Attunement Dancing

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: senate.8126


… is a terrible name.

Can we call this something else?

Seriously, attunement dancing? Really? Okay, so when you swap weapons on other classes, is it WEAPON DANCING? No, it’s swapping weapons. There is no dance. Don’t inflate the concept with some terrible misleading name.

Swapping attunements for whatever reason, to stack boons, to quickly use one particular skill, to combo, you’re not dancing. There is no dance. You’re just playing the class how it was designed to be played.

edit: This is apparently a touchy subject.

Look, the scientist in me is suggesting is we use more accurate terminology to describing game mechanics. Seeing as though it’s virtually identical in practice as swaping weapons, kits, and enviromental weapons, calling the simple action of swapping your attunement should be called, I don’t know, attunement swapping.

Send your fastest riders in all directions to spread word to the kingdom.

(edited by senate.8126)

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Humposaurus.5764


Never heard of this slur. Are you sure you just didn’t make it up yourself?

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vanguardian.4921


It’s called stance dancing.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hsulf.9370


Surely these things are called attunements….. and when you change them it’s called swapping….. I personally think attunement swapping is quite apt.

Not sure who’s dancing. Not sure anyone’s ever mentioned dancing. It’s a new one.

Godmóde of Team Paradigm
(Necro, Ele, Thief, Guard)

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: senate.8126


I’ve seen people say attunement dance, and I’ve seen people on the necro forums calling switching in and out of death shroud to get free fury ‘shadow dancing’. I’m not kidding. There are people out there who say these things.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


What´s wrong with it?
People want whatever they are doing to sound impressive and nice, naturaly they come up with elaborate names for things. And besides the analogy is quite fitting, you rythmicaly make certain pattern of steps, or skill uses in this case.

And in the end, mmo people have long referred to this kind of stuff as stance dancing or something similiar, shadow bane is a good example.

If it annoys you just don´t use the term, but that´s no reason why others shouldn´t use it if they want though.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: senate.8126


dancing implies movement, you don’t move when you change attunement, you’re not dancing. it’s not descriptive of what you’re doing at all. call it attunement rotations. call it attunement cycling. call it attunement swapping (!!!)

just don’t call it attunement dancing because it sounds terrible and it makes people who say it look sophmorish.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Haette.2701


You’ve seriously never heard of “stance dancing”?

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: senate.8126


this was invented by the players that surround their usernames with Xx xX religiously and dye all of their characters BLACK AND RED. yeah! stance dancing! that sounds so cool! i’m a spike TV demographic!

how about we move on and use descriptive terminology and not antiquated childish buzz-slang from three four generations of video games ago?

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wulfrim.4793


You do move when you change attunements. Your character lets out a “Freeeeedom” -William Wallace cry and particles float around you. It is a dance. Fire, 2, 3, 4, 5 → Water, 2, 3, 4, 5 → Air 2, 3, 4, 5 → Earth, 2, 3, 4, 5. If my elementalist isn’t dancing then my fingers are. I like attunement dancing. Its catchy. Much more so than attunement swapping, somebody needs to get in touch with their masculinity! Insecurity is a kitten.

Kara Bune – Elementalist 80 – Tarnished Coast
Katniss Shade – Necromancer 80 – sPvp rank – 29
Emma Wolfsbane – Thief 80 – Looking for Guild

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Milennin.4825


dancing implies movement, you don’t move when you change attunement, you’re not dancing. it’s not descriptive of what you’re doing at all. call it attunement rotations. call it attunement cycling. call it attunement swapping (!!!)

just don’t call it attunement dancing because it sounds terrible and it makes people who say it look sophmorish.

You are moving when you change attunement: You move to another element. Well yeah, not physically, but still. And to be honest, what does it matter what people call it? Do their words hurt you? Are they killing your family? Are they stealing your belongings?
No… I don’t think so. Time to move on…

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: senate.8126


spike TV demographic

how about …

attunement rotation. trust me, i’m doing you the favor.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


Bwuahahahhaaaa….i still can´t believe this are you seriously that offended by what other people call it?

It sure is childish to use other than strictly descript terms, because demanding that other people change their way of using terms and words so that you don´t feel offended is mature and stuff…

<edit>rotation isn´t a proper term either according to your logic as it would imply same order of repeating which often isn´t the case.
Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: senate.8126


i’m not demanding. attunement swapping.

trust me, one day you’ll thank me for this.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


i’m not demanding. attunement swapping.

trust me, one day you’ll thank me for this.

Frankly, you´ve actualy convinced me to start using the term attunement dancing

…it escapes me though how are you exactly not demanding?
You´re making it very clear that people shouldn´t call it attunement dancing, is that not by definition demanding for it not to be called that?

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Loxon.8037


I do the Attunement Shuffle. I may someday graduate to the Attunement Boxstep.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: senate.8126


…it escapes me

among other things, apparently.

oh and there you go straw manning. well i didn’t expect much from you people anyway, so defensive.

why are you so protective of this terminology? is it not misleading? or do you have another series of self justifications for that too?

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Haette.2701


rotation implies spinning, you don’t spin when you change attunement, you’re not rotating. it’s not descriptive of what you’re doing at all. call it attunement cycling. wait no don’t do that because you don’t hop on a bike to change attunements

EDIT: My attunement is a 12-speed!

(edited by Haette.2701)

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wulfrim.4793


I like how he ignored my comment because he knows I hit the nail on the head :P

Kara Bune – Elementalist 80 – Tarnished Coast
Katniss Shade – Necromancer 80 – sPvp rank – 29
Emma Wolfsbane – Thief 80 – Looking for Guild

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lifelike.5862


1. 2. 3. Attunement Dancing. Let’s get it stuck so it becomes a thing.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Healix.5819


Dancing, as in performing the required actions as they occur, like a series of dance steps. Picture the arcade style light-up dance floor, where you need to step on the proper tiles in sync. Similarily, as the situation changes, you need to switch your attunement.

Usually, you’ll know what attunements you’ll want to switch to next, similar to the next steps in a dance. At any moment though, the steps can branch out into other paths depending on the situation. These paths can be seen as short rotations, but the master path is random.

Also, your hand is keyboard dancing while playing… unless… you click.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


…it escapes me

among other things, apparently.

oh and there you go straw manning. well i didn’t expect much from you people anyway, so defensive.

why are you so protective of this terminology? is it not misleading? or do you have another series of self justifications for that too?

Oh enlightne me wise one! Please do, i´m serious, that´s why i stated that it escapes me.

ah, and fight fire with fire…or in this case strawmen with strawmen.

Nope, not misleading at all. Mention it to someone and he´ll know what your talking about. Does that not make it a good enough term to be used if one wants to use it?

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: flyingfox.6150


I call it attuning…. attuning to fire! attuning to earth! etc.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Humposaurus.5764


I call it:
Rocks and stones will break your bones.
Its cleansing time.
<sound of lightning crashing down from the heavens.>

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


The term “stance dancing” has been around for a while from older games where you had bard/enchanter type classes that had to switch stances/auras/buffs around a lot. Who knows why people called it dancing, but it’s a term that’s been around for a while and I see nothing wrong with it. Are you really so bored that you had to create a thread to complain about that?

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rafe Mathews.2308

Rafe Mathews.2308

It’s quite obviuously called “the ’tunement shuffle” because you are always shuffling what attunement your in in order give/gain the upper hand.

Honestly I find it hysterical that people pick these kind of things to rage over. If this was a troll post, good job, if it wasn’t….

Btw. Don’t roll a Mesmer their pink and purple power colors may be more than your masculinity can handle.

EDIT: I believed it was coined “stance dancing” because the term is catchy.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: senate.8126


like i said, apparently this is a touchy subject and some people need to lash out and get defensive at the concept of change.

edit: personally, i feel like calling it stance dancing is overly masculine, when gamers need to come up with catchy buzzslang for simple mechanics to make it sound WAY MORE HARDCORE. but no, go ahead and attack my masculinity. :P

(edited by senate.8126)

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rafe Mathews.2308

Rafe Mathews.2308

It seems to me you’re the only one “lashing out”. One of these things is not like the others. =(

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


like i said, apparently this is a touchy subject and some people need to lash out and get defensive at the concept of change.

Nobody here is propably defending the term itself, atleast i´m not. But what we do defend is our right to use it, or rather use any term we like.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arc.9374


That big list of precedents there is why it’s frequently referred to as attunement/stance-dancing.

Maybe the ‘scientist’ in you should do some research before making assumptions as to the reasoning or origin behind terminology.


(edited by Arc.9374)

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vick.6805


I hadn’t heard the term Attunement Dancing until I found this thread, but I must admit, I like it.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ryld.1340


It’s from the term “Stance Dancing”.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: mouse.1689


Warriors in WoW use Stances, and must frequently switch between those stances to use different abilities. The term Stance Dancing started there. I’m sure “Attunement Dancing” is just a derivation of that.

Also, who cares what other people call it? Call it whatever you want and be happy in your pristinely analytical science bubble.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: FearMeLots.1265


… is a terrible name.

Can we call this something else?

Seriously, attunement dancing? Really? Okay, so when you swap weapons on other classes, is it WEAPON DANCING? No, it’s swapping weapons. There is no dance. Don’t inflate the concept with some terrible misleading name.

Swapping attunements for whatever reason, to stack boons, to quickly use one particular skill, to combo, you’re not dancing. There is no dance. You’re just playing the class how it was designed to be played.

edit: This is apparently a touchy subject.

Look, the scientist in me is suggesting is we use more accurate terminology to describing game mechanics. Seeing as though it’s virtually identical in practice as swapping weapons, kits, and environmental weapons, calling the simple action of swapping your attunement should be called, I don’t know, attunement swapping.

Send your fastest riders in all directions to spread word to the kingdom.

You’re whole post is pointless and ridiculous. It doesn’t matter…and your “logic” isn’t all that logical.


Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


It’s called Twisting

Bards in EQ twisted to keep their songs up constantly to buff their group.
Same thing goes for the Bard soul in Rift
They called it “Stance Dancing” for warriors in WoW, but really it was just stance twisting.

Elementalists Attunement Twist.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


It’s called Twisting

Bards in EQ twisted to keep their songs up constantly to buff their group.
Same thing goes for the Bard soul in Rift
They called it “Stance Dancing” for warriors in WoW, but really it was just stance twisting.

Elementalists Attunement Twist.

^^ This poster is correct, EQ is where the idea started and it evolved from there.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Spacefish.4623


I also refer to it as twisting, as I played a Minstrel in DAoC and you had to twist if you wanted to keep a pet and power song or speed song. Stance dancing is a term I would use with like a WoW warrior, but attunements aren’t really stances and I agree it sounds kind of dumb to call it dancing. Also the whole argument is kind of dumb from both sides, omg calling it something I don’t call it but we agree its the same thing…

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


Also the whole argument is kind of dumb from both sides, omg calling it something I don’t call it but we agree its the same thing…

This made me lol irl because it’s so true.

/inb4 the OP yells at me for typing shortcuts.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: senate.8126


switching weapons on my warrior is called ARMS DANCING

from this point forward, swapping to a staff out of combat will be called THE OCTAVIUS MANEUVER. oh yeah, and actually hitting Fire Grab on a burning foe will be called BRAND TOUCH CHAINING.

wait i’m on a roll.

(edited by senate.8126)

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


switching weapons on my warrior is called ARMS DANCING


→opens wikipedia→finds actual sword dance→

I shall henceforth call it, Kalarippayattu!

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: senate.8126


rolling to cancel the animation of a cast shall henceforth be called VOID DODGE FORCE FAILING. oh, and getting and hitting pheonix on the way back will be called BIRD CALL RECOVERY PLUS.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Haette.2701


from this point forward, swapping to a staff out of combat will be called THE OCTAVIUS MANEUVER.

I’m going to start using this one.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Panda.8169


It’s called Twisting

Bards in EQ twisted to keep their songs up constantly to buff their group.
Same thing goes for the Bard soul in Rift
They called it “Stance Dancing” for warriors in WoW, but really it was just stance twisting.

Elementalists Attunement Twist.

1) This. Although WoW modified and popularized the phrase when warriors had to “stance dance”, it was originally known as twisting.

2) Who the kitten cares? call it what you want, as I’m pretty sure that even anyone with the intelligence of a decaying brick can use context to easily figure out what you mean.

3) I’ll be calling it dancing, because I have for the past 8 years, and believe it rolls off the tongue a LOT better than twisting or swapping

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


Pros Twist

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Baladir.2736


The term attunement swapping has been used thousands of times on the forums before. It sounds like you are calling this term your own lol.

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: oflow.2157


Attunement Dubstep.