Any tips for a player new to elementalists?

Any tips for a player new to elementalists?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaellok.8143


So I had an instant lvl 20 boosting scroll lying around (the ones you get in the mail from having a character for over a year) and decided to make an elementalist. Having played a warrior for a while (which I think is a pretty easy class to play, at least for a PvE guy like myself), I was instantly overwhelmed by the amount of spells and abilities I had and could switch to while in combat. Anyway, I was wondering if you experienced players could give any tips to someone just starting to play the profession. Like, which weapons do you recommend, which spell “combos” are effective (because switching attunements mid combat to create combos is probably how it’s meant to be played, right)? So far I’ve messed around with scepter/focus and staff. Are those any good?

Any tips for a player new to elementalists?

in Elementalist

Posted by: katniss.6735


You get 10 trait points at level 20, right? I would get 10 arcana first so you have faster attunement cooldowns, and trait for windborne dagger for increased movement speed, as you should be leveling with dual daggers. Air autoattack is a cleave that does a lot of damage.

Then start spec’ing into at least 5 water so you can get passive regen whenever you switch to water to heal. Run signet of restoration (heal) so you can stay in a group of mobs as long as possible. You won’t have a cleanse until you take cleansing fire utility, or etheral renewal healing trait. At 20 in water you can take a cleanse every time you attune to water. So try to unlock both heals. Use your auras in air and water when you need them.

Most of your damage will be spamming air 1. Ride the lightning, updraft in air, and burning speed in fire will all propel you forward, and apply sprint to keep you moving along smoothly.

Ring of fire, and burning speed will be your only combo fields. Switch to earth after and earthquake and/or churning earth on top of that to gain might.

For staff, fire 2 is your main source of damage. You can stand on top of it when mobs run toward you. Instead of running away, you will just keep them in the fire while you auto them. Earth 2, then fire 2 will give you might. Earth 2 has a delayed blast on it, so you can use it to blast might in fire, sprint in air’s static field, and regen in water’s healing rain.

Opening with meteor shower, static field, frozen ground, and unsteady ground will demolish any trash in front of you without it ever reaching you if you start at max range (1200)

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

Any tips for a player new to elementalists?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


What is your choice? To level up by WvW or PvP or Pve?

There are many things to consider from there up.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Any tips for a player new to elementalists?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaellok.8143


What is your choice? To level up by WvW or PvP or Pve?

There are many things to consider from there up.

The vast majority of my time in GW2 has been in PvE. I have yet to set foot in sPvP and have only skimmed the surface in WvW.

Any tips for a player new to elementalists?

in Elementalist

Posted by: katniss.6735


In WvW you can hide behind a group of people and AoE tons of enemy players/ npcs/ creatures for maximum loot bags and experience. It’s easy mode if your server has players in it.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

Any tips for a player new to elementalists?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


The first thing I’d get is Glyph of Lesser Elemental and Quick Glyphs. The earth elemental is a good tank and the trait will reduce the recharge on both the summon and your healing skill. The first elite to get would be Glyph of Elemental. Those summons can really make a difference while levelling up, and can make some tougher challenges fairly trivial.

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