Build Request - D/D in PvE
The good news is that what works in WvW and sPvP so happens to work for the Ele in PvE. So I’m sure you’re familiar with the build.
Here is my guide to the DD Ele in Dungeons and Fractals.
On the same page, there are already a post requested the build already. Why make another one?It is not like Eles has so build diversity to begin with. Not try to be mean but please look, search bf you make another same post.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
0/20/0/20/30 ring and back cavalier weapon valkirie and rest berserk, is fun and you do good dps
YamataNoOrochi(Warrior)Ziggy Th White Duke(Mesmer)Aleandro De La Vega(Ranger)
Building for D/D in PvE is bad. Build for PvE, dont build for a specific weapon because some events requiers you not to melee.
0/20/0/20/30 ring and back cavalier weapon valkirie and rest berserk
is crap and you do junk dps.
Building for D/D in PvE is bad. Build for PvE, dont build for a specific weapon because some events requiers you not to melee.
0/20/0/20/30 ring and back cavalier weapon valkirie and rest berserk
is crap and you do junk dps.
What build is yours and please shows me how you can survive against any boss without 20 in Water and 20 in Arcane. To me Dead Eles deal no Dams??? I am curios.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
Building for D/D in PvE is bad. Build for PvE, dont build for a specific weapon because some events requiers you not to melee.
0/20/0/20/30 ring and back cavalier weapon valkirie and rest berserk
is crap and you do junk dps.
You won’t do non-junk dps unless you use lightning hammer which whole gameplay is simplified to leaving your autoattack on. Elementalist won’t ever achieve good dps build (and that’s, plus projectiles reflecion, what counts in pve) because that’s how this class was designed, jack of all trades. Shamefully, those other trades are mostly useless in pve.
infact you need to go almost full zerker.
you stack might and do average damage….but at least you do something…
And change weapon (and possibly armor) when in need to projectile reflection (that unless devs continue to nerf them),
It takes double effort for half reward but at least you do your part.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
@Stealth.9324 for pve you have no problems playing with different build from tank.
I made many dungeon with 30,0,20,20,0 … you stay in fire or earth and swap to water or air when needed. I think even that 10 in water are more than sufficient if u increase your toughness and earth traits give even cond damage (in pve it is very usefull)
As long as the boss is not aggro you,you stay range and you got comrades to cover for you, I suppose. Staff would be ok but D/D, the build is not very tanky enough to melee.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
Stealth.9324 with some bosses it is more usefull to use staff .. for example in TA … in other like cof or cm u can use even D/D. In my opinion it is much more important to know the map well …for pvp i don’t play it often but i found i make more point with dps builds that with bunker build becouse in any case elem with bunker build is much more squishy than other professions. In my opinion the build is something funcional to play style …
You won’t do non-junk dps unless you use lightning hammer which whole gameplay is simplified to leaving your autoattack on. Elementalist won’t ever achieve good dps build (and that’s, plus projectiles reflecion, what counts in pve) because that’s how this class was designed, jack of all trades. Shamefully, those other trades are mostly useless in pve.
We could have a 123 pages thread about how usefull is indirect dps and support VS damage. However permaburn25bleed does a crapload of damage and is more versatile than Thor build.
We could have a 123 pages thread about how usefull is indirect dps and support VS damage. However permaburn25bleed does a crapload of damage and is more versatile than Thor build.
Currently, the only support that is useful in pve is projectiles absorption/reflection and buffing damage. A single guardian can maintain burning with 66.(6)% uptime with 0 traits and 2-3 warriors can get a lot of bleeds just by autoattacking while doing their usual dps, unachievable by your and mine specs. Condition specs are mostly useful in pvp and in certain fractals.
@haviz.1340 i agree with u. In my opinion however there are builds better than bunker build. With bunker build i feel to low dps. It is a personal opinion obviously. I am more confortable with 30 in fire or 30 in earth. It is correct that cond damage is less usefull … but you have to consider even that with earth u gain toughess. There are situation in which i prefer 30 in fire, other going to earth … it depends. It is obviously a personal feeling and not a god truth
@haviz.1340 i agree with u. In my opinion however there are builds better than bunker build. With bunker build i feel to low dps. It is a personal opinion obviously. I am more confortable with 30 in fire or 30 in earth. It is correct that cond damage is less usefull … but you have to consider even that with earth u gain toughess. There are situation in which i prefer 30 in fire, other going to earth … it depends. It is obviously a personal feeling and not a god truth
Have I ever stated I was using bunker build or that I thought it was the most optimal? Even in full zerker you still won’t come close to the amount of dps that warrior can achieve or the amount of support (aka reflections/absorptions) mesmer and guardian can achieve simply because that’s not how elementalist class was designed. It will never be best at anything but should be good at everything. The problem is that currently, pve meta doesn’t promote those other things (like normal support, cc and conds) so ele is just good at dps and projectile reflections, unlike “holy trinity”.
see to many condition ele make me realy sad while 30 in fire make me laugh!!
YamataNoOrochi(Warrior)Ziggy Th White Duke(Mesmer)Aleandro De La Vega(Ranger)
yes … but earth give u much surv … you have to weight the 2 aspects
when u get to difficult dungeons mobs hits for 12.000+
Now you only survive with skills and stuff like that, toughness becomes useless one you survive 1 shot you won t survive 2 anyway.
DPS on the other hands becomes a necessity to bypass mob regen and lower the chances to be hit while having more chances to rally.
Needs time to adapt but that is all pve is..
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
yes … but earth give u much surv … you have to weight the 2 aspects
300 points “wasted” in earth gives you about 14% damage reduction when you have no additional toughness whatsoever. The more toughness you had before putting points in earth the less that number will be.
@haviz can u explain why u waste point in earth ? Eng is not my first lang so i can misunderstand, but i understand this : point in earth give u thoughness before u put armor on , so more toughness you get from armor less influence earth trait has. Do i understand correctly ?
30 Points in earth is “wasted” because earth traits are not contributing to your damage out put in any meaningful way. Earth is just not a good trait line in PVE because every point you take in earth is a point youa ren’t taking in fire or air.
@ Stealth: I run Thor in all dungeons with no survive problems. The build is actually very versitle as long as you are willing to change traits for particular fights (Ex: Lupi I move to condi removal on swap, reduced fire cool down, etc [unless I’m ina group that wants someone to mele grubs rather than evade]). Thor just takes a lot of practice to learn to keep yourself up. 25/20/0/25/0 has a nice trait lay out for nearly any weaponset (though D/D seems redundant). S/f is a great off swap for thor since its exactly what thor can’t do on its own.
Playing a full zerker mele ele will make you better at GW2. And you will be the damage god. Nothing like being able to actually see boss healthbars move because of your attacks.
@haviz can u explain why u waste point in earth ? Eng is not my first lang so i can misunderstand, but i understand this : point in earth give u thoughness before u put armor on , so more toughness you get from armor less influence earth trait has. Do i understand correctly ?
No content in pve requires from you to put trait points for additional toughness. On no proffesion it is needed. I play with 916 toughness in almost melee range without any issue. That’s why it’s wasted. It’s also wasted because it grants condition damage which is very lackluster in pve. Again, only in pve.
On the sidenote, I think you could try using “reply” button instead of writing @name.
@haviz.1340 i agree with u. In my opinion however there are builds better than bunker build. With bunker build i feel to low dps. It is a personal opinion obviously. I am more confortable with 30 in fire or 30 in earth. It is correct that cond damage is less usefull … but you have to consider even that with earth u gain toughess. There are situation in which i prefer 30 in fire, other going to earth … it depends. It is obviously a personal feeling and not a god truth
Have I ever stated I was using bunker build or that I thought it was the most optimal? Even in full zerker you still won’t come close to the amount of dps that warrior can achieve or the amount of support (aka reflections/absorptions) mesmer and guardian can achieve simply because that’s not how elementalist class was designed. It will never be best at anything but should be good at everything. The problem is that currently, pve meta doesn’t promote those other things (like normal support, cc and conds) so ele is just good at dps and projectile reflections, unlike “holy trinity”.
I wasnt comparing to other classes. You probably wont use an Elem at all if you go for the “best”.
I wasnt comparing to other classes. You probably wont use an Elem at all if you go for the “best”.
Your condition damage doesn’t matter unless you play solo, that’s not comparing to other classes, that’s showing you that your damage will be decreased or will decrease others team members damage because how condition works. Though, if you would be kind enough and link me your build I could at least test it in practical conditions.
Elem works in pvp because those things (conditions and cc) work better against single targets with less hp and ability to dodge.