[BUG] Elementalist Arcane Trait XI
I havent really used it yet but does it actually cast the super powerful churning earth off hand dagger ability when you dodge?
Katniss Shade – Necromancer 80 – sPvp rank – 29
Emma Wolfsbane – Thief 80 – Looking for Guild
You know about the internal cd, right?
And you know it only works in combat, right?
Sacaen -lvl 80 Warrior
(edited by DreadShinobi.4751)
It’s not the same churning earth as the OH dagger skill. It does waaaay less damage. Still nice tho.
it’s so bugged.
for example, instead of critting for 5k damage with churning earth + another 4.5k bleeding, you deal 200 damage and apply only 1 stack.
Ah, I figured it would be something like that or else it would be too overly powerful. Is it worth grabbing instead of the other arcane grandmaster traits?
Katniss Shade – Necromancer 80 – sPvp rank – 29
Emma Wolfsbane – Thief 80 – Looking for Guild
Ah, I figured it would be something like that or else it would be too overly powerful. Is it worth grabbing instead of the other arcane grandmaster traits?
If you’re going to be using it as a blast finisher, yes. Otherwise, if you’re not picking up Evasive Arcana and using it to it’s full extent, it’s not worth going past 20 pts in arcana, imo.
Sacaen -lvl 80 Warrior
Ah, I figured it would be something like that or else it would be too overly powerful. Is it worth grabbing instead of the other arcane grandmaster traits?
personally, i just put 25 points into arcana… IMO it’s not too worth it unless it’s changed to somewhere around 1/3 to half the damage as actual churning earth…. and i’d agree that it would be rather OP. though if you think about it, it isn’t THAT op… since OP or UP only matters really in PvP.
take heartseeker, for example. even after the nerf, 2 random heartseekers will still deal as much damage as the average hit of churning earth… albeit in melee.
I find it “sticks” to one attunement sometimes and the internal cool down rarely seems to work. I’ve been able to pull 2 straight blast combo dodges with it while in Water. Other times Cleansing Wave goes off properly without the Fire/Earth blast finisher. It seems really buggy.
Ah, I figured it would be something like that or else it would be too overly powerful. Is it worth grabbing instead of the other arcane grandmaster traits?
personally, i just put 25 points into arcana… IMO it’s not too worth it unless it’s changed to somewhere around 1/3 to half the damage as actual churning earth…. and i’d agree that it would be rather OP. though if you think about it, it isn’t THAT op… since OP or UP only matters really in PvP.
take heartseeker, for example. even after the nerf, 2 random heartseekers will still deal as much damage as the average hit of churning earth… albeit in melee.
You’re forgetting one very important fact though. Earth element is defensive. A elementalist built around earth, condition damage and toughness will last MUCH longer than a thief AND has many more answers to different situations than a thief. It isn’t all about who has the longest sword.
Katniss Shade – Necromancer 80 – sPvp rank – 29
Emma Wolfsbane – Thief 80 – Looking for Guild
Ah, I figured it would be something like that or else it would be too overly powerful. Is it worth grabbing instead of the other arcane grandmaster traits?
personally, i just put 25 points into arcana… IMO it’s not too worth it unless it’s changed to somewhere around 1/3 to half the damage as actual churning earth…. and i’d agree that it would be rather OP. though if you think about it, it isn’t THAT op… since OP or UP only matters really in PvP.
take heartseeker, for example. even after the nerf, 2 random heartseekers will still deal as much damage as the average hit of churning earth… albeit in melee.
You’re forgetting one very important fact though. Earth element is defensive. A elementalist built around earth, condition damage and toughness will last MUCH longer than a thief AND has many more answers to different situations than a thief. It isn’t all about who has the longest sword.
that reply is somewhat off-topic :P
an elementalist with a focus in toughness of course will be less squishy than a thief who places an emphasis on power + crit rate… but i believe we’re discussing whether or not churning earth is OP without the millenia-long channeling time :P
Yes I am aware of the internal cooldown. I do see the fire, wind, and earth versions. However the earth one doesn’t always trigger, and then the water one is the one that works around 10% of the time.
Cleansing Wave dodge does not have an animation.
But it’s always worked 100% of the time for me. Just watch for the 2.5k~ heal.
The trait works perfectly for me!
Each attack can activate once every 10s, meaning you can’t have 2 churning earth , one after the other, you apply several stack of bleeding on target and only a single stack of cripple.
Used double evasive arcana with my mate ele during tournament, we have hold mine for the entire match against wave after wave of red players team, a team of 3 guardians-warrior-engineer.
They were unable to do much, we could go water and heal each other on top of having ice elemental up, go earth for massive bleeding stack and fire for doduble flame burst…sublime, the arcane XI and XII trait are simply the best ones, hands down
^when was this? the churning earth from XI worked terribly 2 weeks ago, and i haven’t tried it since.
It’s been like yesterday like always for me.
1)The churning earth evade apply 20s of bleeding + 1s cripple( yeah tehy could add 1s for cripple but oh well)
2)The flameburst evade apply 5s of burning
3)The blind evade apply 5s blind
4)The water evade you guys already know gives you around 2k healing
Also to the OP, try to dodge going toward the enemy and never backward( only the water evade will benefit you both way), the attack on evade sort of happen on the last spot you were before rolling forward, therefore by going toward the enemy you will bring him in the blast with no fail
I just dont really see it in this trait. I mean, playing S/D, what i want are more magic fields, not blast finishers. I have pleeeenty blast finishers. But i only have 1 fire field.
And yeah the churning earth is far weaker than normal, but instant. I believe it applies like 1 stack of bleed and 1 second of cripple? Im sorry but thats nothing.
Also when i dodge i usually dodge away from my enemy. The water one is nice admittedly, but when are you dodging into a group of enemies to aoe blind them? Or to put a massive 1 stack of bleeds? If i was a zerg and this elem was wasting all his endurance doging into me, id know what to do.
I grab the other grandmaster trait and use arcane wave. Its tooltip is actually for arcane blast, you get twice the effect (save for earth) when you use arcane wave. Its a SIX second aoe chill that gives you 3 stacks of might and is amazing for killing stealthed mesmers and thiefs.
arcane blast 3 sec – arcane wave 6 sec – dagger 4 7sec duration 2 sec chill – arcane blast back up, 3 sec. Thats some sickkitten chilling. Uncatchable and wonderfull group might buffs, able to go fire and spread aoe burns all over a base point as well, along with like 9 aoe might.
(edited by GankSinatra.2653)
Umm anyway i’d like to know what’s so awesome about this trait other than a 10 second cd heal. I just didnt see it being worth 30 points so far. Cant edit my post.
I normally use this trait during tournaments when switching to s/f and as I have said the churning earth evade apply 20s of bleeding not 1s and the fire evade apply 5s of burning, finally you can dodge toward the enemy and normally evade the attack there is absolutely no difference.
On a bunker/point holder build this trait is amazing because the enemy will be caught in the blast 100% of the time as you fight on the node
Going a bit off-topic from OP here, but the earth attunement dodge should inflict at least 2 stacks of bleed to make it viable compared to the other ones.
I said 1 stack, not 1 second ^^ You need like 8 stacks of bleed to do the same damage as burn i believe.
And if you wanna keep distance from someone, you dont go rolling through them, but away. Obviously you will waste a lot of distance otherwise. Unless you fight keyboard turners.
But yeah it seems good for point holder indeed. Even though i feel dodging is a bit…dodgy…(not intended) when you need to stay in a tiny circle. But that’s what makes it worthwhile to dodge through people so yeah it seems allright enough now for certain roles.
(edited by GankSinatra.2653)
The water one does have an animation. I see the explosion of water when I roll. This ONLY happens when the ability actually triggers. When I do not see this animation I also do not see the heal.
Elementalist Arcane Trait XI seems rather buggy to me. When in water spec my dodge does not do the cleansing wave effect except for about 10% of the time. Am I reading the ability wrong or not understanding how it works? I only see the ability work on rare occasions.
There is a 10 second internal cooldown, so you can only trigger the effect once every 10 seconds. As an aside, this cooldown is PER attunement, meaning one can dodge roll in earth (setting of a weaker/smaller Churning earth skill), immediately switch to water, dodge roll for cleansing wave, switch to fire and dodge roll for blast, all within 10 seconds (assuming you have enough endurance for dodge rolling, of course).
Along these lines, does anyone out there know of the Sigil of Superior Energy provides 50% endurance on attunement swap? I’ve been told that it does, but haven’t tested it out myself yet, I’m curious.
Umm anyway i’d like to know what’s so awesome about this trait other than a 10 second cd heal. I just didnt see it being worth 30 points so far. Cant edit my post.
well, as mentioned above you can use it with every attunement. One dodge rolls a lot in PvP, so it’s free burning when it fire, free heal/cond clear when in water, free blind in air, and free dmg/bleed in earth. I’ll admit the skill isn’t earth shattering (no pun intended), but a very nice bonus free-be every time you dodge roll.
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock
Yes, however it still doesn’t work for me.
Along these lines, does anyone out there know of the Sigil of Superior Energy provides 50% endurance on attunement swap? I’ve been told that it does, but haven’t tested it out myself yet, I’m curious.
Yes. Yes it does. And it’s glorious.
Secondly, I’d want to point out to everyone that with Evasive Arcana, all of your dodges turn into blast finishers, even if the related spell is on cooldown.
I wish it displayed the cooldown somehow.