Bring back the old glyph of renewal!
Yes this skill is quite stupid the way it is, 4.25 seconds casting time for what?! to get someone from downed state to normal state with some stupid boons? they can move this to elite skill section and i would have cared for that move as much as i would care for WvW (i dont).
Yeah if they are gonna remove it rezzing dead people then they can at least make it instant cast so it’s somewhat useful
its meant to have 1 1/4 cast time too.
Figures Anet would bug fix it twice, and only fix the bugs that were making the skill useful, while keeping the one that keeps it absolute kittentill ingame.
Yeah I noticed it in the patch notes twice, the first time saying that it had removed reviving allies but it still did. I was hoping they wouldn’t notice but alas they did and patched it again
I find it just plain insulting that they have dedicated time in two patches to take this skill from ‘Occasionally useful in dungeons and WvW but buggy and with a long CD’ to ‘Completely effin’ useless, STILL buggy&absurd CD’. And they couldn’t even take the time to get the tooltip right
I found it can still revive fallen NPCs like the dungeon ones (or maybe only the dungeon ones). Yeah not very useful but kind of came in handy when I was the last guy kiting that spider in TA while the other guys ran to make it back. NPCs can take a lot of punishment apparently…
Glyph of Renewal is still MUCH better than Guardian’s Signet of Mercy.
lets see… 1 second less casting time, passive ability, this one says revive and no comment on wiki about only downed players so ill assume it actually revives with the only downside of having a bigger recharge time.
Yeah… totally MUCH worse.
I bound Glyph of Renewal to “F” for fasting revive of downed allies. It takes about 3 seconds to bring someone up this way.
Oh wait, that’s just the standard revive button.
indeed albane, and u can do that without having any of ur utility slots wasted, with 0 recharge time and u can even cancel it meanwhile without it beying interrupted so ur effect is still applied but not as strong as full casting time, unlike the glyph, how great is that? :O
Rez up to three people, potential rez on yourself, rez an ally at your location, rez an ally with full health.
Gee, Elementalist players sure love to complain.
Oh yeah i forgot aegael, when more than 50% of ur party is dying but not dead at exactly the same time its ur time to shine in 4.25 seconds, whatever killed ur party that quick for them all to be downed at the same time and all of them in casting range and still be downed and not dead in 4.25 seconds and all still in the same area and you without doing anything else than just casting that glyph without the ability to dodge or evade or cast other skills, and the mobs that killed more than half of ur party is going afk totally ignoring u and ignoring ur downed party members (so they wont die in the 4.25 seconds) this indeed is an amazing skill!
How could we be so foolish?
Let me know in 1 month of teamplay how many times u find a situation like that to be worth having that waste of a skill slot on you at all times.
And BTW its rally up to 3 people OR rally 1 and the next time ure downed ure rallied OR rally an ally and push him to ur location OR rally an ally with full health.
You do not rez anyone and u dont have all those benefits at once.
(edited by TheWarKeeper.5374)
How about this: Leave out the trolls or the defenses…comment if you ever use this skill regularly or if you wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole. If you do use it, tell how us how often you use it, when you use it, and why you’d use it over any of the other utilities. Give fellow Eles some strats or give A-Net some “metrics.”
Sample post / my response:
I never use it.
Anets policy “If its working, we break it”