80 Mesmer – Liara Tree Soni – Eternity
Sea of Sorrows
So I was fiddling around with ideas in my head earlier and I thought I would propose this to the community.
Blinding Ashes, blind on burning, right? How well would that synergize with Blathazar runes, a sigil of fire, and Signet of Restoration? The runes 6/6 gives you an aoe burn every time you activate a healing skill. Will that proc on any of the on cast heals? If so then you should be effectively be proccing burns (and blinds) as soon as the ICD on Burning Ashes is up, because you will be constantly casting while in combat.
I was just curious if this combo would work or if you actually have to activate the healing signet to get the proc for the runes.
Sigil of Fire is a no brainer in this situation as it will proc burns on crit.
On-cast effect of Resto Sig doesn’t activate any rune or trait effects which activate on healing, usually the healing skill has to be casted and completed.
And Sigil of Fire doesn’t proc burning, just direct damage.
There’s a trait in fire which does though, as well as being in fire with Glyph of Elemental Harmony or some such skill
Im actually thinking on doing some builds involving flaming axe, perhaps a condi build involving 30/0/30/0/10 with stone heart and blinding ashes, scepter/focus, condi flame axe, frost bow or maybe signet of fire instead, sit on earth vs bursters, reason being for the scepter because it earth #1 is a bleed of long duration, and #1 a burn, maybe the trait that gives a 33% chance for burns when you crit, together with carrion, a sigil of intelligence for 3 guaranteed crits. I can definitely see a bleed/burn/blind spamming ele, my only concern would be the sustain and condition cleansing. Eithe rether renewal or signet of restoration, one give me condi removal the other sustain, but cant have both. I will figure it out when the patch comes and I see the new runes.
Im actually thinking on doing some builds involving flaming axe, perhaps a condi build involving 30/0/30/0/10 with stone heart and blinding ashes, scepter/focus, condi flame axe, frost bow or maybe signet of fire instead, sit on earth vs bursters, reason being for the scepter because it earth #1 is a bleed of long duration, and #1 a burn, maybe the trait that gives a 33% chance for burns when you crit, together with carrion, a sigil of intelligence for 3 guaranteed crits. I can definitely see a bleed/burn/blind spamming ele, my only concern would be the sustain and condition cleansing. Eithe rether renewal or signet of restoration, one give me condi removal the other sustain, but cant have both. I will figure it out when the patch comes and I see the new runes.
You been doing some mind reading it appears ! Although a hybrid condi/power spec might be even better.
Sorry about not doing my research on Sigil of Fire.
This would probably go well with Ether Renewal though, especially if you don’t have any stability off CD. Heal, burn, blind, RUN!!!!!, and get your pulses off while they are blinded and can’t hit you. Also good with Cleansing Fire. The more I think about this trait the more excited I get about it.
Too much burn is rather wasted. I think the burn on crit proc would suffice.
Too much burn is rather wasted. I think the burn on crit proc would suffice.
I agree that should hold up enough for you to proc it reliably with its 5 sec icd. This trait will be very good I think blind is very very strong. Also just going 30 in fire is going to give you alot of damage. There will be sacrifice in standard builds but I think this will open a new build.
Now using your magnetic grasp through fire field is so much better looking for fire aura, focus fire aura and fire wall it’s so good.
(edited by oZii.2864)
Sounds good. I’m sitting at 65% crit chance with another 20% added when fury procs from auras. I should be able to use the burn on crit trait and not have to worry about my signet of restoration.
Probably won’t switch to Balth runes then either then.
Maybe I’m crazy but I’m toying around with this:
With this build, Bleeds are much tougher to keep applied than Burns so I would probably start in Earth to get a few stacks then swap to Fire for as much burst as I can manage and save Water for heals and Air for mobility/auto-attack-mop-up.
What do you guys think? How can this be made better?
I think Blinding Ashes would fit well on any build because the 30 points in Fire Magic alone gives you a lot of burning procs. I’d personally want to suggest Signet of Fire as it gives you Precision on passive and deals decent burning damage on a 20 second cool down and is an “on-demand” burn+blind button on a 1,200 range.
As for runes, the first thing that came to my mind was Runes of Balthazar as well along with Ether Renewal. However, I think it might be better to get more defensive runes since you are already going 30 deep into Fire Magic and you already have enough Burning Procs.
Call me crazy but this may end up being my build after the patch. Granted, my crit dmg will be lower. This will use blinding ashes and lightning rod…I think. I may take 10 from air and put it in arcana for final shielding if I don’t like how lightning rod works. It’s a GC pick team roll meant to roam the outside or back lines of an enemy zerg and pick off lower hp or glassier enemies.
(edited by Zabroccoli.5870)
This trait would have alot of synergy even if you didn’t try. Burning condition is probably one of our biggest and more frequent conditions in fire so the up time alone is amazing As you guys have pointed out we got several methods to get those procs even in other attunements to make it hold up very well. This would certainly create a few more builds going 30 into fire for sure.
With the amount of burning eles already have, I doubt you’d even need a specific setup to make it function properly. Which coïncidentally is what makes it such a great trait. :-)
Also, don’t forget the 5pt fire magic minor trait that gives you an extra chance to proc this.
this makes fire aura so much more usefull with a signet build and fire auras being given when you activate a signet this would give near perma blind, burn and might.
this makes fire aura so much more usefull
with a signet build and fire auras being given when you activate a signet this would give near perma blind, burn and might.
You can’t have even “near perma” Blind when it has a 5second cool down. Unless your target is attacking you every 4-5seconds.
this makes fire aura so much more usefull
with a signet build and fire auras being given when you activate a signet this would give near perma blind, burn and might.
You can’t have even “near perma” Blind when it has a 5second cool down. Unless your target is attacking you every 4-5seconds.
you also gotta factor in things like us fleeing and dodging. This blinding could really put a damper on combos. stun attempts and so on which can mess up other players attack plans. and then a course if they know we can do it that will only cause them to hesitate even if only slightly giving us openings.
Now PvE this will be a god sent for avoiding attacks. Scepter already has a trick like this with its air but on 10 second cooldowns. (think thats the one)
I’m seriously considering going 30,0,30,0,10.
Between the blinds and crit immunity i’m hoping to be fairly hardy.
i’ll be running 30/0/0/10/30 using the synergy between Blinding Ashes and Elemental Surge.
i’ll be running 30/0/0/10/30 using the synergy between Blinding Ashes and Elemental Surge.
I dont think that will work very well. You would be forced to be in Fire and use them Arcane skills in Fire to get the Blind. Elemental Surge is rather weak and that does not change with this trait.
Maybe going with Focus offhand, Signets grant Fire Aura and such with Dagger or Scepter Main hand would be a better option to go with? Fire’s Embrace and Elemental Shielding could mean decent up time on Blind, Fire Shield and Protection. Shame that it’s just a 3second duration proc.
Tanky condi build with conjure.
imune to crit, blinds and burn on crit, earth shield, s/f for might stacks.
i’ll be running 30/0/0/10/30 using the synergy between Blinding Ashes and Elemental Surge.
I dont think that will work very well. You would be forced to be in Fire and use them Arcane skills in Fire to get the Blind. Elemental Surge is rather weak and that does not change with this trait.
Maybe going with Focus offhand, Signets grant Fire Aura and such with Dagger or Scepter Main hand would be a better option to go with? Fire’s Embrace and Elemental Shielding could mean decent up time on Blind, Fire Shield and Protection. Shame that it’s just a 3second duration proc.
i disagree that elemental surge is weak. i was turned onto it via this thread and have been loving it. it’s quite powerful when used deliberately for the effect you want.
also this is a staff/wvw build. other weapon sets aren’t an option for my playstyle. and any trait/ability that requires me to get hit for it to work (e.g. fire’s embrace) is bad imo. i rely heavily on range and proper positioning to avoid getting hit if at all possible.
(edited by mcarswell.3768)
Step 1: get scepter / x + condi set.
Step 2: get blind on burn + crit invulnerability in earth attunement.
Step 3: activate glyph of elemental power in fire attunement then switch to earth.
Step 4: auto attack.
Step 5: ??
Step 6: Profit!
(edited by Ray.2640)
Step 1: get scepter / x + condi set.
Step 2: get blind on burn + crit invulnerability in earth attunement.
Step 3: activate glyph of elemental power in fire attunement then switch to earth.
Step 4: auto attack.
Step 5: ??
Step 6: Profit!
Wouldn’t Dagger/Dagger and then switching to Air be better? It has a faster attack rate. Sure Earth has the Immune to Crit, but nothing else. Scepter Earth pretty much has 1 Blind and added Toughness. Nothing else. Also the proc chance is rather poor.
Testing it, in 30seconds it procced 4 times. I tried in Earth and Air with Scepter and it procced 4 times every time i tried. I tried with D/D and using Air and it procced 5 times and then only 4 times the second try. To me, this simply isnt good enough and is rather a waste of a utility.
(edited by ArmageddonAsh.6430)
Just tried 30/10/0/0/30 DD in PvP with Soldiers Amulet equipped with a Zerker Jewel. Hits like a truck but so-so survivability when fighting more than 1 enemy. Can’t wait to try it out with Blinding Ashes.
Wouldn’t Dagger/Dagger and then switching to Air be better? It has a faster attack rate. Sure Earth has the Immune to Crit, but nothing else. Scepter Earth pretty much has 1 Blind and added Toughness. Nothing else. Also the proc chance is rather poor.
Testing it, in 30seconds it procced 4 times. I tried in Earth and Air with Scepter and it procced 4 times every time i tried. I tried with D/D and using Air and it procced 5 times and then only 4 times the second try. To me, this simply isnt good enough and is rather a waste of a utility.
The consistency despite the disparity in attack rate between Earth and Air/Scepter and Dagger suggests a very large internal cooldown. If this were rectified, the Glyph might actually be a strong utility instead of an otherwise-useless stunbreaker.
The consistency despite the disparity in attack rate between Earth and Air/Scepter and Dagger suggests a very large internal cooldown. If this were rectified, the Glyph might actually be a strong utility instead of an otherwise-useless stunbreaker.
It doesn’t seem to have a cool down between procs, it just has a terrible proc chance. Some times it proced twice in a few seconds and then went 10+seconds without nothing. So not quite sure what the issue is. The 20% proc chance seems to be a tool tip bug. It can NOT be 20%. It would need say a 50% chance to proc with a 1-2second ICD or something to really make it better.
There is a very small cd from the trait. Keep that in mind when creating your build.
It doesn’t seem to have a cool down between procs, it just has a terrible proc chance. Some times it proced twice in a few seconds and then went 10+seconds without nothing. So not quite sure what the issue is. The 20% proc chance seems to be a tool tip bug. It can NOT be 20%. It would need say a 50% chance to proc with a 1-2second ICD or something to really make it better.
Grrrr. If it’s that low then its’ going to need a large N analysis to establish the proc chance then. Not fun.
I would like to know how Blinding Ashes works on aoe burn spells will it blind every one or still just one target if you burn more then one target at the same time. Cleansing flame and the 20 into fire that give you the same effect will become very powerful if it works well on aoe burns.
Thinking on this type of build for 1v1.
Grrrr. If it’s that low then its’ going to need a large N analysis to establish the proc chance then. Not fun.
When using Dagger in Air, all i did for the WHOLE time was Auto attack. Which should be about 60 attacks, if its 1/2 cast time. with 4 procs per those 60 attacks. That would mean it has a proc chance of like 2.4% or something. Same goes for Scepter, only used Auto attack in Air and in Earth, nothing really changed. Still a rather low proc rate, even with the more attacks.
When using Dagger in Air, all i did for the WHOLE time was Auto attack. Which should be about 60 attacks, if its 1/2 cast time. with 4 procs per those 60 attacks. That would mean it has a proc chance of like 2.4% or something. Same goes for Scepter, only used Auto attack in Air and in Earth, nothing really changed. Still a rather low proc rate, even with the more attacks.
Way I interpreted the skill text was that it has a chance per spell, not per hit. There’s ambiguity in that text that makes this all the more aggravating. Even per spell the proc rate is low.
Way I interpreted the skill text was that it has a chance per spell, not per hit. There’s ambiguity in that text that makes this all the more aggravating. Even per spell the proc rate is low.
I dont think it is, as Scepter Air for example had procs MID channel.
Glyph of Elemental Power has a 5 second ICD.
The reason I said scepter → Earth is because of the bleeding it does.
I’m seriously considering going 30,0,30,0,10.
Between the blinds and crit immunity i’m hoping to be fairly hardy.
I might agree if I actually spent any real time in earth. Thats its only major downside is being to be attuned to earth to get the no crit bonus.
Put this together for the idea of using the fire trait for PvE uses.
The only thing I’m not to sure on if I should go with those dolyak runes to add a bit of defence. or if I should get more offensive runes.
Also I’m not sure if I should be going 30 into arcane or put that in water to give me more condition removal and stronger vit.
You guys are forgetting something important:
This trait has been utterly useless, but now it is quite strong.
True, it has 20% proc chance, but since you already have it while going for 30 fire, it is a much appreciated addition.
About people saying that 5s cooldown is too much, I wouldn’t say so.
You can reliably apply burning every 5 seconds, while some professions (like hambow warriors) have fairly slow hitrate and a single blind can completely mess their stunchain and save your kitten .
A blind, also, can mess with the initiators of many burst professions, like the stun of Pistol Whip or the bolas of lolyolo GS warriors.
That trait and PvE are not good.
That trait and PvE are not good.
It is almost like they’re modes other than pve, weird huh?
That trait and PvE are not good.
It is almost like they’re modes other than pve, weird huh?
And it’s not even like we are top tier DPS in PvE already, right?
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