Bifrost on ele?

Bifrost on ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tou.3078


Is it worth getting bifrost on an ele? I mean like they use d/d most of the time, and lesser on the staff. Does someone here use staff most of the time compared to d/d? Is bifrost better suited for another caster class?

Bifrost on ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


if i could id take the bifrost over any other elementalist legendary. why? because i play almost only staff in dungeons and fractals ( staff is imh superior to any other weapon in dugeons for elementalist after that it would be aouramancer) in pvp DD is way better. but we cant use legendarys in spvp. and i prefer staff in wvwvw when im zerging and DD when i solo. but tbh most 2-handed legendarys looks better then the majority of the 1 handed but that’s just personal preference.

but the artwork on the bifrost certainly fits mesmers more.

Bifrost on ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: pmireland.6012


I use staff 100% of the time but all i am interested in is wvw and like the larger zerg type battles so in this case the staff > DD for the ranged AOE. I think this is the only part of the game staff should be preference. Im going for the bifrost with my ele, but will likely use something else to get the dungeons tokens needed for the ledgendary (painful).

Bifrost on ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vayra.3290


I don’t really use staff much these days, in pve or pvp, but I’m still going for the Bifrost cause it’s the coolest legendary available to elementalists (and being from Norway Norse mythology has a special place in my heart).

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Bifrost on ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DJRiful.3749


It’s all up to you. I am making the Incinerator dagger.

This is my setup

Staff – PVE, WvWvW Group supports + Defense.

Scepter / Focus – WvWvW Siege Defenses, Group Defenses.

Scepter / Dagger – PVP, PVE, Small WvWvW Zerg Strike Team.

Dagger / Dagger – PVP, WvWvW Zerg.

Stormïe ~ Tarnished Coast | My little monster <3 –