Been Working On My D/D Thoughts?

Been Working On My D/D Thoughts?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rabiez.9178


So there are a few issues I can easily point out

  1. For running boon’s the boon duration is 60% opposed to 75% which is what most have but I can easily deal with the 60% not a big deal
  2. Cit damage is pretty low compared to some builds i have seen but I sorta make up for that with pure power and I believe a bit more vit/toughness
  3. The gear I have isn’t arranged to be mathematically correct for stat optimization eg. Celest Head, Chest, Leggs ect….

Im wondering if there are any small tweaks that will benefit me 1vX small as in easy gear swaps not switch all of my gear for different stuff maybe different foods that will work in my favor or anything like that thanks.

Been Working On My D/D Thoughts?

in Elementalist

Posted by: oZii.2864


Looks solid!

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Been Working On My D/D Thoughts?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Simc.9235


pretty much standard.
i suggest you to not use water V without water XI

III, X, XI maybe a better choice in water