Currently, one of, if not the most used build for Elementalists rely on Arcana 30.
The build is the 0/10/0/30/30, with very few variations. It gives us strong bunkering stats and is probably the top build for PvP and any sort of competitive play.
I’d like to be able to spend on other lines and have other builds to choose from, giving me some build variety so I don’t feel pigeon-holed into the same build forever.
So, first my analysis of the *why*s.
Why is the Arcana tree so important for competitive play?
For survivability. Elementalists play with the lowest health and armor, but probably highest control, and Arcana improves our survivability in many ways:
1. Evasive Arcana
It’s not a ground breaking trait except for the Water effect. It’s a 1600+ AoE healing and condition cleansing. Can be used every 10 seconds, which pairs nicely with the 9 seconds attunement CD with 30 points in Arcana.
2. Elemental Attunement
Provides 5 seconds of Protection when changing to Earth, and Regeneration when changing to Water. If you count a minimum CD of 10 seconds to change between attunements, this potentially gives 50% uptime on Protection and Regeneration.
3. Final Shielding or Renewing Stamina
Increases survivability in minor scale compared to the above.
4. Attunement Recharge
From 15 seconds to 9 with 30 points in Arcana. This by itself isn’t a big deal either, but paired with the Water’s Master Minor Trait Healing Ripple, this allows for an extra 1600+ AoE healing every 9 seconds.
So let’s sum it all up and see what sort of boons an Arcana Elementalist have just by spending 30 points in Arcana:
- Up to 50% uptime of Protection
- Up to 50% uptime of Regeneration
- 1 Cleansing Wave every 10 seconds
- 1 Healing Ripple every 9 seconds
Eh… I’m not really surprised that Elementalists are regarded as very strong bunkers.
Assuming Eles are in a good position in PvP (which I won’t discuss), this means this is the requirement for us to maintain this spot.
How can we achieve build diversity then?
By giving the same stats above to Elementalists, but not tying them to the Arcana tree.
An example is by changing Elemental Attunement to be a baseline skill of some sort (something like a buff when changing attunements) so any build will have it, and changing the trait to be something else that doesn’t increase survivability even further. Like the buff being caster-only and the trait making it affect all allies for example.
Reducing the attunement recharge rate and changing the Arcana trait to maybe give more bonus points depending on the attunement, or improving the effects of the attunes would fix the “need” of the 9 seconds Healing Ripple.
This would only leave the Arcana line with the additional Cleansing Wave from Evasive Arcana, and this would improve other builds’ survivability making it more viable for PvP.
Some number crunching would be needed so we don’t have high damage builds with the survivability of the Arcana/Water bunker one.
I hope the designer in charge think about it, I’m kinda tired of being locked to 30 points in Arcana for PvP matches…
Any other ideas on how to balance this?