious.

In any case I doubt the patch notes are real. GoEP a stun breaker? Does that even make sense at all? And my D/P Thief got no nerfs. I’m calling fake on this one.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: oZii.2864


Only three staff skills have no limit
-Meteor Shower (technically has a limit, but I’m not going to be pedantic)
-Static Field
-Unsteady Ground

The reason why stun breakers getting moved around will affect D/D Ele the most is because they need the survivability. Being locked into melee range is obviously more dangerous than wielding a staff and staying far from the action, so a reduction to survivability will affect them most.

Since you obviously play a Thief (and I do too) look at this: would a nerf to Assassin’s Signet affect a burst build more, or a condition build? Keep in mind both can use the same signet. The answer should be pretty obvious.

In any case I doubt the patch notes are real. GoEP a stun breaker? Does that even make sense at all? And my D/P Thief got no nerfs. I’m calling fake on this one.

Assassin Signet and Cantrips are different beasts you can compare Signet = Signet but cantrips would be more like comparing to = deception skill like shadow step.

It would be like a nerf to Shadow refuge no matter the build you are affected by it.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


The OP is completely right. Anyone who thinks ele’s are getting buffed based on the leaked notes doesn’t understand the game at all. Anet is killing the class and after this patch the only ones playing it will be the PvErs who occasionally WvW to give away free kills to everyone else.

If you think a single nerf to bountiful power (the only real nerf in the leaked notes), amidst countless buffs to other skills, is going to destroy the elementalists, you are being dramatic.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sunflowers.1729


Only three staff skills have no limit
-Meteor Shower (technically has a limit, but I’m not going to be pedantic)
-Static Field
-Unsteady Ground

The reason why stun breakers getting moved around will affect D/D Ele the most is because they need the survivability. Being locked into melee range is obviously more dangerous than wielding a staff and staying far from the action, so a reduction to survivability will affect them most.

Since you obviously play a Thief (and I do too) look at this: would a nerf to Assassin’s Signet affect a burst build more, or a condition build? Keep in mind both can use the same signet. The answer should be pretty obvious.

In any case I doubt the patch notes are real. GoEP a stun breaker? Does that even make sense at all? And my D/P Thief got no nerfs. I’m calling fake on this one.

Assassin Signet and Cantrips are different beasts you can compare Signet = Signet but cantrips would be more like comparing to = deception skill like shadow step.

It would be like a nerf to Shadow refuge no matter the build you are affected by it.

Yes, and a nerf to Shadow Refuge will affect the stealthless P/P (or S/P) more than the stealth-heavy D/P. So you just proved my point.

The OP is completely right. Anyone who thinks ele’s are getting buffed based on the leaked notes doesn’t understand the game at all. Anet is killing the class and after this patch the only ones playing it will be the PvErs who occasionally WvW to give away free kills to everyone else.

If you think a single nerf to bountiful power (the only real nerf in the leaked notes), amidst countless buffs to other skills, is going to destroy the elementalists, you are being dramatic.

And uh, while I don’t think the supposed patch notes would actually be that detrimental, there are a few more notable nerfs in them (other than the one you mentioned). The most obvious one is that Cleansing Fire no longer breaks stuns

(edited by Sunflowers.1729)

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


The OP is completely right. Anyone who thinks ele’s are getting buffed based on the leaked notes doesn’t understand the game at all. Anet is killing the class and after this patch the only ones playing it will be the PvErs who occasionally WvW to give away free kills to everyone else.

If you think a single nerf to bountiful power (the only real nerf in the leaked notes), amidst countless buffs to other skills, is going to destroy the elementalists, you are being dramatic.

What dungeon are you in right now?

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


If you think a single nerf to bountiful power (the only real nerf in the leaked notes), amidst countless buffs to other skills, is going to destroy the elementalists, you are being dramatic.

And uh, while I don’t think the supposed patch notes would actually be that detrimental, there are a few more notable nerfs in them (other than the one you mentioned). The most obvious one is that Cleansing Fire no longer breaks stuns

The patch notes also indicate that CF would get a cooldown decrease, which is a buff. Considering that this cantrip is mostly used to remove conditions, you’ll be able to remove conditions more often (and inflict burning more often) than you can do now.

Likewise, Lightning Flash’s “nerf” is compensated with a cooldown decrease too, and a 50% damage buff, which actually makes it better in many of the situations it is used for, and all the weakness duration nerfs are a reaction to weakness getting a buff and actually working versus what is intended to work, so if anything, those are actually buffs versus glass cannon builds.

In the end, the only flat, unquestionable nerf is in bountiful power.

What dungeon are you in right now?

I don’t enjoy playing dungeons in this game much, but I do play pvp, if that counts, and I’ve widely used cantrip builds in the past.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rhoto.8791


The only nerfs we are getting according to the leaked patch notes are a slight damage nerf to the 0 10 0 30 30 build and removal of stun break from two cantrips. Pretty much everything else were welcome changes and buffs.

Chipsu – Elementalist
Maguuma [SWäG]
Original [OG] (good times)

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: kekuso.5837


The D/D & S/D elementalist has become one of the most predictable (and therefore easy to beat) class because of their air -> fire -> earth rotation (with water there for healing/cleansing). Now with Fresh Air, it won’t be so easy to know when to dodge their attacks, there will be more access to the low cool-down air skills (Lightning strike, blinding flash, lightning touch, etc.), and perhaps less of a reason to spec into the Arcana trait-line. I expect there to be much more dps-heavy specs, which is a relief since all I ever run into in pvp/WvW are tough/healing/cond. dmg eles.
Additionally, there is the Diamond Skin GM Earth trait & the crazy buff to salt stone/stone splinters that no one has mentioned, which will make high toughness elementalists hit like a truck with their burns and bleeds. So with a slight nerf to bunkers, there’s also a nice damage buff for them as well.
And staff is finally getting a buff – aftercast times reduced, cast times reduced, an AoE knockback, duration and size of skills increased, etc.

So basically the elementalist was buffed in terms of variety of viable builds…that is assuming all of these leaked notes are true of course.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: covenn.7165


No stun break on cleansing fire = worthless ability

Moved it to signet of air. We had one useful and one worthless ability before, now we have two worthless abilities.

Removing stun break from lightning flash, our best defensive tool, is either going to be a massive nerf …or not so bad. If we still port, but stay stunned, not such a big deal. If we can’t port, or it goes on cool down when we try while stunned, it will be worthless and we will have lost our best defensive tool.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: covenn.7165


Kekuso …did you really just say hit like a truck with burns and bleeds? Who lets conditions stay on them long enough to do any damage?

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: covenn.7165


(the only real nerf in the leaked notes)

Try reading the notes again. BP is not a nerf even worth worrying about….. the other one though, yeah.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: covenn.7165


they improve the tpvp roamer thats all.

In the WvW ill stay at D/F for the highest survivalbility off all and remain on 0 10 0 30 30 with full cantrips and 70 – 90 % boonduration to buff my team and dont go down while fighting in larger groups.

For smaler groups ill wont use a elementalist since mistform nerf and rlt.

D/F ? So basically trying to be a guardian, but not nearly as good? Not sure why you would ever run that combination, ever.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mesiphidon.8324


Cleansing Fire can still remove stuns, it removes three conditions. Stun is a condition. It’s simply not guaranteed anymore. But if between CF and all your other condition removals you still can’t break stun then quite frankly you’re in a position you deserve to die in anyway.

Lightning Flash will most likely allow you still teleport, and most good players used it offensively anyway to land churning Earth or move during long channels.

Both of these abilities are having their CDs reduced, and LF is getting a damage boost. They are being re-purposed and to some extents buffed in other areas. Get over it and adapt.

Stun breakers are now present on other abilities allowing more options for utilities outside of triple cantrips. Why is this a bad thing again?

As said the only real nerf is to bountiful power, which frankly in my mind is completely fine as speccing that deep into the healing/defensive tree shouldn’t give you the biggest damage boost of all the trait lines.

The sky isn’t falling, assuming the leaked patch notes are real. Which I’m skeptical of. This is a buff patch for Ele’s. So stop you whining, oh noes! you might have to spec out of 0/10/0/30/30… get over it. I for one would be happy to be able to run some OTHER viable options. And frankly 0/10/0/30/30 isn’t even changing that much. It’s going to be almost exactly the same except a slight damage nerf from BP and your cantrips might shift a bit.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sunflowers.1729


Cleansing Fire can still remove stuns, it removes three conditions. Stun is a condition. It’s simply not guaranteed anymore. But if between CF and all your other condition removals you still can’t break stun then quite frankly you’re in a position you deserve to die in anyway.

Stun is not a condition. Immobilize is a condition, along with chill and cripple.

Being knocked down can’t be condition cleansed.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: snizzle.6143


they improve the tpvp roamer thats all.

In the WvW ill stay at D/F for the highest survivalbility off all and remain on 0 10 0 30 30 with full cantrips and 70 – 90 % boonduration to buff my team and dont go down while fighting in larger groups.

For smaler groups ill wont use a elementalist since mistform nerf and rlt.

D/F ? So basically trying to be a guardian, but not nearly as good? Not sure why you would ever run that combination, ever.

Because Focos got:
1 aura
2 blastfinischers
1 Firefield (might stacking)
Swirling winds for a 6s area Projektieldestruction
4 serconds of invul where you can use all abilitys
magnetic shield = projektiel deflection + dps+ blast
metor = dps + aoe dace

The best things are the invul and projektil protection.
so i can do more for the team as with double dagger.

The other thing is that i can stand in the middel of the fight and buff my team with nearly perma protection, reg, heal, and condition removal.

Hixi Pixi – The Elementalist -Asura – Riverside (ger) – (Zornig)

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

I’m not really an ele player, but those nerfs are just over the top. Removing stun break from the only teleport ele has, seriously ? Same time buffing it’s entirely mariginal damage to marignal.. Ehh… yay ?

Removing stun break from lightning flash, our best defensive tool, is either going to be a massive nerf …or not so bad. If we still port, but stay stunned, not such a big deal. If we can’t port, or it goes on cool down when we try while stunned, it will be worthless and we will have lost our best defensive tool

It will function as you said. All instant cast skills work while stunned. However, I believe it is still bad. I would be so kitten ed if they did same to Shadow Step or Blink. As a mesmer I can for example, magic bullet => you teleport => I follow with blink & ileap + shatter combo. You can dodge the ileap because you are still in stuns.
Though, I quess you could remain from teleporting until I actually use ileap, but nevertheless, the nerf is really uncalled for.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Why not remove the stunbreak from it? Mesmer has a skill which is pretty much exactly the same and has a lower cooldown and is still a stunbreak. But hey they already nerfed ride the lightning and gave it a cooldown as high as most utility skills even though ranger still has swoop which is on about a 12 sec cooldown and they can still spam that. So why not continue nerfing us and making us inferior to every other class? Hey heres an idea, lets make it cost 10k hp everytime we use a skill. That will balance us out. Isn’t that a great idea? With brilliant ideas like that I could probably be a dev for Anet.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

Mesmer has a skill which is pretty much exactly the same and has a lower cooldown and is still a stunbreak.

Or the thief skill. Has longer cl of 50, but greater range of 1200, can be essentially used twice in a row, and cures conditions… I believe that CC spam is already more powerful than it should be. Removing stun breaks from defensive skills is going to make that worse.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Glyph of elemental power is now a stunbreaker….. in other words we have one less usefull stun breaker now… Now it’ll just be Armor of Earth, Mistform and Signet of Air for utilities I guess :p.

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: kekuso.5837


Kekuso …did you really just say hit like a truck with burns and bleeds? Who lets conditions stay on them long enough to do any damage?

The scepter auto-attack applies bleed, as does the dagger auto-attack. It shouldn’t be a problem applying bleeds unless someone can cleanse conditions every 2 seconds. The main issue with speccing into earth is actually the choice between Diamond Skin and Written in Stone. WiS is very potent for signet builds, especially since they added a stunbreaker to Signet of Air (and Signet of Fire does 10s of 700 dps if left alone!) Diamond Skin would fit into a build that has more utility (not signets) and lots of toughness. Or you could just put 20 into earth and spend the trait points elsewhere. (See, lots of new builds!)