Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Biklen.5490


Hey guys! So I jumped on Elementalist myself after 2 years of not playing on it and wanted to see if I could put a build together that I enjoyed. Of course my girlfriend kind of asked me to also. Anyways what I found was a very fun refreshing build that has CRAZY high damage and nice control to keep the pressure off.

By no means do I claim this build will fit in every-bodies play-style but if you like huge damage with huge killing reward you got to try it out!

The first part of the video shows ranked game-play of how it is played and the second part shows the trait lines and combos on how it works. I hope this build helps those players like myself that crave on HIGH damage zerk builds! Enjoy and let the GW2 community thrive again with build diversity!


Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyon.9735


Been playing this recently as well (I switch in LF and Glyph Heal) since last week. It’s extremely fun though you die when someone sneezes at you.

I think this would be completely viable with a few buffs here and there especially to Arcane Shield/Earth shield (I wish earth shield was instant) and some more active defenses.

For WvW, I find it extremely meh though. T1 roaming is nothing but condi cancer or p/p thief.

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Azel.4786


Yeah I have been using the same amulet too, vitality from marauder is meaningless when everything kills you so fast.

I admire your skills, but the build, however, dies immediately to any form of condi pressure. You simply can not put up a fight against them – you have 0 cleanse.

Reason why I find it hard to ditch water and cantrips, but it is a palliative measure due to the abudance of condis in some classes.

It is a good 2v2 build with a good support, no doubt, but by itself it has many issues as you lack a good form of hard mitigation.

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Biklen.5490


Yeah I have been using the same amulet too, vitality from marauder is meaningless when everything kills you so fast.

I admire your skills, but the build, however, dies immediately to any form of condi pressure. You simply can not put up a fight against them – you have 0 cleanse.

Reason why I find it hard to ditch water and cantrips, but it is a palliative measure due to the abudance of condis in some classes.

It is a good 2v2 build with a good support, no doubt, but by itself it has many issues as you lack a good form of hard mitigation.

Yea condi dies very fast…One thing about condi players is they are very slow at casting so keeeping them blinded isnt too hard…This does not include the mesmer…1vs1 i would NOT recommend this build EVER….Well i guess it works vs physical players..But i deff would use it in small gangs and arenas where u have support.

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Biklen.5490


Been playing this recently as well (I switch in LF and Glyph Heal) since last week. It’s extremely fun though you die when someone sneezes at you.

I think this would be completely viable with a few buffs here and there especially to Arcane Shield/Earth shield (I wish earth shield was instant) and some more active defenses.

For WvW, I find it extremely meh though. T1 roaming is nothing but condi cancer or p/p thief.

Small gangs bro for sure, I myself will be taking it to 1vs1 roaming though just for the hell of it…But for any serious groups small gangs for sure

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: SneakyTouchy.6043


This build seems like it handles a few 1v1’s pretty well, but overall it’s hard countered by the majority of other classes. Any team of decent skill will recognize this build is to be focused first and they will always be able to kill it quickly.

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: fost.9167


I dont pvp only wvw, but from what i saw and I could be wrong… you’re much more skilled than the other players in the video :/ what happens when you go against people who react faster?

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


I listened to what you have to say in your video. But it’s an overstatement to say that the dramatic nerfs were build openers for elementalist. Any attempts at a balanced build for the Tempest has been nerfed, and a lot of the DPS builds that were hoping to justify their place through base healing on Wash The Pain Away or Elemental Bastion.

All I see is dps pressure to guarantee a win in 1v1. But you do not have condition clear. That’s the sort of build any common and old fashioned teamwork beats.

Bik, you come here dusting off your elementalist for PvP and think you have done the discovery of the century. You think you have solved all our issues. You have no condition clear. Embrace reality; Arcane Brillance is garbage, and get Glyph of Elemental Harmony instead.

Alerie Despins

(edited by Alekt.5803)

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


I am playing arcane tempest for a while now. WvW and PvP. Not shure how i might redisign it after the patch becaus i got hit hard. It´s a pitty that my S/F E/Ar/T build without healing power .. suffers from the CD increase and healing nerves …
I personaly like arcane brilliance and used it in the past, but you have to trait it and unfortunately evasive arcana is so dam good that you actually weaken your build if you pick elemental souce but without it your arance skill are garbage …

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Biklen.5490


Pretty much everybody is saying the same thing…And all is true…Conditions kill it…HARD focus will also kill it…

People like myself really enjoy builds like this and i understand not everybody will want to play something like this.

To the people that want to blind spam and focus hard dps play it…To the people that want to be support dont play it..

And also no, i dont think i solved world hunger or fixed the ele with this build…The title is ARCANE Tempest, I am sure any Ele wouldn’t expect anything more than burst out of this build.

If you guys ever played WoW, they have a similar build there also. It is called Arcane Mage…Arcane mages also suffer by dying very fast but nobody in that community complains about it because it also kills very fast. Pretty much common sense.

Again, this is a burst build for playing who want to kill fast.

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Pretty much everybody is saying the same thing…And all is true…Conditions kill it…HARD focus will also kill it…

People like myself really enjoy builds like this and i understand not everybody will want to play something like this.

To the people that want to blind spam and focus hard dps play it…To the people that want to be support dont play it..

And also no, i dont think i solved world hunger or fixed the ele with this build…The title is ARCANE Tempest, I am sure any Ele wouldn’t expect anything more than burst out of this build.

If you guys ever played WoW, they have a similar build there also. It is called Arcane Mage…Arcane mages also suffer by dying very fast but nobody in that community complains about it because it also kills very fast. Pretty much common sense.

Again, this is a burst build for playing who want to kill fast.

You need to read behind the lines.
Most of the comments here are caused by frustration simply because other professions can cover this same role ( high burst ) more easily and reliably as they have naturally more sustain in general.

The gross imbalance between professions here is what cause this frustration, therefore any attempt at build crafting will be met with snarky remarks..and for good reasons, at the very least don’t take it personally

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Biklen.5490


Pretty much everybody is saying the same thing…And all is true…Conditions kill it…HARD focus will also kill it…

People like myself really enjoy builds like this and i understand not everybody will want to play something like this.

To the people that want to blind spam and focus hard dps play it…To the people that want to be support dont play it..

And also no, i dont think i solved world hunger or fixed the ele with this build…The title is ARCANE Tempest, I am sure any Ele wouldn’t expect anything more than burst out of this build.

If you guys ever played WoW, they have a similar build there also. It is called Arcane Mage…Arcane mages also suffer by dying very fast but nobody in that community complains about it because it also kills very fast. Pretty much common sense.

Again, this is a burst build for playing who want to kill fast.

You need to read behind the lines.
Most of the comments here are caused by frustration simply because other professions can cover this same role ( high burst ) more easily and reliably as they have naturally more sustain in general.

The gross imbalance between professions here is what cause this frustration, therefore any attempt at build crafting will be met with snarky remarks..and for good reasons, at the very least don’t take it personally

I’m sorry man but I can’t agree with you.

Ele=High burst, Insane AOE, very squishy, Good utilities/Weapons to stay alive

Mesmer=High burst, very squishy, Good utilities/Weapons to stay alive, Clone’s to help it hide in and get away.

Necro=High Damage/Dots, Slow Caster, Bad Mobility, can take damage, Pets support.

If you look at all three classes they are all strong and weak at the same time. I don’t think Ele needs to be made easier to damage…If anything it is easy enough. People need to learn on where to place themselves before they start their burst/CC…

Also if you are met with classes on the other team that can out heal/sustain you well it is not your fault. It is a team effort and in your role of dps you can sometimes only do as much as the game allows you too.

In every MMO it is the same. A good damage dealer can only do as good as the healing on his party that keeps him alive…It is the same thing in GW2…Of course it’s not as direct as traditional but it is the same concept. If you have 2 Druids that do nothing but rez and stealth the dead…Well what can you do? Overload/CC and burst if your team doesn’t do the same they will of course out sustain and kill you.

Making the Ele class easier would put us right back to making GW2 to much of an easy game to play. The amount of challenge one class can bring should be met with excitement of learning it and maining it. Not kittening about it and saying well “John” can dps easier on DRUID. People that main Ele will bring the class pride figure it out and exell at it. To the rest of the lazy people that want to roll the flavor of the month because they play GW2 like a MOBA are going to have a hard time with it.

This is a good thing they did and I hope this happens across the board for all class “especially DRUID”…Like I always say, “Having class leaders and mains is what will bring this game back.” When people are able to log off one class and learn a simple 1,2 rotations to AFK to legend, well it is a problem and this is why the DEVs took that away.

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


Well written by Biklen. But i still feat they have overshot. People writing in ele forum usualy main ele´s and i did´t find someone being sad about cleric supportbunker nerved … I nearly exlusivly play ele since a year. And i prefer hybrid builds with no or low healign power and no water. Sounds stupid but work (ed) for me. I know that wash the pain away was a skill to carry others even without healing power and thus won me teamfights while wearing offensive stats. Not better as other classes skills in 1:1 but powerful if you are not alone.
I still hope to some buffs in fire and arcane traitlines.

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Biklen.5490


Well written by Biklen. But i still feat they have overshot. People writing in ele forum usualy main ele´s and i did´t find someone being sad about cleric supportbunker nerved … I nearly exlusivly play ele since a year. And i prefer hybrid builds with no or low healign power and no water. Sounds stupid but work (ed) for me. I know that wash the pain away was a skill to carry others even without healing power and thus won me teamfights while wearing offensive stats. Not better as other classes skills in 1:1 but powerful if you are not alone.
I still hope to some buffs in fire and arcane traitlines.

Buffs are always welcome to any class just hopefully they are minor. I would hate to see the Ele turn back to a heal-bot or even worse.. “Shameful staff Druid.”

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


most ele don´t want to be a healbot or druid …. While i like it to offer support to my teammate, i want a flexible class where i can build/play counters and surprise oponents. I like to do preasure to a target and handicap it so i support my teammate that is under fire. And of course i don´t like to be oneshoted or killed in five seconds by a daredevil :-).

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Biklen.5490


most ele don´t want to be a healbot or druid …. While i like it to offer support to my teammate, i want a flexible class where i can build/play counters and surprise oponents. I like to do preasure to a target and handicap it so i support my teammate that is under fire. And of course i don´t like to be oneshoted or killed in five seconds by a daredevil :-).

To be fair Ele is not the only class that can be one shotted by them..,Also Ele can one shot them back also…So there it will depend on the better player…Both classes take good amount of skill to run…But yes Ele does the tougher fight.

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


Ele=High burst, Insane AOE, very squishy, Good utilities/Weapons to stay alive

Good ultilities and Weapons skill?

You have been playing Focus for too long. Magnetic Wave, the most loaded skill in the game, or it used to be. Do that same build on staff; you’ll notice how Ele is not this High burst class with Weapons to stay alive. Casting 45 seconds cooldown Healing Rain for 1.5 seconds is painful.

Alerie Despins

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Biklen.5490


Ele=High burst, Insane AOE, very squishy, Good utilities/Weapons to stay alive

Good ultilities and Weapons skill?

You have been playing Focus for too long. Magnetic Wave, the most loaded skill in the game, or it used to be. Do that same build on staff; you’ll notice how Ele is not this High burst class with Weapons to stay alive. Casting 45 seconds cooldown Healing Rain for 1.5 seconds is painful.

Every class in this game has strong weapon sets and weak weapon sets…Ele staff is not super strong but at the same time it is one of the weapons in the game that supports the team very well…45sec cooldown in my opinion isnt that bad of a cool-down considering it covers double the size of most AOE effects of any class and supports many allies.

Also why would you use this same build with Staff?….Staff is more gameplay/zerg….This game isnt all about PvP…It is also about PvE/WvW and staff is VERY useful in those scenarios…

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


Ele=High burst, Insane AOE, very squishy, Good utilities/Weapons to stay alive

Good ultilities and Weapons skill?

You have been playing Focus for too long. Magnetic Wave, the most loaded skill in the game, or it used to be. Do that same build on staff; you’ll notice how Ele is not this High burst class with Weapons to stay alive. Casting 45 seconds cooldown Healing Rain for 1.5 seconds is painful.

Every class in this game has strong weapon sets and weak weapon sets…Ele staff is not super strong but at the same time it is one of the weapons in the game that supports the team very well…45sec cooldown in my opinion isnt that bad of a cool-down considering it covers double the size of most AOE effects of any class and supports many allies.

Also why would you use this same build with Staff?….Staff is more gameplay/zerg….This game isnt all about PvP…It is also about PvE/WvW and staff is VERY useful in those scenarios…

Your build is not functional because it sports no condition clear. If by any chances you succeed with the build, it’s because you wield a focus with that scepter. It’s the constant same issue that is put at light here. A focus build can band-aid the class issues due to Magnetic Wave (Our best condition clear) and Obsidian Flesh. The “success” of this build does not mean elementalist are going to shine anywhere this season. The fact is that Tempest support style or offensive style have been nerfed at every angles.

You can’t dodge everything; you can’t blind everything; you can’t outpressure everything. Even a Staff Conjure Tempest build shows more promise, and this non-meta build has been nerfed to the ground.

Alerie Despins

Arcane Tempest Build & Guide PvP/WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


While arcane burst ele is ok, it is honestly not viable.

To be viable, it has to fulfill a pvp role, and bring something that gives it a potential benefit over another option for the same role (it will also have a weakness). An example from pre-HoT was Thief vs. Mesmer for burst: Thief had superior self-defense, lower-CD burst, and better single-player map mobility, while mesmer had portal, which allows well-played teams to make really strong rotational moves. You would rarely see 2 thieves, but a thief + mesmer was common (even before they prevented class stacking).

Arcane ele has…nothing compared to other burst builds (daredevil, rev, even DH and burst mesmer). It has inferior defense, WAY lower map mobility (basically none, as even lightning flash has a longer CD than blink, for instance), its burst has a MUCH higher CD (miss your phoenix and now you have basically no burst for 20 s), and even less boon/cleanse support than many of them. Not to mention, all of the passive power-damage hate give the build a really hard time.

I mean, your role is to +1 people and end fights fast, but you lack the tools (mobility, defense on a reasonable CD, reasonably CD on burst, low sustained pressure) to do that. The biggest hurt is the mobility and defense: you can’t protect yourself if jumped by another burst, and you don’t have the mobility of a thief, rev, or mes, to just leave a bad fight and go choose another one.

Burst ele, while it can be fun (especially when your opponents are stupid and just let you free-cast), is honestly a high-risk, medium reward build trying to compete in a sea of low-risk, high-reward opponents.