Build feedback

Build feedback

in Elementalist

Posted by: keytoeverything.1765


Hello, so my Ele just hit 80 today and I’m currently using 0/10/10/30/20 with D/D, I want a build that would be supportive boon wise in dungeons and I came up with Using Knight’s Armor w/ Superior Runes of the Earth for either build, I wanted to hear some feedback for the 2nd build using S/D, also dw about the loss of Arcana in the 2nd build there, I got lvl 400 cooking and bring along chocolate omnomberry cream in every dungeon for +40% mag find under the effect of a boon and +20% boon duration, not much of a loss, basically in the build I have 2 signets for points to Fire’s Embrace, I tested it in the heart of the mists to see if they would work on my allies with the 30 water trait and it did and gave them the boons that the 10 in air and earth offer, any suggestions would be awesome or opinions.

Build feedback

in Elementalist

Posted by: keytoeverything.1765


Bump before I sleep, tl;dr? Then just tell me if that linky build will be viable for dungeons and give me some suggestions if you have any I’ll be here for at least 30 mins longer

Build feedback

in Elementalist

Posted by: Otaur.9268


The Fire shield on signet is nice, but once activated you lose the effect of the signet without 30 earth.
Besides that, you only have 1 aura with Scepter dagger, so not really worth it. However if you had D/D you would have access to 2 – 3 auras.

Air 3, Water 4, Ring of Fire/Fire field > Earth 3 combo (fire aura)

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Build feedback

in Elementalist

Posted by: keytoeverything.1765


Thank you, I wasn’t sure if a lot of Ele’s used D/D in dungeons (I have) I just really despise Staff, I find it to be boring, I like Daggers and Scepter, what about ?

Build feedback

in Elementalist

Posted by: Galrond.5972


I like Daggers and Scepter.

Try 30/10/0/10/20, with runes that increase boon/might duration.
Arcane wave, Arcane power and a defensive utility. (maybe switch the 10 points from water)

Ring of fire, Dragon’s tooth, Phoenix, Arcane wave, then either fire grab or get into earth for earthquake and churning earth.

~13 stacks of might for your team and about 25 stacks of might for yourself. You are a walking blast finisher and might bot. Dps is also great if the enemies don’t move too much.

The more combo fields you have in your group the better.

(edited by Galrond.5972)

Build feedback

in Elementalist

Posted by: keytoeverything.1765


Hmm, the 30 in Fire Trait (Pyromancer’s Puissance) kinda makes me feel like I’d have to stay in Fire a lot to get all that might, and I switch between attunements a lot in battle, scepter has 1 combo field, D/D has 2. If people pull off D/D in dungeons would like to know a good boon stacker build for 1, there’s too many trait points that revolve around that kitten and it’s making my head hurt lol I’m considering 10/10/10/20/20, I don’t wanna go too heavy into a might build cuz I have runes of earth right now for protection duration so would like to keep that 10 earth, those rune’s are kind of expensive :P but this is what I have thus far