Best way to kill an enemy tempest?

Best way to kill an enemy tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I play a few professions including tempest, but over the past few weeks I’ve noticed that I can handle just about any profession effeciently right now except for a tempest.

I often get qued against two tempests and it’s just a nightmare to go against, crazy sustain and healing, one is bad, two is just asiajsiauishauhwudhyh.

I’ve looked at counters on metabattle, which seems to come down to chill and condition pressure, my problem is diamond skin a lot of the times. What would you say is the best way to deal with enemy tempests?

Best way to kill an enemy tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Asherah.7651


Firstly, what classes do you mainly play? In general, strong hybrid builds such as viper rev are powerful counters to tempests. Most carry powerful auras instead of cleansing water so their only condi clear are shouts and earth 4 with an offhand focus. So your goal should be to break DS and force them to use up shouts, then load with condis! However if you see two tempests on point together dont engage unless you outnumber them bahaha.

Best way to kill an enemy tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052



1.) Don’t 1v1, unless you play pure Direct Damage/ Hybrid.
2.) Ctrl + T the ele when you have someone with you.
3.) CC when in water Attunement

This works on ALL classes.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Best way to kill an enemy tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: nacario.9417


Aurashare celes usually lack stability so with enough cc with a teammate ull break through. Also breaking diamond into condis also makes him drop over prolonged pressure. Make him burn his auras, but once condi bombed with some cc, auras wont save him (if hes alone). 1v1 is a waste of time imo, unless ur a good condi something.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Best way to kill an enemy tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Daharahj.1325


Focus fire, and condi spam as soon as the ele leaves water attunement, or earth if it’s a d/f ele (provided he’s below 90% hp).

1v1 don’t even bother, lol.

Best way to kill an enemy tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


I play tempest and lately i have troubles 1:1 condi reapers. I guess using carrion amulet.
Need more training …..
In most 1:1 i rarely go down before help arrives.

Best way to kill an enemy tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: kuritsutian.2987


I play tempest and lately i have troubles 1:1 condi reapers. I guess using carrion amulet.
Need more training …..
In most 1:1 i rarely go down before help arrives.

I am having the same problem, these proved to be the more problematic even with Obsidian Flesh and cleansing fire. They force me into water attunement just to make the fight a bit longer.

Been considering fire trait Burning Fire and lose either aura share or quickness on auras so I dunno.

PS: CC pressure while on water attunement is certainly annoying… -_-

Suddenly in the Forums Everyone is now a Game designer!

Best way to kill an enemy tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Firstly, what classes do you mainly play? In general, strong hybrid builds such as viper rev are powerful counters to tempests. Most carry powerful auras instead of cleansing water so their only condi clear are shouts and earth 4 with an offhand focus. So your goal should be to break DS and force them to use up shouts, then load with condis! However if you see two tempests on point together dont engage unless you outnumber them bahaha.

Sorry for the late response I did read everyone’s comments though so far, keep in mind this isn’t me saying tempests are OP, they might be idk, but it’s more of me wanting to learn how to deal with them better.

I’m fairly versatile in what I play, but mains are chrono, reaper, warrior (lol) and sometimes pick up things like DH or rev

Best way to kill an enemy tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: LastLetter.7938


Bring or use a “glass” power revenent. 3-4k per quickened auto attack easily deals with eles that dont bring stone skin with them. add shiros heal to the mix and, youll be dong 5k per aa. if they try to escape with lightning flash, just phase traversal for a 1200 range attack. You really cant not catch them because its on kitten cd. Just keep autoing and you’ll be golden.
Its quite easy too, to be frank.

Thief…to Auramancer. A sad but necessary transition.

Best way to kill an enemy tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


Zerk necros and Shiro Revenants

Hammer Warriors and Decap Engineers.

(Also try to get your various Dragonhunter and Zerk Bearbow teammates to swap classes before the game starts to something that isn’t hard countered)

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Best way to kill an enemy tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ven Zehn.6573

Ven Zehn.6573

If you can sustain cc and/or condi you will burn through their defenses in time, question is, is it worth it, the amount of time spent doing that can hurt you or your team in the long run.
I tend to ignore tempests generally, unless I notice they aren’t quite as sustainable, in which case ill target n focus em down quick. Most tempests don’t do too much damage unless you stand in their fields.
If it’s dual tempest on a point and you really want to or need to win the fight, call target and hope your team targets one at a time.

Best way to kill an enemy tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: kuritsutian.2987


I this how the meta looks like?
Sustain >> Conditions >> CC >> Sustain

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