Just one of my roaming videos. I think it works well, especially in a condition build.
Thats my build.
I just watched the video and must say that it’s pretty impressive how quickly you took down that one thief. They tend to be my biggest problem for some reason. I may have to give this some thought as I have 6 perplexity runes in the bank.
The only problem with thieves i have are normally Sword/Dagger. All i see is Evade, Evade, Evade but i have the defense to make it that it really hard to be taken down. That is just the latest of my videos.
It is VERY under rated just how strong it can be. I am currently farming SPvP/Arah dungeon to get Rune of Orr to see just how strong near perma Poison could be in my build.
I actually run pretty much the same build in SPvP/SoloQ with just a change to Rune of Orr set, the Poison up time is great even in PvP.
Depending on their build they can be VERY easy. If they are Condi, they will not kill you. That simple. If you run Diamond Skin NO pure condition build will be able to beat you. I have only been killed by ONE Hybrid build as well and that would be Hybrid Mesmer running Greatsword.
If they are Power, you have 2 options. You could stay with Diamond skin as some like to spam Short bow and hope to spam cripple you or you could go with Stone Heart which is great against pretty much all Power builds. It even prevents on crit traits working for conditions so a tiny bit of condition protection as well.
Once again you guys are only taking into consideration the #6 proc. If this rune only had this way to output confusion then it wouldn’t be broken/cheesy because it has a counter to prevent the confusion even at a low cd of 15 secs. Running this rune doesn’t affect damage output, quite the opposite it favors condition damage output more than any other rune. 15 and 25s is way too low of a cooldown. You can keep confusion on your opponent very easily even as an ele. When i roam with d/d condition build my opponent never have enough condition removals or stability to prevent getting overwhelmed with confusion thanks to this rune.. Confusion does not only act as a form of an is also a great defense when your opponent doesn’t have enough condition removals (never will on a prolonged encounter which is always the case against a bunker condition ele).
I think you are exaggerating, the 25s confusion trigger will give the opponent 3 stacks that tick for 6xx – 8xx on skill usage which is just fine if you compare it to any other popular runesets, and no, you cannot keep confusion on an opponent that knows what perplexity is. There is such a hype about this condition that makes people instantly blow their cleanses when they have it on, which is precisely why it’s an excellent COVER for my burning and bleeding – the real damage.
The fact that bunker eles can outlast their enemies’ cleanse has nothing to do with perplexity itself, I could be putting out any damaging condition and get about the same result, confusion is just the most efficient of the options we currently have.
As you’ve said yourself, anyone who can dodge, manage their cleanses and stability PROPERLY will be just fine against perplexity and condi builds.
Dolores show me a video of you as a condition ele doing efficiently with burning and bleeding without perplexity runes. These 2 conditions aren’t as intimidating to cause any major win against good players. Executing dodges , using all cleanse and stability will not necessarily do just fine against condition perpl based players. It is the conjunction between the 4th and 6th proc to keep spamming confusion that makes this rune cheesy. It is not only the 6th proc or only the 4th proc individually.
It is not such a hype, confusion is scary because like I said it acts as both offense and defense if it is not cleansed right away. The fact that bunker eles can outlast their enemies’ cleanse has everything to do with perplexity. It is comparing the low cds between these 2 procs and having condition removals utilities/weapon skills to be a much higher cds from your opponent.
(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)
Dolores show me a video of you as a condition ele doing efficiently with burning and bleeding without perplexity runes. These 2 conditions aren’t as intimidating to cause any major win against good players.
By the end of the week i hope to have finally unlocked Rune of Orr 6/6 so i will be able to test to really see how good Perplexity is. I think Perplexity is better /more useful in quick burst condition short fights but, i do think that Rune of Orr could really be quite decent.
@ Armageddon This statement “It isn’t that this runeset is so overpowered, it is that the other are so insanely under powered” if you take out “runeset” and add “elementalist” or “profession” would be the same sentience some used to defend the god mode build the ele used to perform. I understand it is a defensive mechanism and we all do that at times. However, when one specific aspect excels way more than everything else from the same category it is considered op specially if there are not enough counters.
I don’t want to misdirect this discussion into the overpowered subject. I consider the rune cheesy but not overpowered. It is 2 different matters. I also have no problem with players running this runeset. I run it and I don’t care about the criticism i get because of it. Like I said everyone is free to play however they like. As long as they are having fun nothing else matters. Nice video btw.
(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)
To me, i think quite a few would go with different runesets for conditions if the others were actually worth using. Some are interesting but still a bit too weak when compared with Perplexity.
Torment, Balt, Krait and others could really have been something great.
Balt did get buffed but think it could have done with a 4/6 proc as well. Like a 3 second Burn on hit, 25% chance. 20 second cool down would have been decent enough.
Torment really needs to be buffed. The 6/6 is rather weak. Great IF you get the WHOLE duration off. I would prefer that it was 4 stacks for 5 seconds.
Krait just needs its 6/6 buffed and the cool down increased.
Dolores show me a video of you as a condition ele doing efficiently with burning and bleeding without perplexity runes. These 2 conditions aren’t as intimidating to cause any major win against good players. Executing dodges , using all cleanse and stability will not necessarily do just fine against condition perpl based players. It is the conjunction between the 4th and 6th proc to keep spamming confusion that makes this rune cheesy. It is not only the 6th proc or only the 4th proc individually.
It is not such a hype, confusion is scary because like I said it acts as both offense and defense if it is not cleansed right away. The fact that bunker eles can outlast their enemies’ cleanse has everything to do with perplexity. It is comparing the low cds between these 2 procs and having condition removals utilities/weapon skills to be a much higher cds from your opponent.
I’ve been flirting with condi ele since apothecary gear came out and I can say its completly possible to do it without perplexity runes, as I’ve repeated many times in this thread, perplexity helps as a cover condition should, but it’s not our main damage source, it is also the best rune we’ve access to atm. Anyway, yes there is a hype about confusion that makes some players panic and blow all their cleanse, it’s similar to what people do when they’re hit by necro’s signet of spite. I’ve been in fights which my enemy took no/little damage from confusion, because they knew how to deal with it.
I think Ozii already said everything that needed to be said about the term “spam”.
Perhaps I was wrong when I said WILL be just fine, it is more likely you SHOULD be fine, but yeah this is a somewhat balanced game so obviously there is nothing that will necessarily grant you a win, this applies to anything, not just perplexity.
Bunker eles are bunker eles, they’re built to fight until the opponent is weak, so whatever runeset they’re using will trigger more times during a fight, is a bunker ele with runes of anything triggering his 4th and 6th effect until his opponent has no defense being cheesy? Then almost anything you can run as bunker is cheese. Is killing a bunker ele super hard? If you asked the MAJORITY of the players a few years ago they’d not only say yes but call it cheap. Was it really this bad? No, people just didn’t knew how to deal with it.
Ok, I tried out a build almost just like yours based upon how you do your play style and I must admit, I’m very disappointed with it. Honest, I went up against 5 people and I didn’t win! Your build sucks!
Actually, it’s pretty darn fun. I used it tonight as a havoc build and it’s a blast!
Ok, I tried out a build almost just like yours based upon how you do your play style and I must admit, I’m very disappointed with it. Honest, I went up against 5 people and I didn’t win! Your build sucks!
Actually, it’s pretty darn fun. I used it tonight as a havoc build and it’s a blast!
Lol, You can even go against SEVERAL Condition builds and win with ease. I had a fight with a Condi Mesmer using GS and Staff (strange i know) and a Condi Engineer. Had they not decided to run (i beat them both 1 Vs 1 already) i would have killed them both but managed to catch the Engineer and kill him.
I even went 1 Vs 2 against a Ranger and Mesmer and would have had them both but a Hammer Guardian came a long swinging his hammer so i had to leave but i had downed the Ranger and the Mesmer was nearly dead. I have gone 1 Vs 2 against Warrior and Thieves and won as well.
Condi ele is VERY under rated in my opinion. I do have some ideas on how to change my build a little bit more, just need to wait until i have the Rune of Orr unlocked. I have 1/6 so far and enough tokens to buy another 2-3 Runes.
The great thing is, i didn’t need to actually change my gameplay style. I was pretty much playing a Condi ele, without the condition build but it is a lot of fun.
I’ve been flirting with condi ele since apothecary gear came out and I can say its completly possible to do it without perplexity runes
Of course it’s completely possible t o fight without perplexity as condi ele. I mean, it’s possible to fight without armor too.
I’ve been flirting with condi ele since apothecary gear came out and I can say its completly possible to do it without perplexity runes
Of course it’s completely possible t o fight without perplexity as condi ele. I mean, it’s possible to fight without armor too.
To be honest, its not that you are a condi ele for why you win – Diamond Skin pretty much shuts down ALL pure condition builds.
And what about the classes that aren’t condi? There were some warriors there.
And what about the classes that aren’t condi? There were some warriors there.
Some, that came very close to killing you. Though the Healing Power and going into Water is like a 2k heal every 10 seconds as well as healing for casting abilities. Though its decent. At one point you went from around 3,500 to more than 6,100 just by going into Water.
(edited by ArmageddonAsh.6430)
Long live the Apothecary stat!
Long live the Apothecary stat!
Very much so
I am a mix of Apothecary and Dire myself
whenever i see perplexity, i have to laugh, because, as a main pvp player, have never encountered this rune in battle. i think it’s self explanatory, why anet didn’t put it in pvp
ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]