(edited by dietzero.3514)
Auto-attack lazy man Condition build
Link fixed. Hopefully.
too bad torment sigil doesn’t exist in PvP (why?), else I’d totally do this and see how far I can get with a single attack
This. Is. Beautiful.
too bad torment sigil doesn’t exist in PvP (why?), else I’d totally do this and see how far I can get with a single attack
You could use the Chill on crit sigil. However, you will not have 100% increased condition duration, which will make your Burns 1 second instead of 2. Of course you could click the Signet of Fire, but would be extra work.
(edited by dietzero.3514)
For pvp maybe sigil of frailty, and use the pts from air for survivability in arcana/water. Bleed/burn/vuln/cripple on auto is still pretty stronk.
Ya, this kind of build is tops for pve bosses in fractals and such, since you’ll basically get 20 perma bleed stacks and burning with koi cake. Only signet of fire is really necessary in PvE though. I think runes of perplexity might help since you get 3 stacks of confusion pretty often.
Endless Petrification Tonic
(edited by Jabberwock.9014)
Oops. I meant Signet of Fire.
idk about effectivness, but isnt it better use potent master tuning crystal for more condi dmg? and toughness food (+100 t., +70 condi)
I was planning to make something like this as my “top sikret” project :P
Still not sure if 30 in earth will be neccessary, might use 20 earth 20 water or 20 earth 30 arcane for more survivability.
Also the utilites, probably I would be switching from time to time depending on situation. Ice Bow, GoEP, Cleansing Fire, Blink comes to my mind in 1st place. Also could switch Earth IV to Earth II for more spam of Signet of Fire (like if Drakes Breath isn’t enough :P ) and the Signet of Earth (connected with Earth 3) to help you kite if there is need for it…
Also if you’re sure that target has no condi cleanse ready you can always pop Fire GS and use skill 2 with Signet of Earth immobilize…
(edited by Atoss.1056)
This is purely a PVE build?
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
This is purely a PVE build?
Mine? Plan to test/run in WvW roaming also. My last one had much too less HP to be any competetive but this is 3 times better Will just take some time to get all that Dire stuff…
Alternately, just roll a warrior
Ratbag Dogsticker (Guardian)
…Yak’s Bend
idk about effectivness, but isnt it better use potent master tuning crystal for more condi dmg? and toughness food (+100 t., +70 condi)
Then you lose 50% condition duration, which is massive. You need 100% condition duration increase to make the 1 second Burn into 2 seconds.
This is purely a PVE build?
Mine? Plan to test/run in WvW roaming also. My last one had much too less HP to be any competetive but this is 3 times better
Will just take some time to get all that Dire stuff…
Sorry, no, the original build. Gonna take a peek at yours now though.
Edit: Why waste the time and material for a fully ascended setup when you could build something way better as a Mesmer, Warrior or Guard?
I honestly don’t see the point, the only people not running decent amounts of conditional removal in WvW are scrubs, which you should be able to obliterate without fully ascended.
Granted the numbers on your condition ticks look fairly insane, if you go ahead and build this I’d be interested to hear how it works out.
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
(edited by MarzAttakz.9608)
This is purely a PVE build?
Mine? Plan to test/run in WvW roaming also. My last one had much too less HP to be any competetive but this is 3 times better
Will just take some time to get all that Dire stuff…
Sorry, no, the original build. Gonna take a peek at yours now though.
Edit: Why waste the time and material for a fully ascended setup when you could build something way better as a Mesmer, Warrior or Guard?
I honestly don’t see the point, the only people not running decent amounts of conditional removal in WvW are scrubs, which you should be able to obliterate without fully ascended.
Granted the numbers on your condition ticks look fairly insane, if you go ahead and build this I’d be interested to hear how it works out.
Oh, I was sure it’s exotic Didn’t notice the new tab, anyway that’s how it looks
This is purely a PVE build?
This is a lying back in bed, one hand behind your head, auto-attacking anything build.
This is purely a PVE build?
This is a lying back in bed, one hand behind your head, auto-attacking anything build.
11.6k HP isn’t leaving much time for lying back in bed even with the defensive nature of focus offhand! I give this 9/10 for the ball’s you have though and catching anyone with their cleanses on cooldown should be bloody epic.
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
This is purely a PVE build?
Mine? Plan to test/run in WvW roaming also. My last one had much too less HP to be any competetive but this is 3 times better
Will just take some time to get all that Dire stuff…
Sorry, no, the original build. Gonna take a peek at yours now though.
Edit: Why waste the time and material for a fully ascended setup when you could build something way better as a Mesmer, Warrior or Guard?
I honestly don’t see the point, the only people not running decent amounts of conditional removal in WvW are scrubs, which you should be able to obliterate without fully ascended.
Granted the numbers on your condition ticks look fairly insane, if you go ahead and build this I’d be interested to hear how it works out.
Swap the elite skill to FGS and look at the burn damage on skill #2.Total: 28,565 damage, two clicks. not bad.
Just made a pvp variant, am going to go try it now.
(edited by Pyrite.9641)