Aura functionality suggestion thread.

Aura functionality suggestion thread.

in Elementalist

Posted by: origin.1496


So a certain aura or 2 don’t stack duration. So some really serve no real purpose. So an auramancer currently is lackluster.

So maybe I (we) don’t think Fire aura works as well as it could. Perhaps shocking aura could have a little more ‘ummph’ to it. So let me begin by suggesting some ideas for some changes to aura’s I think would work better and make the Tempest feel as supportive as it can be with their auras.

First before I give my real suggestions, I think Fire Auras should do what the Grandmaster Trait does with Pyromancer’s Puissance – give 1 stack of might per skill used and instead work that traitline out differently. It’s nice, but it’s incredibly boring and no fun using.

Fire Aura: Attacks YOU make cause burning for x amount of time, and grant you 1 stack of might for x amount of time- 2 second icd on both effects.

Frost Aura: -10% damage and condition damage/duration received. Chill foes that strike you. 1s icd/target

Magnetic Aura: I honestly love this one and have no issue with it. I say leave as is.

Shocking Aura: Stun nearby attacking foes while receiving a non-stacking 20% chance for melee attacks to miss. 2s icd/target on stun.

That’s just for the auras themselves. Not going to touch on traits here, but simply the aura itself. What can we suggest for ANET?

(edited by origin.1496)