Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: DarkniteJ.8053



So I’ve been leveling my Ele after playing a Necromancer for 400 hours on the game. And I found that binding F1 to the middle mouse button is usually enough. Now that I am playing my Ele, I’m finding I need to easily access the F1-F4 buttons to play better. I’m also looking for a mouse to buy to play this game better.

So the questions is, what gaming mouse are you using (should I buy) and what are your keybinds?

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: xiv.7136


Either go standard mouse and ZXCV for attunements (1-5 for weapon skills)


Naga Hex 1-5 weapon skills, 1-4 on keyboard for attunements, utilities etc QERTG

I like pizza

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: woutterr.5974


I am currently playing F1= Shift F2= Capslock F3=Q F4=E

Works very well for me once you get used to it. I bought a logitech “gaming” mouse for 25 euros, with 4 extra buttons so I could use my utility skills better.

Saves a lot of money

Midnight Mayhem
Elementalist on Gunnar’s Hold

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: emikochan.8504


I <3 my logitech g500, i use the ctrl + 2 side buttons / q / e for attunements seems pretty smooth to me. Side buttons on their own are heal and dodge too.

Welcome to my world –

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


I always bind my keys to arrows and numerical keyboard… the keys are not as close to each other, but they’re harder to miss too.
Right now it’s arrow keys for movement, left and right for strafing, Num 0 is Fire, Num Del is Air, End is Water, Page Down is Earth, keys Num1-Num5 are skills, with Num7-Num9 for utilities. Delete is Healing and Num+ is Elite.

Works fine for me.

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: majortato.7125


A lot of people talk about ZXCV for the attunements, but this is too far from the 1-5 skills. This is good and bad at same time. It’s good because you’re not going to accidentally switch attunements when trying to use a skill or vice versa. It’s bad because it’s too slow to switch and then use a skill right away after the switch.

I opted to have Z and X for my 8,9 util skills. E and R for fire/earth – easy to access and fastest for doing combos in D/D build. C and V for air/water. Q is my heal (got used to this from playing D3)…and it’s nice to have the heal close by for those oh ** situations. I have tab set to about-face, but don’t really use it…I should probably set tab/caps/shift/ctrl to something more useful since they’re so easy to access.

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


So the questions is, what gaming mouse are you using (should I buy) and what are your keybinds?

G600. all 10 skills and 4 attunements are mapped on the mouse.

There are no better mice for an ele.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vanillea.5764


Certain keyboard has F1 row right above number row. It will help greatly with the default keybind because F1 to F4 is literally next to 1-5. My utilities are on QERFC

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: TooBz.3065


So the questions is, what gaming mouse are you using (should I buy) and what are your keybinds?

G600. all 10 skills and 4 attunements are mapped on the mouse.

There are no better mice for an ele.

That what I use too. Do you have the attunements mapped to G-shift keys?

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: KazNaka.4718


I am probably the weirdest one here, but I bind my F1-4 to 1-4, my weapon skills 1-5 to, q, e, mouse 4, shift+mouse 4, and r respectively. Utilities are shift+e, c, shift+c. Elite is x and healing is v. Finally dodge is mouse 5.

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dresden.1736


I use a Naga Razr mouse, and everything is mapped on the mouse. It was really, really hard to get used to in the beginning, but now I’ve so fast with it I impress even myself sometimes.

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


Bind movement to esdf, and you´ll have plentyof buttons around your left hand to bind things to.
If thats not enough just use ctrl as modifier and bind rest with that.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: SoliSnake.9457


i use naga razer is another world and for attunement Q-E-R-F

Solisnake(Elementalist)Lighting Rajin (Guardian)
YamataNoOrochi(Warrior)Ziggy Th White Duke(Mesmer)Aleandro De La Vega(Ranger)

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lavadiel.6231


movement on yghj
attunements on asdf
skills on zxcv, auto on mouse thumb
utils on m,./
basically such bindings coresponds to the game ui skill placement. Its easy to play/switch to oher proffesions and allow to press any skill/attunement while constantly walking (little finger is for skills and attunement change and thumb for utils)

before I used naga but found out that this binding is better.

disable in game options autotargetting (advanced dd play is not possible with this ON). Also many ele skills aims better or even works different when used without a target.

(edited by Lavadiel.6231)

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349



I prefer using Razer Naga as mouse! (Don’t personally like Logitech g500 since it has third mouse button next to 2 normal ones, which could be a pain in the beginning and/or in stressy situations)
As for keyboard, I use Logitech G19.. Doesn’t rly matter what keyboard but I like this one since it’s shows map completion and stuff on the small lcd-screen on keyboard..

Razer Naga is rly great for playing Ele, you can put all Atunements (Like the upper 4 buttons at side of the mouse (#1 fire,4 water,7 air and 10 earth) on the mouse easily.. For the skills, I do the same! Skills 1-5 on mouse buttons #3,6,9,12 and 2 for skill 5..

So for example, when u need water skill 5, u can just quickly press 4 on mouse and immediatly press 2.. When on keyboard, u won’t be that quick, how pro you u might be..

Although, it’s for everyone different, some don’t like those gamemouses, some prefer it.. And not hard to learn it, took me 2 days to fully control it!

Side note: U can also put ur slotskills on mouse, U can make +30 different combinations with Razer Naga..

Goodluck and hf!

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


That what I use too. Do you have the attunements mapped to G-shift keys?

f1→ G-key
f2→ left tilt
f3→ middle mouse
f4→ right tilt

this way I can trigger skills at the same time(as opposed to g-shifting the side buttons) and when I play other classes than only use F1, it’s in the easiest place to reach.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: dreztina.4820


I’ve never played a game that required or even significantly benefited from a “gaming” mouse or keyboard, and GW2 is simpler than most. Unless you have some handicap that limits your functionality, I wouldn’t recommend spending the money.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: Quintal.6594


I just use alt-1 to alt-4 for attunements

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


I’ve never played a game that required or even significantly benefited from a “gaming” mouse or keyboard, and GW2 is simpler than most. Unless you have some handicap that limits your functionality, I wouldn’t recommend spending the money.

required? no.
significantly benefited? definitely!

With a basic mouse/keyboard set up, you have 50% of your fingers handling 90+% of the commands. Splitting the load more evenly by giving your mouse hand fingers extra options to control is advantageous in many ways, like faster response time(less finger repositioning) and the ability to give more commands simultaneously(or in micro succession anyway).

unless you have some disability which impedes ambidextrous finger use, of course. /eyeroll

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


I’ve never played a game that required or even significantly benefited from a “gaming” mouse or keyboard, and GW2 is simpler than most. Unless you have some handicap that limits your functionality, I wouldn’t recommend spending the money.

required? no.
significantly benefited? definitely!

With a basic mouse/keyboard set up, you have 50% of your fingers handling 90+% of the commands. Splitting the load more evenly by giving your mouse hand fingers extra options to control is advantageous in many ways, like faster response time(less finger repositioning) and the ability to give more commands simultaneously(or in micro succession anyway).

unless you have some disability which impedes ambidextrous finger use, of course. /eyeroll

Having all your abilities on thumb buttons kinda makes it harder to give simultaneous command i would assume?
Regular mouse usualy has scroll and 2 thumb buttons, one modifer key and that´s 6 keys available for your mouse hand (all readily available without any more finger movement than any gaming mouse would give). With all the keys availabe to your keyboard hand (again mappable to have minimal finger movement) that´s more than enough for game with interface as good as gw2.

You don´t need a gaming mouse, it won´t benefit you greatly either, it´s just a luxury thing you can do if you so desire. It´sall about finding something that feels comfortable to you and getting used to it.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Best Mouse and Keybinds for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


lol another post on the same thing every month.

Fuzzionx [SF]
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