As requested by the 4 eles from last night

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

After reading this got bored and made a build that is sort of maxing out crit damage without going full glass. Not sure if I would use it for wvw myself but it would definitely burst very good. I build my ele with less vitality cause I got guards maxed for an easy 250 while roaming. Could still probably improve on it but the stats are crazy imo.;4BJ-V0w4VLkY0;9;5T9J9;158B5;045-4;05o0;3V19cV19cg-FrV6;4Vt5uaK1v5V3w53H0BN2s;5k2EwF2Eo;9;9;9;9;7V8-6t

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bovinity.8610


You are probably reacting the wrong way when a full glass cannon thief ambushes you. If they get me with a backstab it will take from 60-70% off my health with that single skill.

Yeah, I’m working on my reactions to that. It’s especially annoying in group fights because after the initial CnD → Steal → Backstab opener, I can still evade the Thief, but at such low HP that any random damage will finish me off.

Granted, the thief in that situation is generally over extended and ends up downed too, so I guess I just have to accept that glass cannons are gonna get me now and again.

Any sufficiently advanced skill is indistinguishable from luck.

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningBlaze.4913


After reading this got bored and made a build that is sort of maxing out crit damage without going full glass. Not sure if I would use it for wvw myself but it would definitely burst very good. I build my ele with less vitality cause I got guards maxed for an easy 250 while roaming. Could still probably improve on it but the stats are crazy imo.;4BJ-V0w4VLkY0;9;5T9J9;158B5;045-4;05o0;3V19cV19cg-FrV6;4Vt5uaK1v5V3w53H0BN2s;5k2EwF2Eo;9;9;9;9;7V8-6t

I would focus more on the power stat than the critical dmg. I don’t know about the math behind it but I always noticed that power is the main source of dps/burst follow by critical dmg. A few months back when I lowered my critical dmg by 15% but increased my power by over 100 there was a noticeable increased of damage.

Heidia- The elementalist is the #1 most OP profession in this game since beta!

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: SAKRAY.3690


You’re stats look pretty nice mate. Question though what trait setup did you use as an D/D and did u use this gear setup for that?

I’m not fond of S/D in WvW and lately I feel my damage is really lacking after the bountiful power nerf im a bit high on tougness sure I can tank loads but seems like its getting harder and harder taking certain classes down.

Shichi Gatsu ~ Elementalist
Ichigo Bushi ~ Warrior

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I’m surprised you posted your build on here. You realize you’re going to have a lot of people copying you now and asking you for advice right? I thought you didn’t’ want that?

Anyway, really impressive stats. I run something similar. I have a bit more crit damage and toughness than you, but my power isn’t quite as high. I’m happy with my traits where they are now, but I keep changing my gear, not quite satisfied yet with where that is and I’ve started experimenting a bit with celestial gear now. don’t really like it that much though, I think what I had previously was better.

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningBlaze.4913


You’re stats look pretty nice mate. Question though what trait setup did you use as an D/D and did u use this gear setup for that?

I’m not fond of S/D in WvW and lately I feel my damage is really lacking after the bountiful power nerf im a bit high on tougness sure I can tank loads but seems like its getting harder and harder taking certain classes down.

When I used to roam with d/d I found great success with this build I have never been a fond of investing more then 10 points within the arcane tree since my main focus always have been to burst while having more than enough survivability. Never encountered an inconvenience with the attunements cd either.

Heidia- The elementalist is the #1 most OP profession in this game since beta!

(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningBlaze.4913


I’m surprised you posted your build on here. You realize you’re going to have a lot of people copying you now and asking you for advice right? I thought you didn’t’ want that?

Anyway, really impressive stats. I run something similar. I have a bit more crit damage and toughness than you, but my power isn’t quite as high. I’m happy with my traits where they are now, but I keep changing my gear, not quite satisfied yet with where that is and I’ve started experimenting a bit with celestial gear now. don’t really like it that much though, I think what I had previously was better.

I know! I already got burst down instantly (in one sec) by one ele from db that was using this build lol. For the record he caught me off guard xD. I was getting so many whispers, mails in game and private messages through here that I just decided to share it… to avoid that! kidding.

I don’t mind anymore since fresh air trait release pretty much gave it away the idea that eles can burst players down without been glass cannon.

I’m on the same boat regards to celestial gears/trinkets. I was debating to replace 2 pieces of my gear with celestial but the lost of power is too much for me to feel comfortable.

Heidia- The elementalist is the #1 most OP profession in this game since beta!

(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Yeah that’s why I didn’t really like them. your crit and healing goes up, but power and defense go down. A few celestial trinkets is ok for balancing stuff out, but it seems really bad for armor. I still kept my clerics stuff for when I want to use a supportive build for dungeons and stuff like that which works great with celestial to add a little bit of damage to it. But for damaging burst builds, they aren’t so good if you use too many. They do plan on removing magic find as a stat, and who knows maybe they will replace the mf on celestial with something that makes it a viable option. till then its uses are limited for me.

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: Raif.9507


Well in regards to the celestial gear, I thought the same but I went and built this using some celestial gear and in comparison to what I’m running now, its slightly better. I put all my armor and weapons as celestial and kept my trinkets and backpiece as cavalier with a berserker amulet.

Here is with celestial gear –

And here is what I have now –

For anyone who doesn’t want to click the links here’s the difference between the two:

Celestial Vs. Non-Celestial (No might/fury/bloodlust stacks):
Attack: 2837 Vs. 2858 (Lose 21 power)
Crit Chance: 37% Vs 39% (Lose 2% crit chance)
Crit Damage: 107% Vs. 87% (gain 20% crit damage)
Armor: 2520 Vs 2640 (Lose 120 armor)
Healing Power: 590 Vs 360 (Gain 230 Healing Power)
Vitality: 16205 Vs 16065 (Gain 140 hit points)
Boon Duration: 40% Vs 40%

It’s a small tradeoff for nearly 20% more crit damage. I’m seriously considering it. This is using a 0/30/0/30/10 build that I run. I could always switch one piece of celestial gear for a knights piece, lose some crit damage but gain more toughness.

Also, if you craft the precision + agony infusions you can get that crit chance up to 38% for a 1% net loss. I just don’t have the mats to craft it right now, and I don’t want to lose my agony resistance that I have otherwise I would use it.

I don’t mind the “low” crit chance because I have 40% boon duration from the runes so I have a lot of uptime on fury, but also when I hit 25 stacks of bloodlust I switch to another scepter that has a Sigil of Accuracy for another 5% crit chance..

Asharìa March – 80 Elementalist
Co-Guild Leader of Prime Defense on Sanctum of Rall –

(edited by Raif.9507)

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


This is what I planned on using after I got all the required materials.
I’m still on the fence about celestial items though and don’t want to waste time and money on them at the moment. I’m going to wait until after the patch they’re eventually going to do that removes magic find as a stat from gear. I’m hoping once they take the mf off of celestial they’ll boost its other stats. I’m still saving up charged quartz though. I can just craft it all in one shot if I need to when the time comes. Maybe the celestial gear will be the first armor and weapons we can ascend once we are allowed to do that. In that case, it would be superior to the other gear.
I’ve also been playing around with cavalier armor which you sometimes get in fractals. and none of those build sites have cavalier armor on it so I cant really figure things out without testing it in game and wasting money.

(edited by Nikkinella.8254)

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: SAKRAY.3690


Do you PvP if so do you use this build/trait as well with what Amulet

Shichi Gatsu ~ Elementalist
Ichigo Bushi ~ Warrior

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningBlaze.4913


I’m going to wait until after the patch they’re eventually going to do that removes magic find as a stat from gear. I’m hoping once they take the mf off of celestial they’ll boost its other stats. I’m still saving up charged quartz though. I can just craft it all in one shot if I need to when the time comes. Maybe the celestial gear will be the first armor and weapons we can ascend once we are allowed to do that. In that case, it would be superior to the other gear.
I’ve also been playing around with cavalier armor which you sometimes get in fractals. and none of those build sites have cavalier armor on it so I cant really figure things out without testing it in game and wasting money.

That’s a smart move Nikkinella. Personality I put zero importance towards stats such as healing power, boon duration, condition damage and attunenment recharge as a burst none glass Ele. The way I think about it is If I sacrifice a good amount of offense stat (power,crit chance and/or crit dmg) I want a great amount of defense stat (toughness, vitality) in return and not a distribute amount towards all the stats including to those I find no need to improve within my build (rune of divinity was the only exception and that was simply because I gain more damage and armor than having a mix of orbs) When the ascended armor upgrade takes place i’m sure it will require a bit more defense to adapt to the increase dmg percentage from exotic to ascended gear. if that turns out to be the case i would gladly sacrifice a bit over 100 power and 6% critical chance to increase my armor over 2900 while having rock barrier up and possibly increase my heath pool a bit too.

Heidia- The elementalist is the #1 most OP profession in this game since beta!

(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningBlaze.4913


Do you PvP if so do you use this build/trait as well with what Amulet

I don’t spvp/tpvp anymore Sakray. Back when I used to, I ran a zerker amulet/soldier jewel and rune of the eagle with 2 pieces of divinity.

Heidia- The elementalist is the #1 most OP profession in this game since beta!

(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)