Attunement Swapping CD

Attunement Swapping CD

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kali.6209


Could Ele’s have a shorter cooldown on OUT of combat attune swapping, similar to other classes’ swapping mechanics. It would just make it nicer and easier to see what abilities you have and also let you choose what attunment you want to have before a fight without losing the last attune you had for 15 secs.

Attunement Swapping CD

in Elementalist

Posted by: Avead.5760


No because they would have to disable elemental attunement buffs(you could stuck them to infinite)..that means no extra swiftness for moving around out of combat especially in spvp match..
After the death of rtl as out of combat movement skill this would be too much..
too much

Attunement Swapping CD

in Elementalist

Posted by: emikochan.8504


I think you must be levelling Kali.

Don’t worry you’ll get used to the skills your have and which attunement you want to be in at any given time.

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