Arcane Minor Trait "Attunement bonuses linger for 5 seconds"

Arcane Minor Trait "Attunement bonuses linger for 5 seconds"

in Elementalist

Posted by: minion.6245


Does this apply to the “Do X amount of damage while X situation” traits?

If so I was thinking of a D/D build (I know) surrounding this trait and Water IV Piercing shards which states, while attuned to water deal 20% additional damage to vulnerable foes.

I figure the burst burning speed>ring of fire>aracane wave/fire grab/drakes breath (whatever your variation may be) only last about 4-5 seconds anyway; It would be kinda to nice to have something like 25/0/10/10/15.

You would take pretty much all the additional damage traits; Embers might/Internal Fire/Piecing shards/Stone Splinters. At 25 Fire you will still have the minor Burning rage. For Arcane you could take Elemental Attunement for quick might before you burst.

The premise of the build would revolve you running around in water magic, kiting and waiting for your chance to spike, staking some vulnerablity all the while having access to your heals and some CC just in case, switching over to fire and bursting your target into ashes (or close to death at least for light/medium targets)

Bur this would all revolve around Lingering attunement still giving fire the bonus of Piercing shards, and I figure at 10 earth/water and 15 arcane. You have some decent attunement recharge and your not total glass.

Havent tested it out on any dummies, maybe I will tonight.

(edited by minion.6245)

Arcane Minor Trait "Attunement bonuses linger for 5 seconds"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arc.9374


You have no condition removal, no way to acquire more than 2 seconds of Fury, no way to stack swiftness short of an Air switch into Glyph heal, and you only have 600 range to kite with.

That’s going to be a bit of a problem :p

And yeah, it’s total glass. Anything with more than 600 range is going to make a mess of you real fast, and anything with heavy condition application will do the same. Your low Water traiting leaves you down some HP and healing power (healing power admittedly not that significant), so the only way to make up for that is to sacrifice damage runes for survivability runes.

I think you’re overestimating the benefit of Fire traits (especially since many of them are conditional on burning being applied, which can be cleansed) and underestimating the value of crit chance/perma vigor uptime.

Give it a shot by all means, but from the information you’ve given about the concept, I think it’ll certainly come up short compared to a more standard Aura build where damage is concerned, and absolutely come up short where survivability is concerned.


Arcane Minor Trait "Attunement bonuses linger for 5 seconds"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Or you can go… 10/0/30/0/30 and win….

Fire – “Internal Fire” + 10% dmg while attuned

Earth – Earths Embrace, Serrated Stones, Geomancers Alacrity

Arcana – Elemental Attunement, Arcane Mastery, Evasive Arcana

Use skills – Arcane Power, Arcane Wave, Glyph of elemental power, Glyph of elemental.

Gear – Go for berserkers, rune Vamporism, Accessories should be Valkyrie, and rings should be whatever the exotic Beryl are…

Run in, wreck s**t move on to the next victim. Simple as that. good luck!

Arcane Minor Trait "Attunement bonuses linger for 5 seconds"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


That trait that makes attunement bonuses last for an extra 5 seconds applies to things like Soothing Mist where you have a constant visible buff on your character’s buff bar. That buff will last for an extra few seconds upon switching out of Water. I forget what other traits that includes, I think just the three base unchangeable traits in each line is what is affected, so Zephyr’s Speed, Stone Flesh, Burning Rage, Soothing Mist, etc.

(edited by Leiloni.7951)