(edited by Sifu.9745)
Are Blind and Weakness useless for eles?
is u a sirius ??
Why don’t you try it by yourself? Take Staff, go Earth (take trait for crit imunity) and spam only autoatack with Weakness. If you can survive more than 5 seconds just with doing this vs. any zerker … Or stand in Fire and hit your enemy with burning and Blind after Blind and try to survive more than 4 seconds with just doing this …
No, you just have to swap attunements like every 2 seconds. So frustrating. I just can’t afford myself to be a bit lazy sometimes as i can do it with my Mesmer …
Elementalist requieres just too much skill for a casual player.
You are funny Do you expect something if you only autoattack ? If yes, you may consider to delete your ele and create a pewpew >:3
You are funny
Do you expect something if you only autoattack ? If yes, you may consider to delete your ele and create a pewpew >:3
No, but i expect to live much longer, if my autoatack aplies Weakness, Blind on procs and i’m in some kind of defensive stance, and my dmg is like non existing. I mean there is no point to stay in earth for more than two seconds, with or without Weakness on your target. Yust to get buffs and move on to another attunement.
I also play World of Warcraft and PvP there is much more relaxing: you can go AFK for 10 sec and you won’t die vs one opponent in most casses. In GW2 you can get destroyed in a second just for one mistake …
The way this class is designed was around the use of all 20 skills, becaues we have so many the CDs are longer and the attacks do less. not utilizing 3/4 of these are going to make you crap damage. Also there is no inactive tank role in this game. To soak damage you have to invest into tough/vit/healing keep constant regen up, clense condi, burst heal, get protection buffs, pop defensive abilites at the right time.
If your looking to just be able to soak damage by auto attacking you def picked the wrong class (aka lowest hp armor in the game and worst auto attacks in the game)
1) PvP in GW2 is moderately fast-paced, in that most fights are done within 30 seconds (if that). This is still slower than the top competitive games for the most part.
2) Staff has exactly one attunement worth spending more than five seconds at a time in, which is fire, and even then only if nobody’s watching you. Otherwise, you’re better off just using whatever skills you wanted from the attunement, then the 2 skill, then switching out.
3) Ele relies purely on active and proc-based defense. They do not have the ability to tank damage without using skills, or while only using one skill, because they have the lowest base stats and weakest autoattacks in the game. Not to mention that as any class with any build you will get rekt if you don’t clear conditions often.
4) Blind blocks one hit. Exactly one hit. You cannot stack blinds on top of each other (they stack duration, and not in hits blocked). Weakness gives a 50% chance of losing 50% damage (for an average of 25% reduced damage, which will be less or more in any given fight depending on your luck), and lowers endurance regeneration.
That’s why people don’t go in fire for blinding ashes for the blind…
Oh wait..
I also play World of Warcraft and PvP there is much more relaxing: you can go AFK for 10 sec and you won’t die vs one opponent in most casses. In GW2 you can get destroyed in a second just for one mistake …
What? PvP in World of Warcraft has windows of about 10 seconds without any inputs? And damage is so low that 1v1’s basically never end? That sounds like the most passive, boring gameplay I have ever heard of.
It’s funny, sometimes I’m disappointed by Arenanet, but once I see how good the core game is compared to other games, especially other MMO’s, I’m happy again.
I also play World of Warcraft and PvP there is much more relaxing: you can go AFK for 10 sec and you won’t die vs one opponent in most casses. In GW2 you can get destroyed in a second just for one mistake …
What? PvP in World of Warcraft has windows of about 10 seconds without any inputs? And damage is so low that 1v1’s basically never end? That sounds like the most passive, boring gameplay I have ever heard of.
It’s funny, sometimes I’m disappointed by Arenanet, but once I see how good the core game is compared to other games, especially other MMO’s, I’m happy again.
It ends in about 12 seconds – 2 minutes. Ok, top geared players would just one or two shot low geared ones but that doesn’t count much. Usualy it takes 20 – 30 seconds, depends on your gear, opponents gear, your role … For example as a dps you won’t kill any healer with half a brain with few exception neither will healer kill you, because wow pvp is not blanced around 1vs1. If healer would die 1 on 1 he won’t be able to heal his teammates, only desperately trying to keep him self alive.
In GW2 you can only play 5vs5 matches while in WOW you can choose between Arenas: 2 vs 2, 3 vs 3, 5 vs 5, Battlegrounds: 10vs10, 15vs15 and 40 vs40 and World PvP which sucks.
In GW2 burst dmg is just insane. Sometimes i just see mesmer or thief … and i am on 20% of my health lol.
(edited by Sifu.9745)
Äh- I use blind and i can survive quite long even against two oponents in one element.
Ah wait i am dodging and running and firing blinds and …. and i am not wearing sentinel ;-).
GW2 is about skilled and fast paced gameplay. Further you picked a class that is probably toward the top of the faster/skilled spectrum of it.
I’d just reroll until you learn the game better. Warrior or guardian are quite fun, and in something like soldiers gear or cleric for guard the pace is a bit more reasonable for a new person.
If you want to see really punishing combat, go play DOTA or LoL, where missing a single ability or even a single auto attack can cost an entire teamfight, and fights are decided for the most part within three seconds.
The plethora of defensive skills in GW2 make it relatively forgiving, compared to most competitive games.
I am currently trying out soldiers for my ele as a staff spec. Well i was not convinced on my first run und went back to my anti zerker build. But i used it in PvE yesterday again and try to learn it better. The impression was quite clear: I had 6k more hitpoints but it seemed not to increase my survivability. The blinds from my S/F build and moving is the key for surving. (And that i get my healing not interupted ).
The thing i recently noticed. More condi builds are running around and while i did design to kill zerker i now regulary die on condi damage. Cleansing flame and magnetic wave are not enough to survive with my 14k HP….
Staff autotacak applies Weakness on my opponent, which means 50% less damage taken
This isn’t actually how weakness works. Weakness turns 50% of your attacks into glancing blows, which means 50% less damage. This is an important difference. Over the long run it should statistically be a 25% damage reduction, but it’s a bit different when it comes to burst, thanks to the RNG gods.
Take for example a thief. He will often rely on big backstabs or heartseekers for burst. Those may all be full hits, and only some auto attacks inbetween will be 50% less damage, meaning the burst is still high.
Same goes for other professions, like a warrior might be lucky on a hundred blades and only get one glancing blow from all the hits, making it a minor reduction of damage. Remember, weakness isn’t just about damage reduction, it’s also about reduction of endurance regeneration, making enemies active defenses lower.
Furthermore, weakness only works on hits, conditions will still kill you – especially burning.
You also mention that blind should give you immunity to damage, which isn’t correct either. It simply makes the next attack miss. Only one attack. Any experienced player will try to counter this. Blind can be powerful, but only if you use it smart. A necromancer with warhorn can make their Locust Swarm take away the blind, condi clearing abilities will remove it and a simple auto attack will remove it.
Also remember that GW2 is about active defenses. Spamming auto attack in a defensive attunement can only do so much. You need to use earth defenses along with blinds, heals, dodges and counter pressure to stay alive.
edit Additional information.
(edited by Rezok.2709)
To reiterate what others have said, you’re not supposed to just stand there and autoattack, not on the Elementalist, not on any profession. Mesmers can sometimes get away with it because their clones can distract people, but even they have to dodge around and get tricky against smart opponents.
If you’re sitting in Earth spamming your autoattack all day as an Elementalist, you’re going to have a bad time. Frequent attunement-swapping is bread and butter for the profession. If that’s too much trouble for you, then I’m sorry to tell you this but the Ele may just not be the right profession for you. It’s like you’re complaining about how you have to go into and out of Stealth all the time as a Thief, or how you have to constantly create illusions as a Mesmer, or how you have to order your pet around as a Ranger. The Elementalist was designed around the assumption that you would be constantly emptying cooldowns into your opponent, autoattacking only to set up attacks or fill tiny spaces of time between combos. It is not a profession for the lazy.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.