Celestial AMulet
You are so 15 minutes late to the party.
Main Mesmer PVE, Necro and Engineer PVP
ohh … i am so sad ….
i mean .. Sad times …
You mean no more ele.
So lets remember the days before they buffed the Cele Amulet, the days that Ele was practical joke, free kill, the reason people asked you to switch classes when you play ranked.
Well history is only repetition, say welcome back to the old days.
I used to play zerker ele in pvp in those days
was a lot of fun
I just embraced the glassiness and took double arcane shield
classes have too many blocks and evades and invulns for it to work now though
You mean no more ele.
I still will play Ele on Marauder. I did this for quiet a while now. Ele can be a good class even without Cele (or Diamond Skin, what i thought was the bigger nerf). It all depends on what you make out of it.
I used to play zerker ele in pvp in those days
was a lot of fun
I just embraced the glassiness and took double arcane shieldclasses have too many blocks and evades and invulns for it to work now though
Before the Dhummfire I was Valkyrie Scepter/Dagger, it was fun like hell, I will give everything to return to those days, but with the amount of mindless condi/AOE spam marauder/Crusader(new Valkyrie) are all over.
We have luck last 6 months because thiefs are out of META, now they will be again popular, if Thief sits on you all match, you can’t do jack crap with Marauder amulet, or any other amulet that does not contain vit/toughness/healing.
Only new interesting stat combinations, power/condi/toughness/vit for D/x without precision I have no idea what can be done with it for Ele or power/precision/vit/toughness for S/x but without ferocity what burst it can have?
(edited by posthumecaver.6473)
I used to play zerker ele in pvp in those days
was a lot of fun
I just embraced the glassiness and took double arcane shieldclasses have too many blocks and evades and invulns for it to work now though
Before the Dhummfire I was Valkyrie Scepter/Dagger, it was fun like hell, I will give everything to return to does days, but with the amount of mindless condi/AOE spam marauder/Crusader(new Valkyrie) are all over.
Before Dhuumfire you were able to put trait points into vitality and get some additional vitaliy from the jewel though. Without those vitality points, Valkyrie is complete garbage for a 10k health class.
Actually if u look at the Diamond Skin Changes, its actually a buff, espically now we wont have cele, as we wont have that Sustain level to keep ourselves over 90% hp anymore the change will actually be really good in the End result.
So no i wouldnt consider the new Diamond Skin to actually be a Nerf, even Phanta and people have stated its actually not a Nerf.
the only nerf incoming is the Removal of Cele Amulet, which could or could not Kill the proffession.
Even if worse comes to worse.
With the bring back of Auramancer.. we can become a Full Support and Just dont have the Damage etc etc behind it, Running Magis Or something would defintly bring enough support to warrant playing the Elementalist.
Im not saying this will or will not be great still, but im stating we cannot just Assume the absolute worst… elementalists have done that constantly, look at the reaction to Tempest, however Now its One of the strongest builds in PvP,
I’d say just wait to see what really happens, or what gets changed before we assume.
If you think DS change is a buff you’re delirious.
It’s a nerf, and a very bad change. They should have simply made it to give ~2 seconds of resistance when switching elements. But of course they went for the most simple change.