Another "Compare Elementalist to Warrior-thread"

Another "Compare Elementalist to Warrior-thread"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shinya.8014


I know this has been said before.
But why in the world does the warrior have Double our health?
And why are they that tanky? (i get they’re an heavy class).
But it’s not like the warrior has low dmg eighter.

In pvp they can kill you in 3 seconds of faceroll (hundred blades for exaple), takes 20 seconds to kill a warrior if you’re an Elementalist, aren’t we suppose to be bursting distance fighters?

Another "Compare Elementalist to Warrior-thread"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

I feel your pain.
I try to not get hit by that.
focus earth 5.
arcane shield.
dagger air 5

Ele can move. I dont mean that in a negative way. i mean they can move around really well.

Another "Compare Elementalist to Warrior-thread"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Burrid.4739


I feel your pain.
I try to not get hit by that.
focus earth 5.
arcane shield.
dagger air 5

Ele can move. I dont mean that in a negative way. i mean they can move around really well.

Warrior isn’t the least mobile profession as well, I would rank them mid high.

Another "Compare Elementalist to Warrior-thread"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xeres.3724


I like the hundred blades comment. Every time I see this I think of the Austin Powers movie where the guy gets hit by the steam roller. The whole scene including leadup time. It just seems to fit.

Another "Compare Elementalist to Warrior-thread"

in Elementalist

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


Actually Warriors are not tanky at all; higher base armor doesn’t makes much of a difference at max-Level and higher base health is not enough to offset their limited abilities do reduce incoming damage. By comparison an Elementalist is far more durable.

Another "Compare Elementalist to Warrior-thread"

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArchNemesis.4897


Not sure about that. Ele’s being more durable by any comparison is a ridiculous claim. Sure they both have invulns but, hit for hit, that Ele is going to feel it and the warrior will nine times out of ten just shrug it off.

Another "Compare Elementalist to Warrior-thread"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Creslin.1758


At the end of the day, who takes more damage from each hit, or who has more blocks, or who is more mobile doesn’t matter. All that matters is overall SURVIVABILITY.

And an elementalist, specced correctly, can be very survivable.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Another "Compare Elementalist to Warrior-thread"

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArchNemesis.4897


Of course they can have higher survivability, my point is hit for hit.

That being said, an Ele could potentially take more hits with the right utilities and such but where does that leave the elementalist compared to the warrior in a fight? That warrior may not have as many invulns as the ele might be loaded with in during the fight but you can be sure as hell the warrior doesn’t need it cause that elementalist isn’t going to be doing jack to him.

Another "Compare Elementalist to Warrior-thread"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Creslin.1758



I have killed plenty of warriors 1v1. Sure, the warrior usually is a bit more damage resistant than me, but he doesn’t have nearly the healing capability I have.

He can get me down to 1/4 health and with a quick water attunement switch, I can be near full again in short order.

I guess in the end, all this is theorycraft and doesn’t matter. What I CAN say however is that I don’t have much of an issue with warriors in the field. That should mean something.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Another "Compare Elementalist to Warrior-thread"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Voltic.6912



what weapon do you have slotted and how do you heal up while getting chased or beat on. I’m a staff wielder myself so woud like to learn. in PVE, with a staff healing is too slow and I am looking to try other weaps. thanks

Another "Compare Elementalist to Warrior-thread"

in Elementalist

Posted by: hakurface.2619



what weapon do you have slotted and how do you heal up while getting chased or beat on. I’m a staff wielder myself so woud like to learn. in PVE, with a staff healing is too slow and I am looking to try other weaps. thanks

D/D bunker builds can compete with Warrior’s no problem. In Wv3 I usually run a Power/Condition build and in PvP it’s D/D Bunker. 10 points in Arcane grants you elemental attunement (gain a boon depending on which element you switch to). Switching to water grants Regen.

In your bunker build, you’re only going to have around 9-10 seconds on Attunement CD’s. Switching to water not only grants Regen but also condition removal. Cone of Cold does a good amount of damage and heals you. Cleansing wave drops a nice heal as well as removing a condition. GoEH while cast in water grants another regen which helps to mitigate damage while you dish yours out/run away. If you’re being chased, pop Frost Aura and start putting distance. RTL/Burning Speed will help to put some distance as well. Mist Form + Cleansing Fire + will pretty much handle any situation. 100 blades is a joke. I’ve only got caught by all the hits once and that’s because everything was on CD and I got CC’d by a 2nd helper. Not much you can do in that situation. I held out in a 1v2 vs a Guardian and Warrior at Quarry long enough to down the Warrior and hold out against the Guardian long enough for a roamer to finally come around and help out.

The point is, we’re an ok class. Just takes a lot more effort. If you want to do more with less effort, roll another class. I personally love my Ele.

Another "Compare Elementalist to Warrior-thread"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Animosity.5231


Last time I died to a Warrior was on my Ranger. Nah, just kidding. The only time a Warrior kills me, though, is if everything is on CD. Air Attunement (Shocking Aura), or my two stun breaks. Warriors are stupidly easy to counter. Dodge Bull’s, if it hits, Lightning Flash, wait for immobilize, Cleansing Fire. You now have 30 seconds to kill the glass cannon Warrior. You only need 10 of those because they are probably glass cannon. The hardest Warrior to deal with is Hammer + Axe/Mace. So much CC, and they crit Evis for 5k anyway.

Voltic: I use D/D. Water 5, 2, and Glyph of Elemental Harmony with a Valk’s amulet gives me plenty of healing.

Another "Compare Elementalist to Warrior-thread"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

i was going to say how do you all defend against this.
i just do not see myself getting hit by 100 blades unless i am in a world of hurt anyway and then only by looking at the logs.