[Bug] Frostbow & Soothing Wave (ELE)

[Bug] Frostbow & Soothing Wave (ELE)

in Elementalist

Posted by: PlatypusRex.3428


Double-posted in Bugs forum, but just letting other eles know:

Soothing Wave used to (and according to the tooltip still does) grant regeneration to me when first summoning the frost bow and also to whomever (me if I like) picked up the second bow. This was working prior to the patch. Soothing wave / frostbow no longer offers regen, but soothing mist does still work with mistform and signet of water.

[Bug] Frostbow & Soothing Wave (ELE)

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


lol the fall trait on mesmers 1 hits people at the moment

Bad Elementalist

[Bug] Frostbow & Soothing Wave (ELE)

in Elementalist

Posted by: PlatypusRex.3428


Bumping this as a forum moderator just posted in ele forum, reminding us to bring up bugs. This one got buried amongst others.

[Bug] Frostbow & Soothing Wave (ELE)

in Elementalist

Posted by: PlatypusRex.3428


Blarg. This was a double post. Meant to bump the bug forum one. Apologies. Please close thread.