Blinding Ashes Needs ICD per Attacker

Blinding Ashes Needs ICD per Attacker

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zuko.7132


As it is now it can proc on on any random Mesmer clone, rock dog, Necromancer minion, or Guardian spirit weapon (i know barely anyone uses this just trying to make a point). It also become extremely underwhelming when fighting more than one person. If it went on cooldown per attacker like fire shield it would be a great trait and worthy of a grandmaster trait. As it is now it is only useful in 1v1’s against enemies without ai who could proc it. On the bright side it can proc against multiple enemies at once but only if they are all hit by your burn at the same time.

The Elementalist Dual Dagger Legend – Rest in Peace

Blinding Ashes Needs ICD per Attacker

in Elementalist

Posted by: cheese.4739


With the sheer number of AI units that folks can spawn in PvP... yep, single-target procs suck pretty bad in most cases. While Elemental Contingency and Lightning Rod were eventually un-nerfed (I’d say ’buffed’, but they were both introduced as unusable skills - it felt like they’d been pre-nerfed before release!), Blinding Ashes still doesn’t work like a GM trait anywhere outside of a 1v1 no-AI duelling build.

Currently popular 1v1 Ele builds use either:
- 0/0/2/6/6 cele D/D wtf meta
- x/6/x/x/x Fresh Air, which I’ve never seen used well with 6 points in fire
- Staff, which either takes Persisting Flames for the DPS/point control, or heavy water/arcana investment for sustain/versatility

Sure, folks occasionally post builds that they enjoy playing that run with Blinding Ashes, but the trait’s still terribly underused and is pretty reliably outdone by the AoE fury and lasting fire fields that can be gained from Persisting Flames or heals/cleanses from investing in water and arcana.

Even if the internal cooldown was increased to 6 seconds (maybe 7?!), this skill would become so much more useful with a per-target cooldown. Right now, as Zuko says, far too many blinds are wasted as random procs on AI units.

SEE ALSO: Glyph of Elemental Power.

Blinding Ashes Needs ICD per Attacker

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867

Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867

If a nerf is really required to make this trait have a per-target ICD instead of this nonsense then I’d say keep the ICD at 5 but decrease the duration of the blind

Zelyhn.8069 [rT]
Retired elementalist theorycrafter

Blinding Ashes Needs ICD per Attacker

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jski.6180


I wish all of ele inc worked like Glyph of Elemental Power i think it would go a long way to make ele the AoE king in gw2.

If they can do this for all of ele on X effects i think they could add in a inc to existing on x effects but make them stronger or go off more often. Such as making Arcane Precision have a icd of 5 sec per person but have it on a 50% on crit effect (10% is nothing becuse its a % of a % making it all the lower.)

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Blinding Ashes Needs ICD per Attacker

in Elementalist

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


blinding ashes op. pls don’t touch this trait.

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards