Any tips for successfully casting Overloads?
Get a part of the guardian/warrior stab rotation and use it is one alternative. Second is to start it before you get near the center of the fight and do it..
Here though is a harder one…
- For Overload Air, you can tie it in with Lightning Flash. That is start Overload Air and count to like 2 or 3, then teleport to the location you want using Lightning Flash and it will drop its AoE lightning circle there.
- The same applies to Overload Water and Overload Fire, but you don’t need to count for those. Just start it in a safe area and teleport into the fray.
NOTE: survivability of this is all dependent on how well you can support yourself and others when you do it with all the AoE circles that are usually in a large zerg area.
armor of earth is the easiesst way to cast ur overloads. when its on CD start it outside of a fight and port in right before its done
I run dagger warhorn and I use air 4 then overtakes
Overload so they’re knocked down first.
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For a while i had the same issue. But i learned to use the overlaods at the right moment/situation. And if i get interrupted i just move on.
I donĀ“t trait stab on OL.
Important: I often OL just AFTER being hit by a control effect (or an evaded/missed one).
Air overload: I use it at a start of a fight. I protect it with blind and swirling winds is often up before. I move on to fire attulement most of the time either after the OL or immidiate on interruption. If i see something dangerous that will break it annyway i might dodge.
Fire overload: Mostly used as a downcleaver or for chasing when i see my oponent goes into defence mode ^^.
Earth overload: regulary used in combat. Not huge damage but protection and stab rounds it out well. Also used to start disengaging or to share protection.
Water overload: Rarely used. I use it in teamfights when i can watch and support from “Outside” Then i go in with water OL after a while to heal the team.
Another useful tip is using Lightning Flash. Start casting OLA as you’re running into a teamfight and Lightning Flash in right before the AoE is created. Use “Aftershock!” or chill skills to keep your enemies in the AoE.
Sure, you lose the initial few hits from the OLA, but it gives your enemies less time to react and avoid.
Tempest also has the Harmonious Conduit Trait to support you finishing OLs. Granted: 1 Stack isn’t much but your opponents already have to use 2 controls to knock you out and if they do they don’t have them for the fight with you. And if you finish it also adds a nice damage boost.
Tempest also has the Harmonious Conduit Trait to support you finishing OLs. Granted: 1 Stack isn’t much but your opponents already have to use 2 controls to knock you out and if they do they don’t have them for the fight with you. And if you finish it also adds a nice damage boost.
Problem is that you also need Invigorating Torrents because of Cleansing Waters this is a meta of stacking infinite conditions to the point that even Diamond Skin isn’t enough.
You need to be in a frontline party for stability.
Bad Elementalist