Weekend Guardian/Elementalist
No Guild Affiliation
I’ve been playing WvW almost exclusively on my staff ele, but want to give sPvP a try. From WvW, I know that staff isn’t the greatest in small scale battles.
Any suggestions on weapon/build for a new sPvP player? I’d prefer something bursty and not tanky. Thanks!
Something bursty and not tanky? Full kamikaze staff zerker it is then: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fEAQFAWhEmYb6xyQlEAkCoEeQADFIUYBElC7A-TkAg0CnI4SxljLDXSuscNKA
(slot skills are up to you, can use cantrips and/or a different elite)
It’s all about positioning and situational awareness. Never attempt to fight on-point (unless it’s a quick free capture), always skirt around the edges of fights at max staff range. Not being noticed or targeted is top priority. Stick with teammates, never attempt to 1v1 anyone because every build in the game can kill you. If enemies even hint of coming in your direction, Earth #3 > Earth #4 > Lightning #5 > Lightning #4…i.e. run!
Arcane wave > Meteor > Tornado (more enemies the better), there’s a good chance you can wipe out ALL of them. This is something no other class/build can come even close to doing.
Also prioritize downed enemies when their allies around, perfect time to Frost Bow > Lava Font since people will be trying to res (i.e. standing still) and you could kill them all. Throw out Water 3>4>5 when Meteor/Bow are on cooldown, help your teammates win the fight.
If played right, it’s one of the best things an Ele can offer to the team. If you’re dying WAY too much, swap Berzerker’s amulet with Soldiers.
Everything I’ve said sounds opposite to how rated PvP should be played, but the very fact you’re an Ele means you’re already at a massive disadvantage and a potential liability on the team. Do what you must.
Alternatively you can try playing a “proper” S/D or D/D build but it takes FAR more skill to play than Staff Zerker, lemme know if you’re interested in that.
(edited by Wintel.4873)
watch this video may help u with glass staff watch how he moves when to pull out and push in a fight
^ Nice video but please don’t be a clicker….crazy amount of mouse movement for no reason lol.
lmao yeah i am just soo used to click that i stay away from a keybind style but one day i will move on like everyone else
I second the glass staff.
I’ve never been a staff fan, but I recently tried it in team queue and had lots of fun. I can’t really suggest it for soloq.
In hotjoins anything is viable, I took a stupid, stupid, stupid 20/30/0/0/20 build with d/d and zerker trinket and did alright. Glass ele is always a ton of fun.
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