Better PvP/PvE builds for Ele?
Just made an Ele, absolutely loving it, was wondering what’s considering the meta builds right now so I can get used to how it should be played before changing it up for my own playstyle.
Not sure what the meta builds are, but unless you are doing ranked or high level pvp (whatever that is, I don’t mess with that), high level fractals, speedrun dungeons, or raids, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Everything else is forgiving enough that you can play whatever you want.
You can see all of the meta builds for all classes at
That said, I strongly recommend that you do not just copy and paste one of them. If you’re asking this question, I’m guessing that you’re not playing at a super high / competitive level at this point, and the builds there do tend to be oriented more at organized competitive team play rather than cutting your teeth solo queue. Play the class, learn what you like and what you’re good at, and take ideas from the builds there to suit your play style.
Only a dagger/focus cleric support ele is currently meta.
I don´t play that and i won´t have much fun doing it. Power ele with fresh air is nice and i prefer my scepter/focus condi oriented ele. It performs suprisingly well ecept that i have it hard against necros and mesmers without water traited. So while i am squishy in viper it´s a lot of fun …
Only a dagger/focus cleric support ele is currently meta.
I don´t play that and i won´t have much fun doing it. Power ele with fresh air is nice and i prefer my scepter/focus condi oriented ele. It performs suprisingly well ecept that i have it hard against necros and mesmers without water traited. So while i am squishy in viper it´s a lot of fun …
For conquest, sure.
For fractals, its either Dagger/x or Staff Fire/Air/tempest DPS build.
For WvW its a Staff build Fire/Air/Water backline style.
For raid, its also a Staff Fire/Air/Tempest build.
Just made an Ele, absolutely loving it, was wondering what’s considering the meta builds right now so I can get used to how it should be played before changing it up for my own playstyle.
In GW2 builds are relatively simple, there isn’t much to mess with, just the prefixes in gear, runes and infusions (low impact in the versatility of the build) and sigils.
The strong point here are the traits, and with a little knowledge of the mechanics of the game you can spot the synergy within your traits just by reading them and then create a combination that goes well with what you want to do.
What i mean with this is , if you have the basic knowledge about the game mechanics and you try to do your own build (pvp for example) you will probably end up doing a similar (or very similar if not the same) build to one that’s already in the meta.
There aren’t stat points to distribute, or limited skill points or complicated gear in this game, it’s more manual skill based, the builds themselves don’t hold that much power. So i don’t want to throw the cliche, but make your own build even if you look at the meta ones for some guidance, but don’t copy them, it’s not needed at all.