Anyone pull off a successful "Rebound!"?
My uses:
1.) On aproching a point with my group before the clash, so the aura kicks in shortly after the first impact. Can be devasting with shock aura or magnetic against missiles.
2.) When it´s up and i am near death. I often manage to hit it right.
3.) Just random in a teamfight :-).
Watching and timing for all members near death is to much. Somtimes it might work but you are already busy with other things like positioning and watching condies …
and yes it should be instant to make sense as intended saveguard.
(edited by Wolfric.9380)
The biggest thing you have to get used to as an ele (esp in pvp where you are just a pet to buff everyone else) is to closely watch your team-mates health, buff bars, and positioning. Playing support well is actually very challenging because you need to pay attention to everyone else on your team rather than just keeping yourself alive, and try to conserve your resources as much as possible for them (as opposed to yourself). As you spend more time watching your team-mates, the timing for rebound becomes more apparent.
Seriously, don’t worry much about damage except when your team is doing quite well. You do almost no damage anyway unless you can overload air, and that will get interrupted 90% of the time you try it in a big teamfight anyway.
When you see a team-mate whose health is dropping quickly, you try to:
1. Heal them and peel for them (give them heals from auras, use a shocking aura and stand on top of them).
2. Cleanse them if they have lots of condis that do lots of damage
3. Rebound when its clear that they are probably going to drop in a couple seconds. If they would drop, you may have just saved their life (esp. if it gives you enough time to wash the pain away). If you didn’t, they get a free heal, cleanse, and aura.
(edited by BlackBeard.2873)
Anyone use this skill effectively? Care to share any tips?
I’m trying to like “Rebound!” but I have yet to time the death-blow effect. The cast time is too slow, and the death-blow duration too short, to be effective. Honestly I’m surprised the skill is not “instant”.
I’m beginning to think this skill is good for a party-wide aura and that’s about it.
I don’t think the death blow effect even works.
But if it does work the design of it is so outstandingly terrible that it only work 1% of the time under very specific 1v1 scenarios.
Its basically a skill re-designed in haste between 2 betas and never properly tested or improved. The previous version of it also didn’t work or do anything useful. I guess they wanted to hide the bad design/concept by adding the aura functionality.
Yeah, I’ve done it fairly reliably for myself. Couldn’t tell you if I’ve ever managed to save someone else with it though. Maybe a few times? lol
It’s pretty meh. Even when I do save myself, it never feels like I’ll recover on it; just add a moment or two more before my inevitable death.
If it’s supposed to clutch save people, the CD needs to be lower and the health it restores on saving someone needs to be much higher. I think that would work.
Or if they’re determined to keep the current CD, it should do something more + more health on someone saved.
At present it doesn’t really feel like an elite skill.
On myself i can hit it right about 90% of the time. Literally for fun ill let them think they got me rebound then pop ll my shots and then go into water form and heal, you can literally feel the crap i thought we won that fight.
Rebounding team mates, complete opposite. Id say i miss 90% of the time hitting the shout and they go the full length of the shout then getting some aura and then dropping.
Put alot of games in and you will know when to use it for yourself. Otherwise i suggest comms.
The most successful team rebounds are when you have 30 percent outgoing healing and it ends up giving your teammate a 5k heal. Problems with rebound are that its slow cast time, it’s clunky delay after the cast, and its low healing amount. Sigil of agility helps get spells off if you can remember when it procced last.
I get the rez all the time in PvP but the heal is almost useless which renders it a bit under powered in that aspect.
I find it works best for static aura upkeep combined with Surging Runes, get about 16 seconds of Static aura upkeep or more.
….. And Elementalist.
It’s basically just an aoe static aura on a 75 sec cd.
Yeah mostly just extra aura spam. I’ve had it save me and even a couple teammates once or twice. Pirate shipping many times I’ll just spam it for magnetic aura and an actual melee push I like to load up frost aura or shock aura.
If we define ‘successful’ meaning ‘triggers the down prevention for at least one person’ then yes, it happens. Done it, and seen it being done.
Because the healing itself is relatively small, though, and the healing is more accurately ‘sets your health to the specified amount’, though, it’s easily missed. Even with high healing you’d be looking at around 4k, and that doesn’t last long unless it buys enough time for something else to trigger.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
Honestly the only time rebound works well is raids, basically saving you and 4 nearby allies from someone kittening up a mechanic. Everywhere else its more of a free heal and aura.
i’m having more success now by popping Rebound! shortly after a zerg push in wvw… in the attunement which provides the desired aura. That seems to work best for me.
I use rebound when running in wvw with a small party and they need support. It saved my party quite a few times but the heal is terrible imo, especially that you need to time it really well to get any use out of it.