Anyone using condition build for D/D?

Anyone using condition build for D/D?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Force.2841


So I wasn’t really feeling my damage anymore after the patch so I decided to use settlers amulet which is toughness, healing power, condition damage in spvp. I noticed the fight was a bit longer but I was controlling all the battles I fought today since they had to keep removing my fire or my bleeds. It was fun to see an engi putting conditions on me and me putting conditions on him and seeing him panic because he couldn’t remove the fire duration I kept putting on him.

Anyways I was wondering if anyone has more knowledge into a condition damage D/D build for WvW before I go and drop the gold. Or maybe not even D/D just a good condition build they’ve been rolling with.

Anyone using condition build for D/D?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Neko.9021


It’s a sort of troll build some people here have tried at one point or another. In WvW, Perplexity Runes carry the build.

I don’t think it’s all that great once people know what you’re up to (people usually die because they don’t expect it). The benefit the build has is that it can spec for tons of regen which lets you tank lots of damage, then heal and run away or kite for a ton of time.

It’s bad in sPvP with no Perplexity Runes (actually it’s just bad in general). In fact in sPvP it’s really bad for the same reason Condi Thief is bad in sPvP – you don’t kill anything fast enough to cap a point, and sPvP is ultimately a game of Time and Resource management.

Also, for Power Builds, with the new Strength Runes, just equip that with an Ammy/Gear with Healing Power, and you can play a tanky sustain build with good damage thanks to obscene might stacking.

(edited by Neko.9021)

Anyone using condition build for D/D?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dahir.4158


I’ve got hybrid condi build which I’ve been using for a while now. I can beat any class with it depending on which trait I use. I tend to switch from DS to Written in Stone if the opponent is condi or not. Sometimes I switch out my cantrip for another signet and use the Water #2 trait for vulnerability.

Condition builds are fun for elementalists. You’ll enjoy it a lot.
