BWE 3 Tempest Specialization Changes
Wild Idea Moment (disregard if you’re not feeling the crazy today)
What if triggering overload immediately KICKED you out of your current attunement, putting you in one of your other available attunements at random. Really play up that wild and out-of-control surge of power? Its a drawback justifying some of the love Overloads still need and it’s intensely thematic for wielding forces beyond the scale other Elementalists dare.
It also raises skill cap as a good Tempest has to be able to respond quickly to leverage whichever attunement he lands in without being able to control where he’s gonna land after the Ka-Boom.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Wild Idea Moment (disregard if you’re not feeling the crazy today)
What if triggering overload immediately KICKED you out of your current attunement, putting you in one of your other available attunements at random. Really play up that wild and out-of-control surge of power? Its a drawback justifying some of the love Overloads still need and it’s intensely thematic for wielding forces beyond the scale other Elementalists dare.
It also raises skill cap as a good Tempest has to be able to respond quickly to leverage whichever attunement he lands in without being able to control where he’s gonna land after the Ka-Boom.
I don’t think that would work because the idea itself is CAMPING attunements, so I’m more fond to the first idea and buffs based on how much time you stay in an attunement. It just shouldn’t be too simplistic, Overload Air effect is a wonderful example of unique buffs for the Tempest. I really like when they’re bold and stray a bit far from the same boon/condition scheme, that is, with particular effects. Druids are getting one too.
My biggest issue with Overloads is that we are punished too harshly for trying to use them. Or rather, we are not incentivized enough to use them. The way I see it, Tempest’s biggest difference from vanilla Ele is that it discourages Attunement dance. However, if they want to encourage staying in an Attunement with the eventual goal of Overloading, then not only does the Overload have to be powerful, but there also needs to be some inherent bonus to staying in the Attunement while the Overload charges up. At the moment, our weapon skills have too long individual cool downs to make Attunement camping worth it, and auto-attacks other than Fireball and Lightning Whip are lackluster. Which is why I keep suggesting a Grandmaster Minor trait that gives us a stacking, Attunement-specific, non-strippable, non-shareable buff each second that we remain in an Attunement.
Would you be satisfied with something along the lines of~
- “When your current attunement is recharged you gain +15% cooldown speed on all weapon skills.”
Which would make Tempest completely unlike core Elementalists in wanting to stay in a single attunement to pump out that single attunement’s effects faster.
It makes popping the Overload (with it’s stun break
) a real tactical decision and not something you mash as fast as it comes up. Camp your souped-up sped up weapon skills or throw the big button and move on to another attunement?
Hmm, tempting to be able to spam skills more often. Especially if you’re running Focus or Warhorn.
Would you be satisfied with something along the lines of~
- “When your current attunement is recharged you gain +15% cooldown speed on all weapon skills.”
Which would make Tempest completely unlike core Elementalists in wanting to stay in a single attunement to pump out that single attunement’s effects faster.
It makes popping the Overload (with it’s stun break
) a real tactical decision and not something you mash as fast as it comes up. Camp your souped-up sped up weapon skills or throw the big button and move on to another attunement?
I would rather Karl uses the new Alacrity boon than a global recharge reduction.
Simple question:
What if the Attunement recharge after Overload was simply dropped? Would that make Tempest worth speccing into?
After all, none of the other elite specs that add on a new mechanic (Chronomancer, Berserker, Herald) actively penalize them for using the new mechanic.
(edited by Glenstorm.4059)
Simple question:
What if the Attunement recharge after Overload was simply dropped? Would that make Tempest worth speccing into?
Not from an offensive perspective. The damage modifiers will always outclass other traits, in WvW and PvE at least the rally system is just too important. In PvP bunker builds have their place when it comes to holding points.
Maybe the simplest thing to do is make overloads boon the character at the end of cast , a boonto make profitable stay in that element that and only ends if you change to another.
PS: I most likely will no play as a Tempest.
Why do people keep saying that Tempest is about camping attunements?
I’m pretty sure they mentioned that we aren’t supposed to be spamming overloads.
" Overloads are intended as potent tools which are not always available"
I have a question not sure if this is the right place for it. Are all auras going to be shared with the water trait powerful auras, or just some? I tested it out in the past I could have just missed it, but it looks like only a few get shared. Sense there was some talk about auras I just thought I would ask.
Why do people keep saying that Tempest is about camping attunements?
I’m pretty sure they mentioned that we aren’t supposed to be spamming overloads.
" Overloads are intended as potent tools which are not always available"
You have to camp an attunement for 5s to get access to them, making it a necessary pre-meditated choice to overload. They aren’t something you use when necessary, b/c they would never be available (as you would have already swapped).
If overloads are a “potent tool to be used at the right moment,” then they need to be available for use at that moment. If that is the true intention, then the penalty of “sitting in an attunement for 5s before accessing” needs to go, while the longer recharge works.
If overloads are meant to be something strong that you are willing to hold off for in an attunement, they can keep their pre-charge. However, if this is the case, the whole “locked out for 20s” aspect needs to go. This seems to be more what they are going for with skills that have a 4s channel during which it is EASY for an enemy to just wail on you.
As it is, they end up as skills that don’t really fulfill either goal and have such high costs that their effects would need to be massively OP to ever see use.
Why do people keep saying that Tempest is about camping attunements?
I’m pretty sure they mentioned that we aren’t supposed to be spamming overloads.
" Overloads are intended as potent tools which are not always available"
You have to camp an attunement for 5s to get access to them, making it a necessary pre-meditated choice to overload. They aren’t something you use when necessary, b/c they would never be available (as you would have already swapped).
If overloads are a “potent tool to be used at the right moment,” then they need to be available for use at that moment. If that is the true intention, then the penalty of “sitting in an attunement for 5s before accessing” needs to go, while the longer recharge works.
If overloads are meant to be something strong that you are willing to hold off for in an attunement, they can keep their pre-charge. However, if this is the case, the whole “locked out for 20s” aspect needs to go. This seems to be more what they are going for with skills that have a 4s channel during which it is EASY for an enemy to just wail on you.
As it is, they end up as skills that don’t really fulfill either goal and have such high costs that their effects would need to be massively OP to ever see use.
Sitting in fire, water or air for 5 seconds isn’t difficult at all. In fact, I’m willing to say that being in an attunement for 5 seconds isn’t camping it. If you want to overload, you simply don’t switch attunements while using your abilities, overload, and leave your attunement (from a D/W perspective).
I play league and one of the skills you learn in league is to predict what your opponent can do in a given moment. So if you know your opponent is going to have X skillshot in 5 seconds and your flash will be up in 3, you can safely assume that you will be able to flash the skillshot that is coming at you in that moment. I feel overloads are supposed to work in a similar context.
Sitting in fire, water or air for 5 seconds isn’t difficult at all. In fact, I’m willing to say that being in an attunement for 5 seconds isn’t camping it. If you want to overload, you simply don’t switch attunements while using your abilities, overload, and leave your attunement (from a D/W perspective).
Except 5s IS very long, especially because you are foregoing all of the on-swap bonuses and get stuck using some of those crappy auto-attacks eles have in every atttunement except for lightning whip. You become so much worse for a period of time just for a CHANCE that you will get to finish a 4s channel without being killed/interrupted, and are rewarded by slowing your roll in other attunements afterwards (because now you can’t rotate back into that one again for 20s) and further foregoing those on-swap effects. On most other classes, its ok to fall back on using auto-attacks, because theirs aren’t terrible. On eles, using auto’s is basically wasting your time. Of course, if you are talking about PvE, ignore all of that because you can do fine in pve with literally anything.
I play league and one of the skills you learn in league is to predict what your opponent can do in a given moment. So if you know your opponent is going to have X skillshot in 5 seconds and your flash will be up in 3, you can safely assume that you will be able to flash the skillshot that is coming at you in that moment. I feel overloads are supposed to work in a similar context.
The pace of GW2 is WAY faster than league in a lot ways. It is more akin to an arcade game than a methodical strategy game. Sure, League has some moments where many things happen quickly, but the overall flow of combat is MUCH slower than GW2’s, where effects, procs, and instants are flying out faster than 1 Hz.
Can we actually talk about what would make people want to play a Tempest over vanilla Elementalist?
As suggested by someone else what if it had some sort of stacking mechanic on your stats for the duration of the channel and for a few seconds afterward? ie. air overload increases your crit chance and damage.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Can we actually talk about what would make people want to play a Tempest over vanilla Elementalist?
At first I would’ve said the obvious answer was making the overloads not suck, but really everything you get for speccing tempest is terrible.
The big issue as I see it is the lack of identity. Everything tempest does is just a reskinned way of doing something ele already does. I got the impression when first seeing tempest that it was trying to replace water and arcana at the same time so that instead of running say [Earth|Fire]/Water/Arcana you could do Earth/Fire/Tempest. I tried running something of this style but came to the conclusion that just doing it the old way worked better.
There are some other specific issues too such as the shouts. Having the shouts give auras seems to give some of them redundant or contradictory purposes, like flash freeze chilling and then giving frost aura for even more chill or aftershock being a close range immob that also gives a reflect. Additionally, the shout effects are mostly weak, being mostly useful for the trait and rune effects rather than their own.
Overall I’d say tempest needs things like:
Overloads: their effects need to have synergy with standard attunement abilities, not be carbon copies of those abilities. The drawbacks should not be so large, either.
Warhorn: needs a real identity instead of trying to just be a mix of offhand dagger, focus and staff. Being more control oriented would likely fit the bill, with skills split between setting up opportunities through control effects and others that take advantage of the opportunities provided.
Shouts: ditch the auras and give them effects that stand up on their own. Wash the pain away and aftershock are both decent enough on their own, though could do with some tweaks. There’s an effect that hasn’t really existed ever since it was removed from haste (and has never been available as an offensive perk) that I think could work for feel the burn, which is causing endurance loss. Flash freeze could place triplines around the targets like DH’s lb5 that cause some nasty effect like stun and a colossal vuln stack if you cross it. Rebound seems like a good idea but the aed style heal is way too low to make a difference. It might be interesting if instead of healing when you hit 0 hp it inverts all damage briefly.
Traits: should suit the control heavy style I’ve been continually bringing up rather than being a mess of water-lite and arcana-lite as they currently are.
note: Heat Sync is currently over-performing in its ability to spread all boons to allies. We’ll be looking to narrow down the boons it can spread, to just the Might boon, in order to keep its purpose more clear.
Why only might? … seriously if it’s not all but I don’t know 3/4 boons that you share it’s ok but if it’s only might it become a totally useless skill … I don’t need to share might since all classes are abble to stack might easily … I prefere sharing the others boon … too me changing that just kills all the purpose .. why Having a kittening awsome boon duration if it’s not to share my boons!!
+ you makes mee agreeing with what Matt Matt says and .. I really don’t like saying what I just said!!!!
The thing is other classes like rev’s elite spec has that +50% boon duration making boon share beyond strong. Its better to go over to revs forms and say something about an op effect like this and how its going to “nerf” other classes who work too well with it.
Ok but .. remove the skill then since might is already the easiest stackable buff … I is going nowhere … I wanted to try tempest now … I just don’t wanna at all anymore cause all classes do everything better that what is proposed for ele … rip
The thing about rev’s +50% boon duration for your pt is stronger then what most ppl can build for. Its the strongest support effect in the game even stronger then abitly to self support. When boon duration was removed from the game over the last 3 years to add an effect this big is WRONG in the worst way.
Any way my ideal is only to make boons stronger but not the boons coming from the tempest it self.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Please add Slow to the conditions with -100% duration.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I feel like ALL the Overloads should leave behind an effect once you’re done channeling.
Overload Fire: fire tornado; AoE might, damage, burning
Overload Air: lightning field, static effect on allied attacks; (could someone please clarify if the field also pulses damage?)
Overload Earth: “dustnado” confirmed by Karl to pulse damage, cripple, bleeding and protection
So that leaves Overload Water.
I think Overload Water, when done channeling, should leave behind an Ice field that pulses Chill.
Are shouts and/or auras going to have some kind of change / buff for this beta? Not that they are terrible or bad, but some just cant compete with cantrips and now frost aura doesn’t stack.
Are shouts and/or auras going to have some kind of change / buff for this beta? Not that they are terrible or bad, but some just cant compete with cantrips and now frost aura doesn’t stack.
I realy think that now that auras no longer stack we should start asking for stronger build in aura effect.
Forst aura is ok as is.
Fire aura needs to have something more might / burn on hit is not enofe the old -20% condition duration may of been too much but why not add an -5-10% condition duration.
Shocking aura is nice but its useless most of the time it needs to do something more i say add +5% dmg when you have it up or add to crit dmg some.
Earth aura is only usefull vs one type of attk ranged pojectials so its not that effective most of the time i say give it a def boons such as – dmg taken from condition dmg say 5-10%.
Light aura not realy an ele thing but should be to a point should be higher out going healing.
So why bring this up for tempest becuse for the most part tempest is just auras atm. Its the only real way to build it.
Wh is great an all but it dose not have enofe boons to let tempest fall more into an boon support (thinking about the GM one for WH one for aura and one for overload). This type of play needs more + to boons effects not duration so maybe +10 % to boon effectiveness when you have an wh as more of an passive effect such as the +150 buffs that are class locked and are not ture boons. It would be nice to see WH have the abitly to effect more then 5 targets too both attk and buff much like who War’s wh can hit 10 targets.
Sadly the overload or the tankly GM the 3ed way to play tempest so far dose not seem to work at all. It will take higher def when overloading and means of dropping cd when your being hit during the over load (this means overloads go on cd the sec you start to chanle them not after your done i guess that could be part of the def GM).
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Wild Idea of the Day:
Give the Air Overlaod AoE 5 target Taunt with a 600 range. Nice tornado/suction effect as all the enemies come zipping towards you.
Taunt and Resistance are two areas the vanilla Elementalist definitely doesn’t’ cover yet.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Please either make the shouts shorter cooldowns by default or add a 20% shout cooldown reduction to the shout trait.
Wild Idea of the Day:
Give the Air Overlaod AoE 5 target Taunt with a 600 range. Nice tornado/suction effect as all the enemies come zipping towards you.
Taunt and Resistance are two areas the vanilla Elementalist definitely doesn’t’ cover yet.
That kind of want i want if you build for it but i think the Taunt should be build in with the overload finnishing its effect. So need to make the finnisnh of the overload something ppl do not want to see go off so they are taunted in a way to stop you from doing something. That where the ideal of dropping cd of the overload every time your hit.
This is how i think tempest should work out the 3 builds aura healing support boon wh support (being able to push past the 5 man cap much like war’s wh can) and the tankly overload.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
The way i feel about overloads is similar to churning earth on dagger offhand which is useless except in very small amount of situations, otherwise way too long of a cast time to actually go for what it offers as the reward….
honestly with a class that i main and played 80% of the time on i’m sad that my mindset is to stick with the builds that exist now till they bring us something new :/, looked interesting at first but my hype as just gone down from there
The way i feel about overloads is similar to churning earth on dagger offhand which is useless except in very small amount of situations, otherwise way too long of a cast time to actually go for what it offers as the reward….
Another reason why I think that the overloads (and tempest in general) fit D/D the best:
D/D’s weakest aspect in PvP is teamfights (still good in teamfights, but not absolute top-tier). D/D has a small range, not the best spiked DMG, only few conditions (that are crucial to his DMG-output) that can be cleansed easily, he has many skills that are easily interrupted etc.
What tempest offers are several very strong options for teamfighting, which all fit the D/D especially well, like:
- Element bastian and aurashare: 2 auras on weapon-set, which are also probably the strongest ones.
- Shouts: Adding the elite-shout alone already gives the D/D much stronger teamfight-potential. I think it’s possible to keep D/D as strong in 1v1’s, even when adding maybe another 1-2 shouts.
- Overloads: They are pretty huge in teamfights. Add element bastion, aurashare and unstable conduit (again all of them fit D/D very well, compared to other weapon-sets) and you have probably some of the best teamfight in the game.
Many of these things of course depend on whether or not the D/D can keep the strong 1v1-potential, but I’m pretty sure you can add a few of these things while still being absolute top-tier as a 1v1-roamer.
The other weapon-sets are already better in teamfights and for the Scepter, there is the initially described lack of synergy, which just makes you wonder why you should even take the tempest traitline.
I think the only good way for a scepter-based build is to go full-heal with clerics. If you take S/W, you have the most heal possible for ele’s that also benefits your team. I’d probably also go for shouts, since rune of the soldier works great with the miniscule health-pool. This is what I wanna try first this BWE:
quick explanation:
- No element bastion, since you don’t profit from it as much. I also like the new imbued melodies with added 20% boon duration and sand squall trigger at 90%. It fits the build pretty well.
- No unstable conduit: With such a low health-pool, having an additional stunbreak is crucial. Also, conduit is not that good without aurashare or element bastion.
- Why still cantrips and cantrip mastery? it fits together well with sand squall and high boon-uptime and I feel both cantrips will be necessary against focused DMG.
Can anyone explain with logic why Heat Sync is “crazy op” and Signet of Inspiration isn’t? I don’t get it… same CD, same effect… only that you get 3 stacks might and not random boons.
Why does A-Net inconsistently nerf ele-skills that other classes have too? :’(
@Tempest: the guy who thought its a great idea to force ele players to stay on an attunement should ***********censored************
Wild Idea of the Day:
Give the Air Overlaod AoE 5 target Taunt with a 600 range. Nice tornado/suction effect as all the enemies come zipping towards you.
Taunt and Resistance are two areas the vanilla Elementalist definitely doesn’t’ cover yet.
That is a true thing. Taunt provides roles the ele just didn’t cover, but if the ele is going to take damage it should be able to do it, so protection uptime is highly necessary.
The way i feel about overloads is similar to churning earth on dagger offhand which is useless except in very small amount of situations, otherwise way too long of a cast time to actually go for what it offers as the reward….
honestly with a class that i main and played 80% of the time on i’m sad that my mindset is to stick with the builds that exist now till they bring us something new :/, looked interesting at first but my hype as just gone down from there
Churning is much worst becuse you cant move when using chrun but you can move when using overload. Now if you could move when churning it would be seen as an op effect.
What overload is missing is a bigger finnish and more cc/support during the cast and a means of getting benefit for getting hit when overloading if you want to go more the “tank” tempest set up.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
(edited by Jski.6180)
It feels as if Burning fire was nerfed only in order to make fire overload the best might stacking skill.
Overall for overloads and traits it’s slightly better than in Beta weekend 2. For the warhorn utilities and shouts cooldowns I don’t see much improvements.
The new elite is very situational. It’s only an interesting mechanic for PvP and it may be for raids or fractals. However I think you should also make an elite that has more to do with the concept of storms.
It feels as if Burning fire was nerfed only in order to make fire overload the best might stacking skill.
Overall for overloads and traits it’s slightly better than in Beta weekend 2. For the warhorn utilities and shouts cooldowns I don’t see much improvements.
The new elite is very situational. It’s only an interesting mechanic for PvP and it may be for raids or fractals. However I think you should also make an elite that has more to do with the concept of storms.
No not at all burning fire was nerfed becuse it was giving something to cantrip that was out side of water. Every thing else on ele is one line one utility set but cantrip before the update. Look at the passive AoE effect all it dose is give you AoE nothing else burning fire IS made to be like the passive AoE.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
What if the water overload could also heal toward downstate allies (for an increased value)?
Hey there,
I’ve been having fun running a D/Wh Tempest in PVP this weekend. I’m sure it’s far from optimal but anyway, for science right?
I do have some feedback on the Warhorn and shouts that I wanted to share.
- Fire 4: This is ok now but if it is nerfed to only share Might it will be pretty weak. In that case it should build WAY more Might but even then it’s such a one-trick pony.
- Fire 5: This isn’t responsive enough for PVP, it just comes out too slowly.
- Air 5: This doesn’t do enough. It moves too slowly to get where you want it to, but then too fast when it’s next to an enemy. It’s weak overall. I don’t like it’s targeting method either. I wouldn’t be sad if it was completely reworked
- Earth 4: It’s ok but protection should be longer.
- Earth 5: The animation is really bad (almost invisible) and it seems to move way too slowly, similar to Fire 5. Are there any other weapons in the whole game with such slow velocity?
- Eye of the Storm: This doesn’t do enough for it’s long CD. Maybe if it applied other boons in AOE. But I’m not sure which.
- Shock and Aftershock: I think all shouts should be usable during an Overload.
BTW the stuff I didn’t mention (all overloads, other Warhorn skills and shouts) are mostly all positive As for the traits, they do probably need tweaking too but I’m not knowledgeable enough about all the trait lines to say how.
I forgot to mention one other thing. For the trait Unstable Conduit I really think it should grant the aura at the start of the overload instead of the end.
If you run an aurasharing build and you get interrupted during your overload, not only does that waste your overload it also wastes your auras. I just think it’s too easy to counter. And since aurasharing seems to be one of the primary possible builds of tempest I think it needs to be a bit stronger.
Tempest damage must be increased a bit more, or we should tweak the following:
- Harmonious Conduit: After Overload, damage increased by 10% for 20s
It gives people a reason to Overload and try to pull the Overload through. - Unstable Conduit: Grant an Aura at the start of casting Overload
It makes Aura share builds a bit more viable. - Shock and After Shock: Also break stun
We need more on demand stun break for Tempest, since it doesn’t have much access to Stability. This skill is a great candidate, and it doesn’t sound OP either if we make it a stun break. - Eye of the Storm: Grant a Shock Aura
Much needed. Since it only break stun, it’s pretty weak for its cooldown. - Overload Water: Increase base healing by 50% and reduce healing scale by 50%.
We don’t want to create immortal Cleric Tempest. On the other hand, Zerker Tempest is pretty weak and needs better access for healing. - Lightning Orb: Make the orb follows the Ele instead of moving in a line. Reduce cast time to 1/4s
The current version of the Orb is terrible with the damage. If it has damage increased by 50% it’s still not OP. If ANet don’t want to do that, then they should make it follows the Ele instead of moving in a straight line
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.
(edited by Sunshine.5014)
Very well said.
Tempest damage must be increased a bit more, or we should tweak the following:
- Harmonious Conduit: After Overload, damage increased by 10% for 20s
It gives people a reason to Overload and try to pull the Overload through.- Unstable Conduit: Grant an Aura at the start of casting Overload
It makes Aura share builds a bit more viable.- Shock and After Shock: Also break stun
We need more on demand stun break for Tempest, since it doesn’t have much access to Stability. This skill is a great candidate, and it doesn’t sound OP either if we make it a stun break.- Eye of the Storm: Grant a Shock Aura
Much needed. Since it only break stun, it’s pretty weak for its cooldown.- Overload Water: Increase base healing by 50% and reduce healing scale by 50%.
We don’t want to create immortal Cleric Tempest. On the other hand, Zerker Tempest is pretty weak and needs better access for healing.- Lightning Orb: Make the orb follows the Ele instead of moving in a line. Reduce cast time to 1/4s
The current version of the Orb is terrible with the damage. If it has damage increased by 50% it’s still not OP. If ANet don’t want to do that, then they should make it follows the Ele instead of moving in a straight line
The new elite is very situational. It’s only an interesting mechanic for PvP and it may be for raids or fractals. However I think you should also make an elite that has more to do with the concept of storms.
It gives you an aura if you just use it without somebody nearly dying, so its not that situational, but rather defensive.
Fun fact: We already have tornado as a storm-themed elite, its just bad for doing anything but cc or just having fun. It would be nice if we could add some effect depending on the attunement, to make it viable in more situations and not a waste of time.
Some ideas (something other than the usual buffs/debuffs):
Fire: Electrified tornado becomes skill that applies AoE burning on a large range, kind of fire shout does now. Doesn’t have to be much, the focus is on spreading it far and wide to many targets. Also leave behind a trail of fire, just because its awesome!
Water: Electrified tornado becomes a skill that creates a moving water field around you (its raining around you). The constant whirl finisher will through healing bolts in all directions and players can combo in it for more AoE healing.
Air: Destroys projectiles. Electrified tornado is fine for this one, just make it a bit more responsive and reliable and make sure the dmg is good.
Earth: Electrified tornado becomes a skill that constantly pulls people in, so you can kind of drag them behind you! It should also do some dmg while it does that, but not to much.
Also don’t through enemies around anymore, that just messes with everybody’s dmg. Just knock them down or daze them.
(edited by Shrugal.4513)
For only giving an aura 75sec cooldown would be like 60sec to long ….. Sadly all utility shouts are better. At about 45sec CD this elite starts to get intresting but only if used with a rune like Lyssa. Then it gives build options by rune combinations. It´s current effect is better then before but still not worth an elite.
These changes will make me want to keep all my eles.
I’ve been enjoying the Tempest quite a lot.
But there’s one skill that bothered me and that was Lightning Orb, It’s way too slow, and doesn’t do enough damage.
I was coming here to suggest that it moves faster, but I do like this idea a bit more
Lightning Orb: Make the orb follows the Ele instead of moving in a line. Reduce cast time to 1/4s